The Killer Instinct Thread


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
$5 bucks a pop but there's also a Combo Breaker Pack that will net you a total of 8 characters for $20 (which isn't a bad deal, IMO). While I appreciate having more money to spend on other games at launch, I'd rather pay my $60 and get everything at once. Still, at $20 bucks I'll most definitely pick up the CBP. The major downside is that 8 characters won't be enough to satisfy the fighter community. There's also a $40 version that includes the original KI and additional costumes.
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New member
Oct 2, 2012
Well, for the price of a full game, you get 24 chars! (supposing such deals would come for later chars too) How many characters total? It was mentioned 6 on launch, but how many coming?


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
I haven't heard anything about how many characters are coming in total.

Keith Wallace

New member
Nov 8, 2012
Really not a fan of the pricing model. I might just skip the game altogether if it's too reliant on those purchases (read: purchased characters are much stronger).


New member
Oct 2, 2012
Most likely wont. Pay2win isnt a lucrative business in the long run, and seeing only one character is free anyways.. There will be people claiming that the free char is worse, but I highly doubt that will actually be the case. F2P market has come a long way and pay2win is not on the menu for most higher profile f2p games

Keith Wallace

New member
Nov 8, 2012
At the same time, there becomes the question of why a person would bother buying characters if they aren't any better. Of course, Black Ops II is making loads of money on those $2-each packs of skins and reticles. I see them all the time, people get suckered into the DUMBEST things.


New member
Apr 18, 2012
1. there is only one car?cter free. so if "others" are stronger, who cares? people who are into fighting games would want to try other characters. its not like they cost $100 each one.

2. its obvious there is no "stronger" or weaker character in a fighting game =_=. have you ever play one? each fighter has different strengths and weakness. different powers and its not like only because its free it will be useless.
or what? do you think its impossible to beat the "strong" bosses in fighting games like KoF only because they are much stronger than you? please... if you know how to play it, you wont have any problem at all, if you don't know, even at difficulty 1, you will lose. simple as that.

3. you can get the character you want without paying $60 for it. there is people who only use 2 characters in a fighting game, so no point in wasting money if they can get what they want for $10.

4. and please Cori... (yeah my 4 point is directed at you) "The major downside is that 8 characters won't be enough to satisfy the fighter community" really?
do you remember KI1 and 2? because killer instinct 1 had 10 character, killer instinct 2 had 10 characters as well (11, if we count eyedol and gargos, since they are "non playable" bosses, although it was easy to play as eyedol ;) ). BUT that's only 2 more than what KI3 will have at launch. of course they are 13 original characters in total (15 if we count the "non playable" of course), so having more than half of them is pretty good in my opinion, I mean, they are only missing 5 original characters! and since you can buy them separately its obvious they will add them later, and finally have all chars together in a single game.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
4. and please Cori... (yeah my 4 point is directed at you) "The major downside is that 8 characters won't be enough to satisfy the fighter community" really?
do you remember KI1 and 2? because killer instinct 1 had 10 character, killer instinct 2 had 10 characters as well (11, if we count eyedol and gargos, since they are "non playable" bosses, although it was easy to play as eyedol ;) ). BUT that's only 2 more than what KI3 will have at launch. of course they are 13 original characters in total (15 if we count the "non playable" of course), so having more than half of them is pretty good in my opinion, I mean, they are only missing 5 original characters! and since you can buy them separately its obvious they will add them later, and finally have all chars together in a single game.

Except it's 2013 and every other major/popular fighting game has way more than 8 characters. If lack of characters keep it from being a mainstay at EVO than the fighter community has spoken.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Im just going to treat it as a normal game and lay out for the premium edition straight away. Don't have to worry about future character purchases and I get a classic game to play on while im waiting for the additional characters.


New member
Apr 18, 2012
Except it's 2013 and every other major/popular fighting game has way more than 8 characters. If lack of characters keep it from being a mainstay at EVO than the fighter community has spoken.

