

New member
Aug 23, 2011
I just can't settle on anything other than Teal for my WP7 theme. Everything else just seems too much. Anyone else get this?

Maybe the colours are just too bright. I dunno. It's not a criticism as such, just me being indecisive I guess.

Teal it is then.
I've been stuck on brown since the start. I'll go with blue for a few hours, but then I always change it back. Before they "updated" the colors I used lime sometimes, but now it kind of looks like cartoon puke to me ;)
I have been stuck on red/black since I first used the phone nothing looks bettter in my opinion than a black screen on an AMOLED+ screen with some contrasting color.
I switch between brown and blue. Most of the colors just seem 'off' to me. They're just a little harsh or something. I can't quite place my finger on it, but I do wish there were more choices available.
Sticking with the mango and black, just like the Flyers (even though we are sucking right now).
I switch back and forth between brown and mango; keeping it mango most of the time (on the black background).
I use the teal with while background on my is easy for me to see and works great when you use your phone screen as a flashlight to get down a hallway.
WHERE IS THE ROYAL BLUE and NAVY BLUE, Nokia shows it on their phones in ads sometimes, and I can't so angry. There is no reason to not have a color slider, it doesn't make the settings any more or less streamlined. It doesn't even need to be super complicated, but give me the freedom to choose more colors. Most of the colors are so womanly and unprofessional looking, so every dude has the same colors on their phone (something I noticed in person at the windows phone events in NYC). It was all red, mango, blue, and occasional green for the thousands of phones, seems stupid!
you can use advaced configuration tool(if your phone is unlocked) and can create more themes, now I use bloody color on black
Mine is lime. I just prefer it to other colors. It's probably an Xbox thing, Lime/Black color combo.

Interesting to see everyone has a color that just works!
On my Focus, I switch between Green, Red, Blue, and Mango on black. However, I am not very satisfied with any theme except the "Verizon" theme on my Trophy, as the colors look so pale on this pathetic screen.

I am certain that other people are influenced by their screen type, too.
I have been stuck on red/black since I first used the phone nothing looks bettter in my opinion than a black screen on an AMOLED+ screen with some contrasting color.

Are you a long lost brother? We both have similar screen names, same phone, same theme preference, and both are in Seattle (I live in Bellevue but go to Seattle for school)! :D
I just can't settle on anything other than Teal for my WP7 theme. Everything else just seems too much. Anyone else get this?

Maybe the colours are just too bright. I dunno. It's not a criticism as such, just me being indecisive I guess.

Teal it is then.
I love the Nokia blue with black background.
Ok, so I'm trying Mango for a bit to see whether I can get used to that. I've just gotten so bored of Teal/Blue.

I think I've figured out what it is that I don't like about most of the themes - it's that a lot of the live tile colours clash with a lot of the themes. Also, if you pin Office documents (especially OneNote notebooks) to the front screen their colours often clash with anything that isn't fairly neutral. It ends up making the front screen look a bit messy.

I'm using Mango at the moment. But with purple OneNote notebooks, the green Xbox Live tile, and the multi-coloured Guardian app pinned to start, I'm beginning to feel a little queasy.

I'm not keen on the colors available on the Radar either. Seems like it would be a simple thing to offer more color options. I've looked at the Wiztiles app, but that seems to be more for designing new tiles altogether. I'd like a dark slate blue/gray, personally.
I am mlostly on blue wth black theme I have tried lime and teal and red What seems to stick most is the blue and sometimes the mango Mango is harder to read in semi strongn light with the white background.
Something else I've been considering is theme color combined with phone color. For example, I'm really thinking of making the blue lumia 900 my next phone, but will the red, brown, or green theme clash with the blue? Should that even be a concern?

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