The Carphone Warehouse & Windows 8 Pro Upgrade Offer


New member
Nov 2, 2012
Hi everyone,

For those like myself that have purchased a NOKIA Lumia 820 from The Carphone Warehouse, Nokia Windows 8 Promotion is now up and running, once 14 days has passed since your order then you can claim for a Windows 8 Pro Licence Key, saving ?24.99!
I spoke to someone yesterday about the upgrade license as I thought it might come with the phone and was asking when it would be delivered; enough to say he had no idea and told me it would be delivered on Monday. I dread buying anything from places like CPW as their customer service is appalling when compared to Amazon.
Thanks posting the link, better service than the company selling the product ��
I didn't get anything with mine either.

I emailed them, waited 3 days without a reply. So called them. She didn't know what I was on about but. Then when she found out I had it delivered to store told me I'd have to go there to sort it out. This sounded like she was just trying to get rid of me. I bought it online surely it's their problem to sort. Anyway I went into store and he seemed helpful enough, looked it up on the computer and said all I needed what IME number. Turned out that wasn't true, you also need a unique code. I finally got a reply to my email saying they would text me the unique code shortly. That was 3 days ago.
Yes, after looking at the website I realise that I'm missing the unique code as well; can anyone confirm that this gets sent after 14 days?
Yes, after looking at the website I realise that I'm missing the unique code as well; can anyone confirm that this gets sent after 14 days?

There should have been a sticker on the box, containing the unique code.

You have to wait 14 days after purchase before claiming
Did anyone else have a sticker on the box for the Windows 8 upgrade?

Well, I can tell you I also didn't have the sticker. I noticed when I picked it up there was nothing about the offer in or on the box - they assured me I would get some info in the post. Obviously I didn't. Then a couple of different support people told me a) the code would be sent as a text message - I doubt it, and b) that it should have been on the box (finally sounds like the truth!) and that they couldn't sort one out for me but I would have to contact Nokia. Not sure who in Nokia, but there is a number on the upgrade offer website so I will try that.

I also didn't have a charging plate in the 820 box, and they have agreed to send me a cheque so that I can buy one myself via amazon or whatever.

Bit of a shambles all round really, but hope I can get the code somehow - and at least I can get whatever colour plate I want this way.
My Daughter rang Nokia about the code and the guy said that the Carphone Warehouse has got it wrong and only a few phones will have a code for the windows 8 upgrade. She has tried ringing the store (Harrogate) and cannot get an answer. I went in on Saturday and asked the manager he said he would look into it for me and then served a few other people and obviously forgot about me. I had to ask another sales person who told me I had to ring Nokia for the code. So as you can see we are not getting any ware with this. The staff in TCW don't have a clue so its the last time I will go in there. There is still a poster on the wall saying a free windows pro upgrade if you buy a Lumia 820. Not sure what I can do now?
It's ridiculous. One excuse after another. There's nothing in the terms about any of this rubbish.

I'm going into store tomorrow and try again. I'll report back.
Good luck, I hope you have more success in store than I did!
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
An update on my attempts to get this Win 8 upgrade! I called the number on the promotion website - they basically told me I would have to talk to Carphone Warehouse. I asked why they couldn't just give me this code, and they said something about there only being a limited number of codes and they all have to be accounted for (or something like that). I told her CW had asked me to contact them, and had said they can't do anything - but she said neither can they, but she would get her head office to look into it and get back to me. They haven't got back to me, of course.

Also, that number doesn't go to Nokia, nor Carphone Warehouse - it's some other company running the promotion of behalf of the 2. I think I might try Nokia next. I'm really annoyed, as I was counting on this upgrade to get some work done for which I need Win 8.

I'm HOPING maybe this will help a few of you!

I upgrade to the Lumia 820 on 10th November and this is what my box, had a little leaflet type thing stuck on it that says

"Claim you Windows 8 Pro PC Software Update"

and inside there was a code that you have to enter in on the website, along with your IMEI etc.

