New info!
I was hoping they'd do away with the effect that adds the large shadows, whatever it's called. It doesn't make the combos look cooler. If anything it obscures the game play.
Cori Cori Cori, how are they going to remove them if they are SHADOW linkers (or moves)?
they add 15 to 20% damage to the normal move, and then if you combo with it it will do great damage. also they have invulnerability that means someone could do a fireball and you can go through it with a shadow move.
so again, why would they remove something that is designed to be functional? also they are called shadow moves/linkers so I guess having that name its supposed to be a shadow or something about a shadow, like it is now.
the shadow moves are done with adding 2 buttons to the normal move. double punch or double kick. so its not something that actives automatically. also you need the shadow meter, which is the blue one on the bottom.
just don't block and you wont give your opponent fast shadow meter (yeah making your opponent block is the easier way to gain shadow meter), and then if your opponent blocks and you gain shadow meter, just don't do the moves and end! you will get a game with no shadow moves. of course you don't gain extra damage or to surprise attack your opponent or something. but you surely can avoid it if you don't like it.
People moan about the pricing structure...
But I really cant wait to play this game.
I know! I find the price perfectly fine, its not the normal thing, but these are old characters most of them are, if you liked and always played Spinal but never really played Glacius, Sabrewulf, Chief Thunder, im sure you wont rush to buy those chars, since you never liked them before, that means you can get only spinal for 5 bucks if you want, play it and master it and if you want to buy other chars you can, but you aren't forced if all you want its spinal.
also, its obvious they will redesign old reminding chars, and get new chars done, so more bundles will appear, and it will be cheaper than paying $5 per char. so you can play the game cheaper with fewer characters or buy a lot of chars and pay almost that same that would cost to buy another fighting game.
so yeah, I don't see it as a bad business model, but you know, its Microsoft and Xbox One, so people will hate and don't think this is good.