the new sailfish OS .... is it a threat ?

I don't think so, I tried Google and only find something like this: Statement from BlackBerry on Google Play / BlackBerry 10 rumors | I know it is month old article however probably nothing really changed meanwhile. I know Android apps can run on BB10 but that is not the same thing as full Google Play support. And why would Google allow competition to use their app store?

You are right that this seems to be rumour, not fact.
Google might do it because they make money from the Play Store. The more devices use the Play Store, the more money they make.
Actually,Sailfish is also a android os just use another operating interface.what make the os blue is the phone can't use the meego apps(though meego apps are so little). it comes to me that sailfish os will never be a threat on wp, cus sailfish os is so disfluent and disfunctioned,its hardware don't catch up with any other phones such as galaxy series.but have a really high price.will the sailfish company manage it?
just my personal view about the os.what's ur own opinion?@.@...

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