The Windows Phone App Gap Thread

There are lots of apps missing. Even if only 1% users will not switch because a certain app is absent, if there are 100 missing apps or broken apps, then you start running into issues with the percentage of users switching.

Unlike many in this forum, I am more skeptical of the universal app platform. Two reasons exist. 1) the app on your phone, fridge, watch, Xbox, tv, hololens, tablet, and computer don't all work the same or make sense. Some features of a grocery store or bank app make sense to be implemented differently. 2) even though it leverages PC numbers to create demand leading to phone apps, it does not always translate to phone friendly apps. For example, making a bank app on your computer that functions like the webpage will not allow depositing checks which is the missing feature in mobile.

Sure it is possible that an app like snapchat may come around because of it, but there are limits. The universal apps in windows 8 also did not take off.

You could call me a Debbie downer and i am pessimistic. The difference if apple makes a universal app is that the apps everyone uses on their phone will be quick useable on the mac. In Windows 10, the app store needs to take off first on the computer, and while there are some killer apps (flstudio or baconit for example), it I slow going and most apps function more poorly than normal software (stock mail client versus outlook or the two versions of OneNote as examples) or WebPages (mytube, twitter, or facebook)
Only Snapchat that has any real weight...

My point isn't that there's one single app. It's that the deficiencies of many add up.

There have been many mentioned already. Going through every app is pointless. But OK, here's another one: the golf app I use is better and has more features in Android. Not just that one, almost every app does.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I just hope all this switching will make the forums more fun to use since I don't have to scroll through the endless complaints and what not. I presume many will join up at imore or android central.
Unlike many in this forum, I am more skeptical of the universal app platform. Two reasons exist. 1) the app on your phone, fridge, watch, Xbox, tv, hololens, tablet, and computer don't all work the same or make sense. Some features of a grocery store or bank app make sense to be implemented differently. 2) even though it leverages PC numbers to create demand leading to phone apps, it does not always translate to phone friendly apps. For example, making a bank app on your computer that functions like the webpage will not allow depositing checks which is the missing feature in mobile.

I am still not sure if the strategy will work, but I think it's the right one. We don't know how computing will evolve in the next few years, but what we do know is that everything becomes more mobile. Laptops are what people think of these days when they are looking to buy a computer, and they have increasingly similar functionality as cell phones. There are many apps that can be used similarly on both phones and laptops, banking apps are a good example (pretty much all laptops have cameras), so in those cases I'm thinking it will work out as Microsoft hopes.
Of course there are many location based apps where the universal model will make little difference, but hopefully they will come too if the others are enough to drive sales of phones.
I'm moderately optimistic, but mostly I think Microsoft really had little choice at this time.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I have always argued that it is not the lack of mainstream apps that will kill Windows mobile but the lack of the little special use ones that people really, really want or need. Just for example, I'm an avid sailor and there are very good and useful nautical charting apps on both iOS and Android, and not much at all on WP. The WP ones I've tried are terrible. This is something that annoys me every weekend for six months of the year. Another more practical example is the expense app we are required to use to get reimbursed by my employer. It basically doesn't work on WP, meaning I have to go through an elaborate and annoying workaround after a business trip. Then of course there's the lack of banking apps. I personally use Ally Bank and the WP app works fine, but there is almost no choice and there are no local banks meaning I have to use two accounts when one would cover it. Stuff like that is where WP is losing, not the hardware or the basic mainstream apps.
I use Snapchat. I picked the habit up when I lived in the states for a year. I use it to send funny things that remind us (my friends from there) of our days together. I have it on my iPad now, but it is not ideal. An example of my Snapchat usage: Last week I was organizing a Meze (a mediterrean apperitive table with booze) and I sent out a pic of the mediterrean spirits I have bought with the message: Guess what's up! All my international friends tried to guess, and one of them was like: OHH REALLY?? MEZE?? Darnit I wanna come too! If I do that through Whatsapp, it is not the same! I miss Snapchat :(

lol ok
Obviously the apps that are needed are different for everyone. But for me... Amazon Instant Video isn't available. The Kindle app is missing features. We don't have Nook, or HBO Go, or Showtime. MLB almost didn't come out all for Windows Phone, and the version we got is limited. There's no CapitalOne app or Santander, which means no check depositing.. No JetBlue, no Starbucks, no Dunkin Donuts, we no longer have LinkedIn contact integration. I can't connect to my Fire TV using the phone, or officially use Hue lights (only through a third party). One could go on about this for quite a while, but this is off the top of my head.
For me Sky go & BT sport app will be missed, I thought I could just use edge in full webbie mode but mobile edge doesn't have Silverlight or flash player support...
You'll get used to it :D it's okay to use anything that just works. I have the same problem, trying to stay with WM10, but what will be my next phone OS for me is really questionable. Hopefully Windows improves till then, I'm pretty positive though.

And yes I think there is some sort of glance screen.

No you don't get used to it. I have two Windows phones - Icon and 715. Great phones. I miss the apps. Especially a reliably working version of Kindle. Amazon hasn't updated it in YEARS, and it still mis-loads books half the time. Again, for YEARs. I could deal with most of the rest except for that. And the lack of Amazon Music. And of course I do have the Icon, so I know what it is to be burned by buying a flagship WP on Verizon.
No you don't get used to it. I have two Windows phones - Icon and 715. Great phones. I miss the apps. Especially a reliably working version of Kindle. Amazon hasn't updated it in YEARS, and it still mis-loads books half the time. Again, for YEARs. I could deal with most of the rest except for that. And the lack of Amazon Music. And of course I do have the Icon, so I know what it is to be burned by buying a flagship WP on Verizon.

Yes, as mentioned earlier, if only for the Amazon apps...they all can stand for a good update on Windows Phone...and yes, I do like Amazon Echo and the Alexa app is needed.
No you don't get used to it. I have two Windows phones - Icon and 715. Great phones. I miss the apps. Especially a reliably working version of Kindle. Amazon hasn't updated it in YEARS, and it still mis-loads books half the time. Again, for YEARs. I could deal with most of the rest except for that. And the lack of Amazon Music. And of course I do have the Icon, so I know what it is to be burned by buying a flagship WP on Verizon.

You do get used to it. Many of us aren't wrapped up in our phones and needing an app to do every little thing.

When I don't have an app on windows, I look for alternates ans usually find them.
There's a "huge" gap for you, but not for everyone. It has everything I need. But complaining about it won't change it. Microsoft can't force companies to make apps for WP. If it doesn't meet your needs, then go where it does. It still cracks me up that people act like their lives will come to an end if they don't have all of the apps that they "need". Seven years ago most of this didn't exist and yet somehow we survived without it. First world problems.

Yes. Some people think it feels good the apps "are there" on iOS or Android. When it comes down to it, there's only about 10 apps that I constantly use, and the rest is for entertainment . My ten apps: Dropbox, Evernote, Note, Outlook, Music Player, Pocket Casts, Rhapsody, Netflix, LastPass, Facebook and Twitter. Let me check one last time: yep, all in WP. The rest is just gravy. And to make an even stronger point: if a company does not care enough about a segment of the users, that it would warrant an app for Windows Phone, it means Hasta La Vista Baby. I'm not sticking to a company that doesn't go the extra mile for my business. That means, Snapchat, take a hike.

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