The word "hub" is stupid


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Mar 30, 2011
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Can we please stop calling default programs "hubs" and go back to calling them apps, applications, or anything else! Everyone understands that. Dont need to call them hubs just because they get info from other apps. Microsoft is just trying to confuse my mom with that. If the user and review community drops that word, then i think itll dissapear from microsofts vocabulary too.

Also on a related note, "windows phone" is stupid but not as bad as hubs. Should have called it "zune pone" or "zuneOS" or "metro phone/OS." or "the Start Phone."


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Dec 24, 2010
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I'm under the impression a "Hub" is 2 or more "apps" grouped together.

For instance; the "People Hub" incorporates contacts,recent activity, facebook etc. The "HTC Hub" groups HTC apps, weather, and so on.

I can't imagine not having the "Games Hub" apps list would be loooonnng.


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Jan 1, 2011
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so... since the company makes the windows operating system, they can't call it windows phone?

hub is fine... it's called an "app hub".

the definition for you:

a center around which other things revolve or from which they radiate

so the 'music hub' is the "center" of which music apps would be... zune, slacker, etc.

i asked my mom if that was confusing and she said thought i was insulting her. not that hard to understand, imo.


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Dec 16, 2010
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The Games hub isn't an app is it? It is an area I go to to play games on the Windows Phone (and see achievements and friends online) but itself isn't an app


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Nov 27, 2010
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Welcome, But...

Can we please stop calling default programs "hubs" and go back to calling them apps, applications, or anything else! Everyone understands that. Dont need to call them hubs just because they get info from other apps. Microsoft is just trying to confuse my mom with that. If the user and review community drops that word, then i think itll dissapear from microsofts vocabulary too.

Also on a related note, "windows phone" is stupid but not as bad as hubs. Should have called it "zune pone" or "zuneOS" or "metro phone/OS." or "the Start Phone."

Welcome to WPCentral!!

This can be a great place to facilitate the sharing of information and opnions. I hope you stick around!

I feel that everyone is entitled to their own opinon.

However, I agree with everyone else in this thread that a Hub is not an Application.

You may be a bit out-numbered on your first thread...

(And un-officially, a post with the word "stupid" in it often gets dismissed without much thought being given to it.)


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Feb 15, 2007
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"Stupid" is just your opinion

As many people here have said, the hub moniker is just a way of describing a place to go where you can access numerous apps or information of a specific type.

If you believe it is stupid to call them that, then by all means, do it.

This appears to be one of those "Really?" moments.

Microsoft knew what they were doing when they came up with that slogan.

Rich Edmonds

PC Editor
Dec 13, 2010
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Can we please stop calling default programs "hubs" and go back to calling them apps, applications, or anything else! Everyone understands that. Dont need to call them hubs just because they get info from other apps. Microsoft is just trying to confuse my mom with that. If the user and review community drops that word, then i think itll dissapear from microsofts vocabulary too.

Also on a related note, "windows phone" is stupid but not as bad as hubs. Should have called it "zune pone" or "zuneOS" or "metro phone/OS." or "the Start Phone."
Isn't that the exact reason why they're called hubs? Because they pull data from more than one application? It's like a network hub, are we going to start calling that an AP because it shouldn't be called a hub? Does your mum even need to use the word hub? She can just use "People" or "Gaming" and use the respective hub title. I can't see that term being dropped at all, let alone any time soon.

Windows Phone is stupid? It's a phone running Windows, what else is it going to be called? Zune's (unfortunately) dead, it's just a service now.

Oh, and welcome to the forum. :)

Paul Acevedo

Jan 19, 2011
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I think he means calling it 'Windows Phone 7' instead of 'Windows 7 phone' is stupid. It does get confusing when you say 'I have a Windows Phone 7 phone.'


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Nov 1, 2010
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A Hub Means alot actualy,
for example the music hub is where you would find anything Music, like radio station and so on
a Hub does not group apps together it groups content for example you won't find the facebook app in the picture hub, but you will find all your facebook pictures ..

I do understand the way the hubs works, like office will handle eventualy all your documents wether they are from email or skydrive, drop box, and other locations you should find them in the office hub. RIGHT ?


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Mar 30, 2011
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When palm did this with webos (kind of) all they said is that their apps work together and talk to each other. The interface, icon, and tile of a hub works exactly the same as an app. Its the same thing, microsoft calls it something different. And just being in the phone, theres no point to call hubs something different from other non stock applications. Are there even any reference to them as "hubs" within the os? If so, not enough to teach people who havnt watched videos about the os.

Btw, i love the os, just think this specifically is a case of stupid naming.

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