The Return Proposition


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Hey all,

Zac Bowden posted an article today to gauge how users would feel if Microsoft were to reboot their mobile platform again. Would I try it again? Sure. Would it clean the slate for Microsoft in how they handled their mobile OS for the past few years in my opinion? No way.

This kind of led me to a related, but slightly different thought -- what would it take for me to trust Microsoft in a mobile effort again?

My answer to that question is this proposition: when 90% or more of Microsoft's own employees are using Windows Mobile as at least their work phones, I will trust that Microsoft means business. And Nadella, of course, must be one of those 90%.

What do you guys think? What do the mods and authors think? Is this something we can present to Microsoft as a challenge?
Well, it's a novel idea, but I seriously don't think Microsoft is listening at the moment. As it stands now, the public at large wants a phone that's connected to a highly populated apps store and that is more geared to running the most popular apps. Without those popular apps, there is little chance that Microsoft will be able to salvage Windows 10 Mobile in its current form. Are they working on the next big thing in mobile? Who knows??? Will they be able to turn W10M around?? Who knows??? It appears, by their very vague attempts at explaining their mobile plan when it comes to phones, that Microsoft is in a really tough spot and they know it. It's too bad, because I've always loved everything about W10M, except for the lack of apps. Currently, I'm in a holding pattern. I'll keep an eye on what MS is doing, I'll keep playing around with some of the phones running W10M, but I'm not jumping all in again until they show that they can do what is needed to stay relevant in mobile.
I agree with the above post ^

Until they show that they aren't only in maintenance mode, I will watch, play and dabble but not have both feet in.

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