the truth about WP

Emidio De Jesus

New member
Apr 25, 2017
I have both the lumia 930 & the 950, for me wp is the best.
Android phones are dead lifeless. WP is alive and vibrant.
However when I mention widows phone to my friends or work colleagues they say "Windows, that must be a complicated phone." Which has been the experience for ordinary people when using a pc.
It has nothing to do with the phone, but the name Windows puts people off. If for example Microsoft advertised "Microsoft Easy smart phones" they would sell like 👍 wildfire.
Originally posted by Emidio De Jesus
I have both the lumia 930 & the 950, for me wp is the best.
Android phones are dead lifeless. WP is alive and vibrant.
However when I mention widows phone to my friends or work colleagues they say "Windows, that must be a complicated phone." Which has been the experience for ordinary people when using a pc.
It has nothing to do with the phone, but the name Windows puts people off. If for example Microsoft advertised "Microsoft Easy smart phones" they would sell like 👍 wildfire.

Nah, the HTC Wildfire was awful, very hard to use and very buggy. If they called it the 'Microsoft Bloody Awful' it would sound like a Wildfire clone.
I used a Wildfire for nearly 3 years and loved it. "It" wasn't awful, hard to use and very buggy.... the Android OS was. It ran on Android Eclair when I bought it and was updated to Froyo soon afterwards. But Google didn't give up on the OS, unlike Microsoft, and HTC haven't stopped making phones, unlike Microsoft. I'm on an L830, from 8.1 to WP10 now, had it nearly 3 years and love it, but I'm sad for its future prospects.
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The truth is it is out there and is being developed, but we don't know for how long, why and what to expect. It also means you can't simply recommend Windows 10 Mobile phone to the younger generations, because WP is missing Snapchat which unfortunately means a lot to them.
We can't recommend it to ordinary people because they might not find apps they need for their work in the Store.

We can go on and on about it but wouldn't really come far. We don't know the actual truth - no one does except Microsoft.
We can't say it's standing good, we can say that we're marching forward after Microsoft and can only hope they won't lead us to a minefield :grincry:
We can't say it's standing good, we can say that we're marching forward after Microsoft and can only hope they won't lead us to a minefield

In other words we're trying to avoid a storyline similar to that of 'Titanic' xd
Even I don't know why people tell windows phone is complicated to use. It is the simplest. Here no fancy notification widgets of some which we doesn't actually know what happens if I tap it. Only the problems I seen people stuck to android and so developer. App gap only makes the difference actually. Another thing matters is windows phone os is not complete. It keeps on adding features so we feel bad if we didn't get a update. But in android it doesn't matter if you have 5.0 6.0 or 7.0 no body knows what's changed in these version.
Windows really isn't that complicated. My technophobic mother copes with it. Every single young person in the world has used it.

People these days take to technology.

I think its more the stuffy business image. If it was game and entertainment focused, pitched at the consumer, like people use their PCs, it would have sold better.
No, it's the Tiles. Everyone I know dislikes tiles.

It looks like a bunch of differed coloured lego blocks are connected together.

I agree it needs to be more modernized.

One thine every android iphone user agrees with me about is center justified icon should have center justified text. It's chaos when your eyes have to look for your app and then after finding the icon having to have to look elsewhere for the name. If the name was right there you would see both and bam.

It's how the brain works yet MS thinks they know better. They need to modernize tiles. Fix all the problems with them.

Log into the store and look at the top games and be floored with the biggest mess you have ever seen. The only 2 games that stand out are Deus Ex Go and tomb raider Go. They are easy on the eyes.

Even this concept is better than what is currently out there.


I think the transparent tiles on win 10 mobile look nice. I wish we had them on desktop. So pretty with a nice desktop.

The other issue is along with text justification on desktop, is icons. A lot of things don't have proper tile icons, just regular icons. Makes em look messy. Would be good if there was a nice palette of default tile icons to customise with.

Although I think design is a priority for MS at the moment, just not sure if tiles is on their list.

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