You know who doesn't have to SIM swap? Android users. They don't give two cents about love tiles. I really only use the counting numbers. Live tiles are difficult to use for backgrounds. You have to spend time laying out the tiles. I wish either all tiles were transparent, or there was more empty space like on a PC. They honestly take too much work. Even weather I have to open a couple times a day to get an update. They used to be more useful before backgrounds. I feel like only textured backgrounds make sense, and who wants that? I want a picture of my dog without a chunk of his head taken out by facebook or twitter or office apps.
Sad part is that the MS apps perform better on the other OS's, especially Outlook.
It's just a phone, not a religion. I find amusing that some people feel the need write about leaving Windows Phone like it is some religious conversion or enlightenment. No one writes, "I have decided to leave Haynes for Fruit of the Loom".
I don't see people at grocery store looking at their phone to find stuff, but they release these apps anyways just in case. And of course they are so niche that they know it's unlikely a windows user will walk in and need it.
Seriously? Here where i live i'd say 30-40% of the people shopping in grocery stores are on their phones, my wife and her friends all use the apps to check points, get coupons, sales, etc.
Seriously? Here where i live i'd say 30-40% of the people shopping in grocery stores are on their phones, my wife and her friends all use the apps to check points, get coupons, sales, etc.
There's a "huge" gap for you, but not for everyone. It has everything I need. But complaining about it won't change it. Microsoft can't force companies to make apps for WP. If it doesn't meet your needs, then go where it does. It still cracks me up that people act like their lives will come to an end if they don't have all of the apps that they "need". Seven years ago most of this didn't exist and yet somehow we survived without it. First world problems.I think what most people don't understand is that defending the OS with "I don't use that app so it doesn't matter that Windows doesn't support it" is not a good defense. The app store needs to be more inclusive of all apps, and decent versions of them as well, not the stop gaps that we have now. My contract is up on my Lumia Icon soon and I want to jump, just because I am tired of missing out on apps that I would use on a more daily basis (banking, shopping, etc.) as well as apps that I could use at home (Verizon FIOS)... There is a huge app gap, and while I think it is a great OS, there is not alot of use for a great plate with nothing on it.
And they refuse to put it on Windows Phone, so what do you expect MS to do? They won't even allow a third party app. Personally, I wouldn't use it even if there was one. Just another thing to waste time.And on the contrary SnapChat is the highest growing app at the moment. I'm pretty sure I see more adults than pesky teens on it. Besides the chat features the live Snaps like from major cities or important events around the globe is amazing and actually performs well. I can't see why people belittle a private corporation that made a 25 year old a Billionaire.
Are you a Microsoft exec perchance?It still cracks me up that people act like their lives will come to an end if they don't have all of the apps that they "need". Seven years ago most of this didn't exist and yet somehow we survived without it. First world problems.
That's what people do, unfortunately. That's what this thread is about.If it doesn't meet your needs, then go where it does.
I had the cashier scan my loyalty card at the register and paid using my phone yesterday.Other than carrying on conversations, I've never seen anyone using their phone in a store. I know that some people do, but I've never personally seen it. And there are still a lot of retailers that don't do it.
No, you're clueless. It is not about being unable to adapt and compromise, it is about actually using a phone as a "smartphone". If all you want to do is make calls and text, then Windows Phone is great. If you want a smartphone that can actually do things, then Windows Phone is not the one. Hey, I like Windows Phone OS over anything else, BUT I like being able to run Redbox, Costco, Kroger, Sysaid, SplashID, MyChurch, museum apps, TV Station apps, plus countless other things that Windows Phone can't do. I say "good riddance" to fanboys like you who refuse to accept reality.
I know others disagree, that's fine. No ones opinion is more valid than others. Your personal opinion should be the only one that matters when selecting your phone. It's just a phone, not a religion. I find amusing that some people feel the need write about leaving Windows Phone like it is some religious conversion or enlightenment. No one writes, "I have decided to leave Haynes for Fruit of the Loom".