The Fate of Windows RT and The Coming Windows 10


New member
Apr 9, 2013
Recently Windows Central(and the world) received news about running Windows 10 on the new RasberryPi 2. The processors within the Pi 2 and the Surface RT contain similar architecture, ARMv7. How exactly will the future of 'Windows on ARM'* unfold? Will Microsoft allow users unrestricted access to their future Windows RT desktops? and why is Windows on ARM* still relevant even with the demise of Windows RT devices lately?

*Windows on ARM was presented a year back before the release of Windows 8. It was a demonstration in which Microsoft ran Windows 7 on a prototype device packaged with Tegra 2(ARMv7). When I refer to 'Windows on ARM', I discuss a device that run a "light weight" version of Windows 8 such as the Surface RT.
Windows RT was consumer focused, Windows 10 (on ARM) powering an IoT device isn't necessarily. IoT devices are built to connect electronics and achieve specific tasks --- not to work as a personal computer or consumption device. So in this sense, it stands a chance. Unlike Windows (8) RT as a tablet OS.

Windows RT was destined to fail from the start, not because of what it COULD POSSIBLY DO, but because of it ACTUALLY WAS ABLE TO DO at the time. Windows RT didn't have the app ecosystem to be successful. Apple & Google entered the tablet market early and as an extension of their already successful phone products, whereas Microsoft entered the ARM based tablet space with a brand new store that didn't support ANY of the already limited apps found in its Windows Phone store.
Microsoft already replied on another size Makerzine that IoT has no desktop or UI.

RT as we know it is dead. This has nor changed that.

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