They didn't like that the speaker was in the back of the phone? Don't like 80% of smartphones do it this way now? At least most HTC devices do.
As for them saying the Arrive doesn't feel much different I will agree with that in the sense of performance but bigger (by .1 inch) screen, front camera, faster 1ghz processor, better battery life, FREE internet sharing and visual voicemail (which I understand is the only phone in the US that does those last two for free).
I mean if they are going to talk about call quality they should talk about the other features that the carrier uses that other carriers don't. Sprint doesn't even allow for visual voicemail or internet sharing on the Arrive.
One last point... the Arrive has been reviewed by others as having the best camera on a WP7 phone for taking indoor / low-light pictures. I can definitely tell a difference between it and my Arrive.
I dunno, I am super bias towards the Radar but it just seems like some of the reviews I read for it completely omit a lot of the reasons I bought it.