Pleace Cori, like I said... Killer Instinct had ONLY 13 characters in total, and then some were excluded on Ki2. so both 1 and 2 ended up having only 10 playable characters. so like I said, they are going to have 8 from 13, is that so bad? they will release more characters someday next year, its not like it will only have 8 forever. maybe they wont be enough for some people, but what do you want? they making up characters from Eyedol **** just to please some ignorant people who think "more characters the better" and don't even understand what made Ki one of the best fighting games years ago?
also, a Ki game hasnt been released in too many years, it would be silly to start making up new characters in my opinion, better stick to the originals and then think about something new (hopefully it wont be dumb). and its not like new characters from Ki2 are that great anyway... not like I would care if they get a port.
and while 8 doesnt seem too much, thats 2 less than what original Ki had, I dont see how it is so bad.

and you mention EVO... oh please, please please cori.
I will not say much about it, but Im sure my views about that are different than yours. but EVO doesn't mean much of a "fighters community" at all (its more like "capcom (eww) fighters community" anyway).
but I will just ask this question, are you telling me that the best fighting game series ever released KOF, not XII or XIII they are boring crap, I mean the old SNK KOF, 94-2002 (2003 was not that great) that franchise.. my franchise, the one i played for years were not good enough because they didn't appear in EVO? and then the "fighter community" spoken saying they weren't good enough or something?
thats all im going to say about it. since i really dont care much about EVO anyway.

I only think saying a game might fail because it has less characters its wrong. i wish they had the 10 original characters on release, but well, that apparently wont happen so I will wait some months and wait for them. again 8 of 10 is not bad at all! but well.. thats my opinion since i grew up playing Ki and i dont think start to make up new characters would be a good idea. maybe for Ki4 but not for 3.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
I've been playing KoF since the original KoF 94. I don't buy them as often but once in a while I need to get my Kim Kaphwan fix. KoF still represents at EVO but it doesn't get anywhere near the attention of other fighting games. Still, the 2013 Grand Finals were pretty good, and that guy's Benimaru is awesome.

King of Fighters XIII - EVO 2013 Grand Finals - IGN Video


New member
Jul 28, 2012
  • $5 each character
  • $20 with 6 characters or
  • 40 with 6 characters plus KI 1 & buncha costumes and stuff. Including Original Costumes done up in HD.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
New info!


I was hoping they'd do away with the effect that adds the large shadows, whatever it's called. It doesn't make the combos look cooler. If anything it obscures the game play.


New member
Apr 18, 2012
New info!

I was hoping they'd do away with the effect that adds the large shadows, whatever it's called. It doesn't make the combos look cooler. If anything it obscures the game play.

Cori Cori Cori, how are they going to remove them if they are SHADOW linkers (or moves)?
they add 15 to 20% damage to the normal move, and then if you combo with it it will do great damage. also they have invulnerability that means someone could do a fireball and you can go through it with a shadow move.

so again, why would they remove something that is designed to be functional? also they are called shadow moves/linkers so I guess having that name its supposed to be a shadow or something about a shadow, like it is now.

the shadow moves are done with adding 2 buttons to the normal move. double punch or double kick. so its not something that actives automatically. also you need the shadow meter, which is the blue one on the bottom.
just don't block and you wont give your opponent fast shadow meter (yeah making your opponent block is the easier way to gain shadow meter), and then if your opponent blocks and you gain shadow meter, just don't do the moves and end! you will get a game with no shadow moves. of course you don't gain extra damage or to surprise attack your opponent or something. but you surely can avoid it if you don't like it.

People moan about the pricing structure...

But I really cant wait to play this game.

I know! I find the price perfectly fine, its not the normal thing, but these are old characters most of them are, if you liked and always played Spinal but never really played Glacius, Sabrewulf, Chief Thunder, im sure you wont rush to buy those chars, since you never liked them before, that means you can get only spinal for 5 bucks if you want, play it and master it and if you want to buy other chars you can, but you aren't forced if all you want its spinal.

also, its obvious they will redesign old reminding chars, and get new chars done, so more bundles will appear, and it will be cheaper than paying $5 per char. so you can play the game cheaper with fewer characters or buy a lot of chars and pay almost that same that would cost to buy another fighting game.
so yeah, I don't see it as a bad business model, but you know, its Microsoft and Xbox One, so people will hate and don't think this is good.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
I'm not talking about removing the properties, only the graphical effects. Surely something better than a big black cloud would look better.

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