Thinking of leaving Windows Phone for good, any thoughts?

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I honestly feel that WP the OS is unparalleled but the problem is Microsoft. They have mismanaged the platform by not giving it the required attention for years and now its so far behind in perception, marketshare, apps and features they themselves have given up and turned to the competition so they can be relevant in the mobile world. Sure they talk it up here and there but its obvious their focus now is on other platforms where they are constantly updating their apps and services while WP languishes.

WP is now starting its 5th year and is still unfinished and yet again another 'savior" is on the horizon in Windows 10, which like WP 8 and 8.1 will probably fail to have any significant impact. So while I enjoy using WP I can certainly understand when people feel frustrated with how the platform currently stands and why other platforms seem more attractive. There's certainly no harm in trying them out so definitely try something else and see if it works for you, one thing you certainly wont miss is Microsoft services on either ios or android.
I have to be honest, I'm thinking the same. I want to see how W10 does and then will make a decision.

thats when i decided i am going to make my decision as well. i dont want to hastily use my upgrade when it comes in nov just yet.
I am starting to get impatient as well. I have loved WP and have convinced 10 or so of my friends, family, and co-workers to buy windows phones. When I like a product I become a salesman for the product.

My wife and I have had 920's for two years, we preordered them and have loved them. We are both very hard on our phones but they have held up well for these two years even though mine has taken a trip or two down concrete stairs and my wife's has been dropped in the toilet.

I don't have a huge problem with the app selection. Sure, there are several apps that I would have if I were on a different platform but they aren't deal breakers. Really, I have two problems- The first is the whole ISIS situation. I was told when I bought the phone that we'd have mobile payment capabilities in six months... that was almost two years ago and there is still no release date. That might be a silly reason but I think that it reflects the way Microsoft has mishandled several problems. ISIS was supposed to be multi-platform but what did Android do when it was taking too long? They did their own thing. I think Microsoft tends to overlook and ignore problems instead of solving them.

Honestly, I can overlook the ISIS thing but I don't know if I can wait hoping that Windows 10 will solve everything. Isn't W10 rumored to be coming out in spring/summer of 2015? I'm not sure if I can coax 6 months or more out of these 920's. I would absolutely hate getting a 1520 or a 930 now and then seeing an updated windows phone with a faster processor and 4k display. Having a few different phones at the same time isn't really a practical option for me.

I hate everything Apple and how they market themselves so they aren't an option for me. I'll probably lean towards the Moto-X or Nexus 6 if we don't get some Lumia clarification soon. I was banking on being able to get whatever flagship came out this fall but due to the lack of rumors around a fall release I think I'll have to wait a WHILE or pull the trigger on something else.
I understand your frustration. My experience right now is that the mobile phone have reached its pinnacle for ways of usage. So now it is a case of what OS works for me. I used to have the i5s, I still have the GS4, but am about to sell it, but I plan to keep my L920 because it's easier to navigate in real time and the WP OS is easier on the eyes. What I would like to have is a 5" L1520 then I would probably be done with phones for a while. But for me it is the beauty of the OS that does it for me. You have to find what works for you. But I do understand your frustration with MS now being in charge of manufacturing instead of just the software. What is needed is a manufacturer who is willing to push MS.
Well, probably not for good, but I stuck my Icon sim card in a Droid Maxx. I love WP, but a little tired of wi-fi problems on 8.1DP and poor battery life. So far, I can say I like email on WP better, especially because you can pin a folder and it's just cleaner/neater. OneDrive and Xbox Music seems equivalent, maybe a little better on Android. I really like the form factor of the Maxx and it really feels good in the hand with the Kevlar and curves. It's fast but not as smooth for scrolling. Battery is just awesome. Even though it's new, it's a phone from 2013 and I'm fairly impressed. I would still like to see MS get their act together and do some great things with the OS, but we'll see. Oh, and it didn't even know the Maxx had wireless charging. That's just awesome as that is one of the things I would miss.
Came from a long list of android phones (HTC, samsung, but never sony...). Just recently joined hte lumia 1520 bandwagon. I got bored of android and thought i'd try something new. TBH windows phone is really good. I'm not missing anything much except the multitask feature from my note 2; and some other minute details (starring improtant emails, opening new tabs in the BACKGROUND in IE and a few others).

the biggest draw for me is i use PC...and if everything is linked, that's just awesome. Whereas android, i'd have to get a chromebook, which i'm not a fan (over here in aust ~500, which is meh)