ANYWAY, as I was browsing on the terms and conditions, there was a section that said:

"The offer is subject to availability. Customers are only eligible to redeem once per Nokia Lumia 820 purchased, while promotional phone stocks last. No cash alternatives in whole or in part. "

So although you have all been messed around (and I would see what you could get for that) I don't think you will be able to claim for the upgrade without the little thing stuck to it, as that indicates it is a promotional pack :(

ALSO, I don't know if this will help but when I spoke to the guys in Carphone, they basically explained the offer stock was only predicted to last for release weekend and anyone who got one after that would be lucky?

Hope that helps a little bit! I'm sorry you have all got messed around! :(
I've just been to store. Lucky got the manager, he didn't seem to know anything about the unique code, after looking it up discovered it should have been on the box, and that I'd have to email customer services about it. I explained I had already emailed and called, without getting anywhere, so he called them for me. After what seemed like a long time of waiting around and explaining the situation he was given the information that this sticker was missing from a lot of the boxes, and they were going to text people the code in due course. He rightly brought up how they would text me when it was a handset-only purchase, I don't know what the response was to this but he gave him my mobile number and confirmed the order number. So all I can do now it wait and see if this text message ever arrives.

Considering what Nokia / the company behind the upgrade website have told people about the limited number of codes, it sounds to me like CW ran out and are trying to source more to then text customers. Maybe Nokia only want to release so many at one time to stagier the claims. Just a thought.

It's such a messed up, if they only had a set number of codes they should remove the promo from the website and store posters. I await my text but I'm not holding my breath.
I've just been to store. Lucky got the manager, he didn't seem to know anything about the unique code, after looking it up discovered it should have been on the box, and that I'd have to email customer services about it. I explained I had already emailed and called, without getting anywhere, so he called them for me. After what seemed like a long time of waiting around and explaining the situation he was given the information that this sticker was missing from a lot of the boxes, and they were going to text people the code in due course. He rightly brought up how they would text me when it was a handset-only purchase, I don't know what the response was to this but he gave him my mobile number and confirmed the order number. So all I can do now it wait and see if this text message ever arrives.

Considering what Nokia / the company behind the upgrade website have told people about the limited number of codes, it sounds to me like CW ran out and are trying to source more to then text customers. Maybe Nokia only want to release so many at one time to stagier the claims. Just a thought.

It's such a messed up, if they only had a set number of codes they should remove the promo from the website and store posters. I await my text but I'm not holding my breath.

When I got the manager he forgot all about me and I had to ask someone else.

They were supposed to be ringing from the Harrogate store to talk to her about this and she is still waiting 2 days later.

I have posted on the carphone warehouse community forum and I have been given the number for their support team, my Daughter is going to ring tomorrow so I will post the results tomorrow night.

Also regarding the subject to availability in the terms I think it was the 2nd phone they had sold and she got it on the 9th which I think was release day so it should have had the offer.

As soon as I read about the unique number I knew there would be problems with this promotion after all the IMEI number should be unique!
I had a similar experience today, spoke to the manager who called HQ, sticker should have been on box and they will be sending an SMS. He then took my number when I told him I'd purchased SIM free. No SMS yet though.
When you bought your phone from Car Phone warehouse you should have had a "Claim your Windows 8 pro PC software upgrade" sticker stuck on the box which contains a unique code which you enter in which you can apply for only after 14 days have elapsed since buying your phone. You will also need your IMEI number of your phone which is on the side of the phone box.

Best Regards

When you bought your phone from Car Phone warehouse you should have had a "Claim your Windows 8 pro PC software upgrade" sticker stuck on the box which contains a unique code which you enter in which you can apply for only after 14 days have elapsed since buying your phone. You will also need your IMEI number of your phone which is on the side of the phone box.

Best Regards


When my daughter got her phone we saw the poster on the wall about this offer and asked how we got it. The guy said you can apply after 14 days, there was no sticker on the box and nothing inside. The poster clearly said buy a Lumia 820 and you can claim a free windows 8 upgrade.
I'll confirm that I got a sticker on my box too. Have you tried missing out the unique code and filling out just your IMEI number? As I read some, for a similar offer for the free charging plate in the US, were able to claim for it without the unique code and just using their IMEI.

I hope it all works out for you.

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