The Guardian says the Nokia Ace has a hardware keyboard

Well, in that case then the Lumia 800 would seem to be a better fit for you. I'm sure they'll also end up making a 4.3-4.5" screen only device as those seem to be the rage with the carriers right now. In any case, the keyboard adds thickness so if you don't like them, then I can't imagine, you'd like a phone with one as they have to make compromises to include them.

Personally I prefer a 3.5" screen and a 5 row keyboard, but that's just me. I can't stand virtual keyboards and anything over 3.5" just takes up too much hand and pocket space. They seem fragile and demand two hands. I don't watch movies on my phone though - I just want a solid phone and txting device that I can look things up on and stream audio through. Occasionally, I watch news on it or a youtube vid, but that's about it.

I have large hands :D I'm clumbsy typing on less than 4.3" software screen :( Tested true on WP7 and Android (iOS 3.5" has a much wider aspect ratio than any Android 4"+ or WP7 device uses, so it's rather comparible in actual software KB space!).

Though to be fair, I'm probably just ****** about 4.3" :P
I have large hands :D I'm clumbsy typing on less than 4.3" software screen :( Tested true on WP7 and Android (iOS 3.5" has a much wider aspect ratio than any Android 4"+ or WP7 device uses, so it's rather comparible in actual software KB space!).

Though to be fair, I'm probably just ****** about 4.3" :P

I like 4.0 or smaller. :lol:
Don't like big phones in pocket.
Think Ace will run Windows Apollo or up gradable? I recently got a blackberry torch like 7 months ago and I want to switch to windows phone by Nokia. However, I want a QWERTY keyboard!!! I dont mind waiting. I want a premium aluminum device.

I'll probably sell my playbook and get a Nokia W8 tablet the day it comes out as well.:happy::happy:
Think Ace will run Windows Apollo or up gradable? I recently got a blackberry torch like 7 months ago and I want to switch to windows phone by Nokia. However, I want a QWERTY keyboard!!! I dont mind waiting. I want a premium aluminum device.

I'll probably sell my playbook and get a Nokia W8 tablet the day it comes out as well.:happy::happy:

I switched from a BB to the HTC Arrive, i was surprised at how much i like the spacious physical keyboard.
Coming from Palm, I always had a physical keyboard. Now with a N8 and a Trophy I am use to a on screen keyboard.

Sent from my Nokia N8 using Tapatalk
I used to hate typing on a screen and still do. My WM phones had a qwerty keyboard and I have a Blackberry for work. However, once I started using swype for my Android phone, I am now converted. Typing on a screen sucks, but just sliding a finger in the general area of the letters I want to type is much better. So much so, that I now prefer the on screen swyping instead of pressing physical buttons. I highly recommend trying a Swype type application if you haven't already.
Dell is not making any new smartphones in 2012. I think the best bet will be Nokia in the latter part of the year. I had a Dell Venue Pro for a few days before I returned it due to a defective screen. I went with a one cent HTC Titan and I'm satisfied with it, though a hardware keyboard is still one of my wish list specs (32GB storage is my top wish).
That article is from Oct it looks like. Still talkng mid November release.

Mangos taste better than apples!
I would hope that it has both ann on screen keyboard and the physical keyboard or no physical keyboard. I went through most of the treo series and then had a pure and a tilt2 and while the physical kb was very nice I did not use it very much at all and wished that it was about half as thick and with just the on screen keyboard. Just my personal opinion!
I would hope that it has both ann on screen keyboard and the physical keyboard or no physical keyboard. I went through most of the treo series and then had a pure and a tilt2 and while the physical kb was very nice I did not use it very much at all and wished that it was about half as thick and with just the on screen keyboard. Just my personal opinion!

They make millions of phones for people like you!!!

Let us have 1 high end premium flagship Nokia with a qwerty please! Just one. :P
They make millions of phones for people like you!!!

Let us have 1 high end premium flagship Nokia with a qwerty please! Just one. :P

I dont begrudge anyone their opinion and I would mhope that they do release at least one high end with a physical keyboard. If otherwise like the 900 and it comes in with a physical qwerty kb and also has an onscreen one but its not too thick I might buy it jut like I bought ther tilt2 because the pure was too small. I am over having using a physical kb and would not use the physical kb a long as its got an on screen kb but I think I woulkd grow tired of the added weight and thickness of the device unless its fairly thin. I really like the thiness of the gen 1 focus and liker the focus s better I havent tried the tritan yet I need to go to the ATT store and see if they have one in stock to play with.
Think Ace will run Windows Apollo or up gradable? I recently got a blackberry torch like 7 months ago and I want to switch to windows phone by Nokia. However, I want a QWERTY keyboard!!! I dont mind waiting. I want a premium aluminum device.

I'll probably sell my playbook and get a Nokia W8 tablet the day it comes out as well.:happy::happy:

Is Nokia really going to make a W8 tablet?
I'd love to have a Nokia E7 clone running WP7. The E7 is an awesome piece of hardware. And the physical keyboard is among the best that I've used.
How sad is it that as I was reading through the first page and a half of comments I told myself, "I'd take anything from 3.0" to 7.0", keyboard or no, ffc or without, as long as it is on Verizon"? Being stuck with the Trophy as my only option has really lowered my standards. :\

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