But if you're into apps, then wp is definitely the wrong place for you. I feel like i should've waited till windows 10 arrive...that's when the game gets more interesting!
Good luck with iOS. We all gotta de whats we feel is best for our investments, that's all..Feel free to still join in on the forums etc. I'm all WP2DaWorl. lol.
Why oh WHHHYYY do people post nonsense like this?! STOP. If you need reassurance in a phone choice, I feel.sorry for you. There are a LOT more important things in life than this. Respect yourself enough to make up.your own mind. If you liked the "boring"(which it is) IOS, then go for it. You aren't a deserter, stop being dramatic. I choose windows phone due to hating the forced equipment upgrades from apple. And android is a joke, imo. So I'm here, and staying. And no one should care that I'm here either. The fact you took the effort to do this post, like pulling flower petals to see if WP loves you, speaks volumes that you need to choose another phone. If you feel like Rhiana and MS is Chris Brown, don't go back.
Wow, you made my day dude.
Talking about drama.
Maybe i over explained but for the only reason of making a topic some people identified with, its not just about a phone but the stuff around it (i dont think that is too hard to understand)
Long story short:
I respect myself quite good and being unsure about a ******* phone wont change that.
I like hearing opinions of fellow WP users (you included)
My choice will be between my wallet, my mood at the moment and I.
I know no one gives a **** about what i do and that is cool.
This is just an effortless post

Of course i know its just a phone, and my life doesn't depend on it in any level. Its just that since this forum is about phones i felt like, you know, talking about them in this particular topic, easy right?
About what you say, i currently own 2 WP, one Xbox, a PC and a Laptop with 8.1 and i must say i don't see any strong bond between them or real advantages for that matter.
Its all about personal use and preferences and i will continue using Windows regardless of my phone choice.
For me, it is all about the apps sometimes, sometimes i am cool with it. for now i think i will wait for W10 and then make my mind.

It is just a phone. You are using it for voice calls, texting, browsing, taking pictures, etc... I don't get this with investing time. It's just a device! On the other side, there is the eco system. And I'm not talking about apps here. I'm talking about the combination of the desktop, tablet, phone and game console. Having all those in one eco system pays off. If you don't have it, switching the handset is a matter of your mood when you wake up in the morning. :) I've got the entire eco system and I'm happy with it. The only think that excites me even more is the win 10. I want to see it on a phone.
Again, do what makes you happy. I don't know happened with the world. We are talking about phones and tablets like owning/using them is the purpose of our life. But it's not! :)

Of course i know its just a phone, and my life doesn't depend on it in any level. Its just that since this forum is about phones i felt like, you know, talking about them in this particular topic, easy right?
About what you say, i currently own 2 WP, one Xbox, a PC and a Laptop with 8.1 and i must say i don't see any strong bond between them or real advantages for that matter.
Its all about personal use and preferences and i will continue using Windows regardless of my phone choice.
For me, it is all about the apps sometimes, sometimes i am cool with it. for now i think i will wait for W10 and then make my mind.

Are you in the position to:
A) Wait till Win 10 for phone comes out or
B) Use both platforms for a while and wait?

That's what i am doing. However i am also getting a Note 4 as soon as i can because my Nokia is honestly becoming a pain in the neck and it lacks too much stuff.

Yes, i think i will wait for now. The recent "critical update" made my 1020 feel smoother, when will WP10 come out? it would be awesome to have it as "a developer"
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Of course i know its just a phone, and my life doesn't depend on it in any level. Its just that since this forum is about phones i felt like, you know, talking about them in this particular topic, easy right?
About what you say, i currently own 2 WP, one Xbox, a PC and a Laptop with 8.1 and i must say i don't see any strong bond between them or real advantages for that matter.
Its all about personal use and preferences and i will continue using Windows regardless of my phone choice.
For me, it is all about the apps sometimes, sometimes i am cool with it. for now i think i will wait for W10 and then make my mind.

I didn't question why you ask such questions here :)

The eco system I'm talking about is not just the devices. For example: I use IE, Outlook, Office 365, OneDrive... You got the picture :)

Yes, it is not as perfect as i want it to be, but is good enough. Passwords/browsing history/wi-fi settings sync on all devices. Hey, even VPN settings did :)

I'm starting to sound like a ****** ...
Why oh WHHHYYY do people post nonsense like this?! STOP. If you need reassurance in a phone choice, I feel.sorry for you. There are a LOT more important things in life than this. Respect yourself enough to make up.your own mind. If you liked the "boring"(which it is) IOS, then go for it. You aren't a deserter, stop being dramatic. I choose windows phone due to hating the forced equipment upgrades from apple. And android is a joke, imo. So I'm here, and staying. And no one should care that I'm here either. The fact you took the effort to do this post, like pulling flower petals to see if WP loves you, speaks volumes that you need to choose another phone. If you feel like Rhiana and MS is Chris Brown, don't go back.

