The S is going back


New member
Aug 14, 2011
Button layout is killing me. In only two days the camera button killed me. I kept hitting it and activating the camera. And then if that didn't happen, I hit the power button. And the popping on song switching didn't work for me either.

I just took the sim card out, and put it back in my original Focus, and realized, I like the heft of the original better.

Its a killer phone, but the buttons are a deal breaker. Hopefully other people won't send them back either. I'll check out the Titan this weekend, but I might just wait to see what the Nokia folks put out.
Count me among those taking thier Focus S back. Reasons:

1. The numerous little bugs (keyboard, laggy when charging, home button lag) that can probably be fixed via an update, but the big question would be when

2. pause/play/next track/previous track problem which I still attribute to the headphone jack, in which case can't be fixed

3. the shiny black plastic seems very scratch/wear prone. I am already seeing wear on the ridge between the battery cover, and I've had the phone less than two weeks

I'll be checking on the Titan on Sunday, it's really going to have to dissapoint for me to not switch
Count me in as well... will be checking out the Titan on Sunday.

- I don't like the camera button either, it feels a little wobbly and definitely easy to press by accident.

- Screen bugs me... it looks too blueish and to my eye, the colors are oversaturated and unnatural looking. The auto-brightness seems flawed and I don't like how there are only 3 levels of manual brightness.

- Build quality... it feels more like a first gen Galaxy S with the glossy plastic. I also have a Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Note, and believe me, the build quality on those phones feels much better, even though they are based on the same design and are also made of plastic.

- Price... I bought mine off contact, it does not feel like it's worth $550 + tax.

I'm a fan of Samsung's Android phones and was excited to see that the Focus S was based off the same design of the Galaxy line.. But it really seems as if they cheaped out and cut some corners when designing this phone. :(
The Titan simply isn't an option for me, having seen the camera quality and how it stacks up to other phones in this category.

I don't have any issue with the buttons. The power button on the Titan will almost definitely be exactly like the one on the Inspire and that was annoying (too far depressed and hard to push). The Titan would also be too big in the hand for me.

Literally, my only complaint about this phone is the lack of support. It's like AT&T and Samsung are embarrassed by it or something.
As far as inadvertent camera button presses, perhaps a case would help.

There's actually a setting to prevent it when it's in your pocket. I'm not sure why this would be more of a problem on this phone than on the Titan or any other phone. As long as you have a physical button, there's potential to hit it accidentally.

For me, the capacitive buttons are easier to hit by mistake. I'm not the least bit unhappy with the hardware of this phone. It's the lack of support and hype from Samsung and AT&T that gives me pause.
Literally, my only complaint about this phone is the lack of support. It's like AT&T and Samsung are embarrassed by it or something.

I agree there, it's really strange. My *guess* is that AT&T is going to present the Titan as their flagship WP phone. Most stores only got 2 units, if any, on launch day which is kind of weird.

Also, when the Galaxy S2 came out for ATT, certain markets were not carrying it and no one seemed to know why... then voila, ATT announces and releases the Galaxy Skyrocket less than a month later and that is the phone they are pushing. Makes me wonder if they're doing the same thing with the Titan.

But who knows, I could be totally wrong on this lol ;)
I will be checking out the Titan Sunday as well. The camera button, keyboard lag and battery life are killing the fun for me with this phone. I am just afraid that I will find just as many things wrong with the Titan.
I'm doing great with mine. I get 15+ hours of battery usage a day. Screen is beautiful. Love the camera button. Camera quality is excellent. Wish the front facing camera was better though.

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There's actually a setting to prevent it when it's in your pocket. I'm not sure why this would be more of a problem on this phone than on the Titan or any other phone. As long as you have a physical button, there's potential to hit it accidentally.

For me, the capacitive buttons are easier to hit by mistake. I'm not the least bit unhappy with the hardware of this phone. It's the lack of support and hype from Samsung and AT&T that gives me pause.

I just got mine. It sticks out more than my Focus did. But I don't see it being a problem.
Count me in as well... will be checking out the Titan on Sunday.

- I don't like the camera button either, it feels a little wobbly and definitely easy to press by accident.

- Screen bugs me... it looks too blueish and to my eye, the colors are oversaturated and unnatural looking. The auto-brightness seems flawed and I don't like how there are only 3 levels of manual brightness.

- Build quality... it feels more like a first gen Galaxy S with the glossy plastic. I also have a Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Note, and believe me, the build quality on those phones feels much better, even though they are based on the same design and are also made of plastic.

- Price... I bought mine off contact, it does not feel like it's worth $550 + tax.

I'm a fan of Samsung's Android phones and was excited to see that the Focus S was based off the same design of the Galaxy line.. But it really seems as if they cheaped out and cut some corners when designing this phone. :(

Paying full retail for ANY phone is tough. I don't think you'll be happy paying full retail for ANY of these gen 2 windows phones.....

Gotta disagree with the build quality of the Focus S vs Galaxy S2. They feel about the same sans the battery definitely feels more flimsy on the Focus S.

As far as the screens, calibrate them the same and you'll see the same blue'ish hue on the GSII and Focus get used to it over a week or so......I know I did with the GSII.
I like my Focus but I'm tired of flimsy. I'm buying the Flash for my girl and I'm picking up whatever Nokia brings to the US.
I'm still waiting to see how people fare with battery life...its really important to me.....but I feel you gotta have a device 1.5 - 2 weeks before you can talk about it.
I will be checking out the Titan Sunday as well. The camera button, keyboard lag and battery life are killing the fun for me with this phone. I am just afraid that I will find just as many things wrong with the Titan.

I got the Focus S when it came out and have oved it since, but I do understand that the camera/power/volume buttons are little jarring, but I think a case may help.

I just got home from getting the Titan and the buttons on that one are too hard to hit. As in, they don't come off the phone enough. The power button alone is a pain to press because it's barely there. The Titan does have some weight to it, which is nice, and the but the screen is absolutely fulgy. Looks just like my HD7. It is much louder than the S, which I like.

Besides the size, though, I don't see the plusses with with Titan. Pretty unimpressed, but I've only had it for like an hour.
I got the Focus S when it came out and have oved it since, but I do understand that the camera/power/volume buttons are little jarring, but I think a case may help.

I just got home from getting the Titan and the buttons on that one are too hard to hit. As in, they don't come off the phone enough. The power button alone is a pain to press because it's barely there. The Titan does have some weight to it, which is nice, and the but the screen is absolutely fulgy. Looks just like my HD7. It is much louder than the S, which I like.

Besides the size, though, I don't see the plusses with with Titan. Pretty unimpressed, but I've only had it for like an hour.

Most recent HTC large phones are like that. The HTC Vivid, too. Buttons almost flush to begin with, and only the curvature of the phone's sides allows the button press to even happen.
Are there any noticeable bugs that you've come across with the Titan that we are experiencing with the Focus S? I just had to cycle my Focus S in and out of airplane mode just to reestablish a connection. I have full WiFi through the house but this phone just seems to lose its mind once in a while on WiFi. Just highly annoyed now.

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