Retired Moderator
- Apr 1, 2012
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You could also argue that the fickle public has become so enthralled with having the latest and greatest that companies are not putting the proper amount of developmental engineering to make sure products and services don't bomb in the marketplace. Products are being rushed so they're not "followers" in the eyes of said fickle public. How many times have you read comments about "so and so copied Apple" or vice-versa? Just look at the latest releases from Apple or Google that require several updates to fix a bug that never should've existed in the first place.Making money at the expense of customers instead of building a mutual relationship that benefits both.
Corporations like MS have gotten too big and have lost the fact that they exist because of customers. Companies had to make money 75 years ago too, but it was different (I know, I’m generalizing). Products were made to last and customer service was extremely important. Now it’s about convincing people they need the next best thing so the company can make more money.
Until people walk away things will never change.
We're in chicken and egg territory here as to who to blame.