Seriously, its a MOBILE PHONE FORUM. If you had better things to do, why are you 'wasting your time posting on this forum'? I love these types of people that think they're above everyone...IN A FORUM...ON THE INTERNET...TALKING ABOUT MOBILE PHONES. Get off your high horse and take a chill man, he's just asking people for their opinions, especially how likely many have left other OS's, or left WP for other OS's. This post makes it seem as if he should be ashamed of asking such questions, its pretty lame. People spend their hard earned money on mobile phones, devices they use daily....some use it only for calls, others use it for more and want to ensure they're not putting themselves in a worse situation. Is it wrong for some to research thoroughly and inquire before making decisions? Whos the real drama queen here? lol
Seriously, its a MOBILE PHONE FORUM. If you had better things to do, why are you 'wasting your time posting on this forum'? I love these types of people that think they're above everyone...IN A FORUM...ON THE INTERNET...TALKING ABOUT MOBILE PHONES. Get off your high horse and take a chill man, he's just asking people for their opinions, especially how likely many have left other OS's, or left WP for other OS's. This post makes it seem as if he should be ashamed of asking such questions, its pretty lame. People spend their hard earned money on mobile phones, devices they use daily....some use it only for calls, others use it for more and want to ensure they're not putting themselves in a worse situation. Is it wrong for some to research thoroughly and inquire before making decisions? Whos the real drama queen here? lol

Thank you.

In addition I'd like to add these forms are part of mobile nations. The name is the giveaway there.
Don't get me wrong, I love WP and doing it since 7.0,
I started with a 710, then a 720 and my last phone is the great 1020.

I even made my wife, brother, fathers in law switch to Windows Phone.

My one year old 1020 feels sort of outdated so when I start to wonder about its replacement I feel kind of disappointed of the whole picture of WP
I don't think Microsoft is fully committed to make things better and that is frustrating. Nokia did a better job and now its being torn apart.

I think I will go back to iOS, I had a "boring" iPhone and now it seems like a better and more mature choice to make.

I invested lots of time waiting for lots of things in Windows phone and many were good and encouraging but I think I had it.
Does anyone feel the same? Any thoughts?

I don't want to be seen as a deserter but as most of you I love gadgets and WP has always been good but always far behind of the competition. I just want the best I can get

I completely understand your sentiment. If you can, why not keep your 1020 & switch back and forth between handsets. I'm about to get a Galaxy Note 3 and keep my 925. I'm a fan of mobile tech and I realized that I shouldn't be so one-sided with technology and really see what is out there and compare the pros and cons of each. Nonetheless, I wish you the best with your future endeavors.
I completely understand your sentiment. If you can, why not keep your 1020 & switch back and forth between handsets. I'm about to get a Galaxy Note 3 and keep my 925. I'm a fan of mobile tech and I realized that I shouldn't be so one-sided with technology and really see what is out there and compare the pros and cons of each. Nonetheless, I wish you the best with your future endeavors.
I will keep my 1020 but it will be my wife's (we have this rule that we get turns to upgrade our phones because I am the only one with a contract, so its my turn but she gets a semi upgrade as well)
Seriously, its a MOBILE PHONE FORUM. If you had better things to do, why are you 'wasting your time posting on this forum'? I love these types of people that think they're above everyone...IN A FORUM...ON THE INTERNET...TALKING ABOUT MOBILE PHONES. Get off your high horse and take a chill man, he's just asking people for their opinions, especially how likely many have left other OS's, or left WP for other OS's. This post makes it seem as if he should be ashamed of asking such questions, its pretty lame. People spend their hard earned money on mobile phones, devices they use daily....some use it only for calls, others use it for more and want to ensure they're not putting themselves in a worse situation. Is it wrong for some to research thoroughly and inquire before making decisions? Whos the real drama queen here? lol

Thank you! Lets make this community better than the average troll filled forum!
Because only fanboys who hang out in forums with other fanboys buy high-end Windows Phones. The low end is where the money is. Microsoft knows this. But it's too late. Microsoft will sell off what they bought from Nokia, and pull the plug on Windows Phone within 2 years. It's just too damn late.
Your forgetting the US. In the US almost all people buying through carriers buy flagship devices. Only those who go through pay as you go services buy entry phones. The focus on entry phones is on markets that are still up for grabs.
Your forgetting the US. In the US almost all people buying through carriers buy flagship devices. Only those who go through pay as you go services buy entry phones. The focus on entry phones is on markets that are still up for grabs.

The US is a fraction of the global market. Almost every other country buys phones outright.
I don't feel I'm above anyone. And judging by the likes to my post, I'm not the only one that feels that way. My purpose for that post is exactly what was pointed out, this is a forum. By asking a windows forum, what do you expect the answers to be? I at least am honest enough to say, most of us don't care. This is a forum to discuss the goings on with Microsoft and its divisions, not "golly guys, I'm on the fence. Wont someone help ME". Its called research. Asking for opinions isn't research. The OP stated all that needed to be said, leave windows phone. And I'm.not a troll, look at my posts. I actually try to help, not beg someone to stay.
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