The future of UWP and existing apps


New member
Feb 8, 2013
Hi Dan,

With the demise of WM10, is there any news about what companies will do with their existing apps? Will they still support them or is there news that some will start giving up on them?

Apps that I use a lot are generally behind already, so does this mean that even they will drop off now?
The future of anything from Microsoft is only fog. As Windows 10 Mobile is dead now, it's first time I wish my Lumia can install and run Android OS. L950XL is nice piece of hardware (several other Lumias too) and it would be great if someone can make this possible. I'm not optimistic, just dreaming...

We worked together with Microsoft "to build better OS", submitted a millions of bugs, suggestions, great ideas... and now what we have? We have dead OS and dead devices. We are extremely stupid people. :-)
I was late to the W10P party and still sad to see it go. Unfortunately, I think UWP and Windows 10 in general are in a really tough position without mobile. With iphone's now the standard for corporations, I see Microsoft's hold on business slowly diminishing over time. Maybe that doesn't matter to MS, since it's all about Azure and Office 365 these days.
In Europe we had commercials, posters, articles etc. always with three icons: Google, Apple and Windows Store. It was easy to convince any client to support third platform while it was getting bigger and bigger market share (over 20% in some markets). You could even observe how specialized software houses were starting - specialized in apps for WP and after few resets by Microsoft W10 Mobile which were UWP.

Now I can't imagine to convince any even big brand manager to order/create UWP app for something what isn't mobile now. Whole Lumia market was literally killed by Microsoft, we had to evacuate, some software houses had to specialize in other things.

It all would be OK if was announced and if Microsoft would really stick to ANY words of their spokemans, if they would really follow provided strategy. Idea was amazing, everything was going in great direction but they just decided to stop it. How we could convince anybody now to invest in UWP apps after all that and now even without mobile platform?

It's a nightmare. So many of us can feel betrayed, played and abused. So many resources WASTED.
I will share my experience. Recently, a number of companies in India are pulling their app out of Windows ecosystem. Some examples are FoodPanda, Zomato, Dominos, McDonalds and Uber. On asking the reason for this during a chat with their customer care representative, they said that they have their website for laptops and desktops. I explained them that even though Windows mobile is shutting down but making an UWP application provides a number of rich features like Cortana integration, notification support and Live Tiles. But I was unable to convince them that apps can also be useful in laptops and PCs. It seems that it will be difficult for UWP to survive in the absence of a device that fits inside the pocket.
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I will share my experience. Recently, a number of companies in India are pulling their app out of Windows ecosystem. Some examples are FoodPanda, Zomato, Dominos, McDonalds and Uber. On asking the reason for this during a chat with their customer care representative, they said that they have their website for laptops and desktops. I explained then that even though Windows mobile is during down but making an UWP application provides a number of rich features like Cortana integration, notification support and Live Tiles. But I was insane to convince them that sold can also be useful in laptops and PCs. It seems that it will be difficult UWP to survive in the absence of a device that fits inside the pocket.

UWP is already dying, Even Ms doesnt make UWPs anymore and keeps releasing IOS/Android exclusive apps, last yr Mobile first was mantra but at this year's build UWP took a back seat and intelligent edge was new toy of MS.
UWP never had the chance to even born... it was dead before practical use, with no devices (Phones were very important in this case) to expand the platform, it was clear since the beginning this UWP was doomed. So, sadly this neat idea of UWP goes to the classical MS modus operandi: Great idea - Horrible execution - great idea gets into the trash bin of failed products.
Windows 10 S is still a thing. Xbox is still a thing. Mixed Reality is still a thing.

All three of those platforms are slowly, but steadily gaining apps. Two of them have barely been released yet.
UWP should still be around. Remember UWP is UNIVERSAL so it's not just a mobile thing.

Developers should turn their sights to other opportunities like Xbox and Mixed Reality.

Though admittedly mobile should've owned the biggest chunk of the market share pie.
He talked about this in #AskDanWindows 27:

My question is slightly different to what Dan answered. UWP is here to stay from MS' perspective, but are third parties going to persist.

Main thing is, are current apps going to still be supported? Example is facebook, their apps are already way behind, and still quite buggy, are the going to pull the plug on the apps now and just stop all further development?

That's the sort of question I want answered, how does the future look for UWP in practical terms, since it really is a waste of time if third parties won't work on it.

Basically, are we going to see a repeat of WP8.1 apps being pulled from the store last year and this year, just with the W10 store now?
My question is slightly different to what Dan answered. UWP is here to stay from MS' perspective, but are third parties going to persist.

Main thing is, are current apps going to still be supported? Example is facebook, their apps are already way behind, and still quite buggy, are the going to pull the plug on the apps now and just stop all further development?

That's the sort of question I want answered, how does the future look for UWP in practical terms, since it really is a waste of time if third parties won't work on it.

Basically, are we going to see a repeat of WP8.1 apps being pulled from the store last year and this year, just with the W10 store now?

Only the respective developers can answer that question. But I would think that they would want to maintain a presence on desktop and Xbox, which have many millions of users.
There is not a lot of incentive for a developer to make a UWP app. Mobile was the place where UWP was predominant and targeted. While Xbox, HoloLens, PC can use UWP, there is no demand for them over there.

Most people do not fire up their Xbox to check Twitter, look at their bank account, or message a friend. They play games or watch movies. Aside from Netflix, ESPN, and the like, there is no reason to create an app for Xbox.

HoloLens is not a consumer item. They cost $3k and are not released for consumption yet. On top of that, even Microsoft is saying they are not for consumers. Apps for that will be targeted for specific industries and not be consumer oriented.

Most people do not use apps on their desktop or laptop. They use W32 programs. The majority of people who use them own a Surface. That is still a small segment of the PC population, and always will be.

Developing apps is expensive and time consuming. Right now, there is very little demand for them in the Windows ecosystem. If you talk to your friends and family, they will probably tell you that the only apps they use are on their phone, and if they were to do the same task on their computer, they would use the web or a W32 program to accomplish that task.

Microsoft is looking to create a new product category to drive app development in Windows, but until then, UWP will smolder instead of set the world on fire.
UWP is Dead. The focus of Centennial to create UWP will die too. Dan had stated that Centennial was the new focus. But, one that will fail miserably I am afraid.

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