The War Has Ended...

Making money at the expense of customers instead of building a mutual relationship that benefits both.
Corporations like MS have gotten too big and have lost the fact that they exist because of customers. Companies had to make money 75 years ago too, but it was different (I know, I’m generalizing). Products were made to last and customer service was extremely important. Now it’s about convincing people they need the next best thing so the company can make more money.
Until people walk away things will never change.
You could also argue that the fickle public has become so enthralled with having the latest and greatest that companies are not putting the proper amount of developmental engineering to make sure products and services don't bomb in the marketplace. Products are being rushed so they're not "followers" in the eyes of said fickle public. How many times have you read comments about "so and so copied Apple" or vice-versa? Just look at the latest releases from Apple or Google that require several updates to fix a bug that never should've existed in the first place.

We're in chicken and egg territory here as to who to blame.
You could also argue that the fickle public has become so enthralled with having the latest and greatest that companies are not putting the proper amount of developmental engineering to make sure products and services don't bomb in the marketplace. Products are being rushed so they're not "followers" in the eyes of said fickle public. How many times have you read comments about "so and so copied Apple" or vice-versa? Just look at the latest releases from Apple or Google that require several updates to fix a bug that never should've existed in the first place.

We're in chicken and egg territory here as to who to blame.

Can’t argue with that. That’s why I say until the consumer says no, it will continue. Obviously enough consumers have not said no.
Can’t argue with that. That’s why I say until the consumer says no, it will continue. Obviously enough consumers have not said no.

Agreed, the only way they listen is if "not listening" will cost them A LOT more.

All of this is precisely why I am losing interest in phones altogether. I will use my x3 until it doesn't work then buy the cheapest junk that suits my needs. If something worth while comes along I may change my tune, but I am COMPLETELY uninterested in iDroid phones altogether.
I can’t remember if the last phone I got was my iPhone SE or iPhone 7. Either way, they both function well enough for me and I’m not paying $1000 or more for a phone.
I can’t remember if the last phone I got was my iPhone SE or iPhone 7. Either way, they both function well enough for me and I’m not paying $1000 or more for a phone.
Well then you just won't be getting any more invites to the Joneses' parties. How you like that?

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
I can’t remember if the last phone I got was my iPhone SE or iPhone 7. Either way, they both function well enough for me and I’m not paying $1000 or more for a phone.
The sub 1000 dollar flagship days are just about over. 2018 and into 2019 is looking like Samsung, LG, Sony, Apple (are in their own category anyway), and many others are leaving the top of the line trend for premium price tags of slab devices that are not much more than the ones of the past. Maybe the secret is to slam as much hw and tech into them that they justify the dollar amount. I don't know.... I mean these things sell by the millions and cost a 1/3 of what they actually charge for them. Would think by that alone they are meeting their mark, but who knows. Over spending is the life nowadays of anyone.
The sub 1000 dollar flagship days are just about over. 2018 and into 2019 is looking like Samsung, LG, Sony, Apple (are in their own category anyway), and many others are leaving the top of the line trend for premium price tags of slab devices that are not much more than the ones of the past. Maybe the secret is to slam as much hw and tech into them that they justify the dollar amount. I don't know.... I mean these things sell by the millions and cost a 1/3 of what they actually charge for them. Would think by that alone they are meeting their mark, but who knows. Over spending is the life nowadays of anyone.
As long as $1000 phones can be had for $25/month people won't bat an eye. I guarantee you if financing through carriers didn't exist there wouldn't be so many.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
As long as $1000 phones can be had for $25/month people won't bat an eye. I guarantee you if financing through carriers didn't exist there wouldn't be so many.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk

Which has caused a whole other problem in itself...
I understand what you are saying, but with no app ecosystem (that was promised), and the good apps that WERE there falling out of the app store as devs felt no need to maintain them any longer - I am not sure how you would classify this as 'use'.

But you are right, I had to make a decision that was best for me and my needs. Android/Chrome it is...

My point was, it was just really sad to dump that chunk of change to have the rug pulled out from underneath me and nothing to show for it...

My post may have come off as snarky, but that wasn't my intention. I had several Windows Phones and loved them too, but unfortunately, Microsoft was never able to achieve sustainable marketshare, and thus eventually pulled the plug on the product. I'm just not sure, looking back, that there was any way for MS to ever get anywhere in the iOS / Android duopoly.
I can’t remember if the last phone I got was my iPhone SE or iPhone 7. Either way, they both function well enough for me and I’m not paying $1000 or more for a phone.

Since having to move from my X3 (which I thought was one of the best phones I ever had, even if it was expensive) to a mid-range Android phone, I too also refuse to pay such high prices for a phone or mobile device.

...unless it's Andromeda.

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