My wife drop her 920 for the umpteenth time but this time the concrete won. Shattered the screen good. I was wondering if they broke. Anyway I had insurance (for once) so I filed a claim. I called them up to finalize and was told a red HTC first would be shipped out. What the f***??? I had not heard of a HTC first but was told by the rep that it ran the same software. I explained I want a Lumia 920, anything but black. All they have is black of course. So I am going to get the phone and hit the att store and do some ******** and hopefully get a different color( or a 1020 haha). If this does not work out I need a good case. Long story short anybody have a good suggestions for a colorful case that is not to bulky? By the way the HTC first is a midrange android, I would have been pissed.