The most important part of Microsoft's mobile stategy: The death of Windows 10 Mobile

Re: The most important part of Microsoft's mobile stategy: The death of Windows 1...

No, you don't need desktop iTunes to activate an iOS device or to download apps to it. You haven't since iOS 5.
I didn't mention iTunes. I said you need an Apple ID just to get past the activation screen. You can bypass this on Windows and Android. If you know what you're doing you can sideload .xap app files on Windows or .apk app files on Android and bypass the stores entirely. No such luck on iOS. As for iTunes, regardless of iOS version, you NEED it if you want to sync your music collection to your iPhone or iPad since there's no native file manager or external storage available. With Android or Windows you can simply connect with USB Storage and be done with it or slip a SD card if your device supports it. This applies to ANY file whether it's music, photos, documents, etc. Sure, you can use cloud storage but that requires data and lots of time compared to a wired PC connection or simply popping in a memory card.
Re: The most important part of Microsoft's mobile stategy: The death of Windows 1...

I didn't mention iTunes. I said you need an Apple ID just to get past the activation screen. You can bypass this on Windows and Android. If you know what you're doing you can sideload .xap app files on Windows or .apk app files on Android and bypass the stores entirely. No such luck on iOS. As for iTunes, regardless of iOS version, you NEED it if you want to sync your music collection to your iPhone or iPad since there's no native file manager or external storage available. With Android or Windows you can simply connect with USB Storage and be done with it or slip a SD card if your device supports it. This applies to ANY file whether it's music, photos, documents, etc. Sure, you can use cloud storage but that requires data and lots of time compared to a wired PC connection or simply popping in a memory card.

The comment I replied to specifically mentioned iTunes, not an Apple ID. What are you talking about?
I don't know about windows 10 mobile. But Microsoft definitely planned the death of Lumia line up. Launched crappy low end models, made every upgrade model look like a downgrade in specs. Some people may argue that low end models were planned early by Nokia and Microsoft couldn't do anything. Really? Isn't the same Microsoft cancelled the Lumia 1030 McLaren from the same Nokia and came out with a mediocre 950? So, it's not about Nokia. It's about MS killing the Lumias. Well, Microsoft fans will never understand this. They'll be waiting for the surface phone. LOL.
I don't know about windows 10 mobile. But Microsoft definitely planned the death of Lumia line up. Launched crappy low end models, made every upgrade model look like a downgrade in specs. Some people may argue that low end models were planned early by Nokia and Microsoft couldn't do anything. Really? Isn't the same Microsoft cancelled the Lumia 1030 McLaren from the same Nokia and came out with a mediocre 950? So, it's not about Nokia. It's about MS killing the Lumias. Well, Microsoft fans will never understand this. They'll be waiting for the surface phone. LOL.

That makes no sense....
Nadella himself is using iPhone as daily driver. Can you imagine CEO of Daimler-Benz driving BMW? And is going to happen to him if he does?

Either Nadella leaves or Mobile business of MSFT shuts down.
How many apps made be Google exclusively for iOS or Windows or by Apple again exclusively for Android or Windows do you know?This is all you should know about Nadella's commitment for Windows 10 Mobile including decisiveness over the app gap.
How many apps made be Google exclusively for iOS or Windows or by Apple again exclusively for Android or Windows do you know?This is all you should know about Nadella's commitment for Windows 10 Mobile including decisiveness over the app gap.

That means nothing in the overall scheme of things. Microsoft is a software company and will put their apps and services on as many devices, mobile or otherwise, as they possibly can.
The mobile OS is the future of computing. If it weren't already how people got online and interacted with one another, the smartphone that can act as a computer is the dream of how personal computing goes forward. That is why Microsoft did Continuum. Google is getting into the game as Android and Chome OS will merge into one unified OS. It's not hard to see that Apple would go the same route down the road in their goal to make the iPad a real office Productivity tool.

That is why Microsoft has pushed so hard for so long to have a viable mobile operating system. Failure to catch on the market was never part of their plan. The idea that they would buy Nokia just to run it into the ground doesn't even make a flake of sense, so we can skip that one.

Microsoft may eventually have to give up on Windows Mobile, but it wouldn't be ideal, and it certainly wouldn't be part of their plan all along.

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