First morning with the Titan as well. The phone is outstanding. I spent 3 hours yesterday setting it up.
things about the phone:
- worried about camera protruding from the back getting scratched/smudged
- seems too bright in auto mode in the dark
- speakerphone could be a bit louder. love using it while driving.
things about the OS:
- would love more voice commands, like reminders/calendars/emailing
- alarm should sound even with ring volume turned down/off
- I would like facebook integrated into the phone as far as "Upload this photo to facebook" or "update your status here" functionality, but NOT import all of my facebook "friends" as contacts. It clutters it up, and admittedly, I have a bunch of acquaintances that I do not need to know about that much on facebook. I immediately unlinked facebook.
-"Me" tile is useless without a social network linked
- I'm one of those that likes to know the battery percentage. Not easy to get to.
I already did the workaround to get multiple google calendars on the phone. If you don't know what that is, go here:
Go here for the $25 app card promotion:
You need your proof of purchase (UPC?) from the box in JPG format, and your receipt in JPG format for it to work. It is a glorified mail in rebate done online. I just used my AT&T confirmation email as the receipt, hopefully that works. Also used the phone to snap a pic of the the UPC.
Anyway, I'm loving the phone. It is ten times the phone my Palm Pre was. However WebOS had the facebook integration right IMO... "upload photo to facebook" was baked right in once you installed the app.
The phone and Zune PC setup was an absolute breeze. I've used iTunes thus far for my music needs and conversion over was just a minor headache. If anyone has questions on iTunes or stripping the DRM from iTunes' early days, let me know. More recent iTunes purchases are easily converted to MP3 by right clicking inside iTunes. To get playlists out of itunes, export the playlist to M3U then place that file inside the Zune Playlist directory using explorer. It should then automatically convert it to a zune proprietary format (and leave the M3U intact) once you open Zune the next time.