This guy hits the nail on the head with Windows 10 Mobile

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Yep, Skype Messaging is one of the biggest reasons I wanted Windows 10 on a phone (HCE is another big one... but Microsoft is seriously dragging their feet on everything that could make Wallet useful) all of those are turned on.
Everything else in settings is the way it was when I got it out of the box.

Isn't the integrated Skype draining the battery too fast? I am now using the skype app, mainly because I can see who is online and who is not. I do not know if there is a way too from the integrated Skype to see if the person you are contacting is online or not.
Isn't the integrated Skype draining the battery too fast? I am now using the skype app, mainly because I can see who is online and who is not. I do not know if there is a way too from the integrated Skype to see if the person you are contacting is online or not.
It sure as hell used to. Back when I was using Skype+Messaging on my Lumia 1020 I experienced ridiculous battery drain. I'd be in class on campus not using my phone at all and it'd be in my pocket on fire. Damn thing wouldn't last 6 hours, and sure enough Skype Messaging was at about ~30% drain. But that was also it's first iteration within W10TP. On my Lumia 950, battery drain's very reasonable. Last 24h shows a 7.8% drain, and expanding to a week I see 11.6%. Now I get well over a day out of my battery life... and the couple times I've let it get bad enough for battery saver to come on (I have that set to turn on at 20%) I've pulled off two days.
It sure as hell used to. Back when I was using Skype+Messaging on my Lumia 1020 I experienced ridiculous battery drain. I'd be in class on campus not using my phone at all and it'd be in my pocket on fire. Damn thing wouldn't last 6 hours, and sure enough Skype Messaging was at about ~30% drain. But that was also it's first iteration within W10TP. On my Lumia 950, battery drain's very reasonable. Last 24h shows a 7.8% drain, and expanding to a week I see 11.6%

I see, well I'll try it and see how it goes, however the fact that using the integrated Skype mode doesn't allow me to see the actual Online/Offline status of a Contact is kind of a problem for me...maybe the'll add somehow a way to see this.
I see, well I'll try it and see how it goes, however the fact that using the integrated Skype mode doesn't allow me to see the actual Online/Offline status of a Contact is kind of a problem for me...maybe the'll add somehow a way to see this.
It's worth requesting in Windows Feedback if that's important to you. They could be trying to make more and more elements of that simply be transparent (as it is in iMessage on iPhone/iPad), or it could just be an oversight (such as the inability to switch cameras within a Skype call).
you should have added a tag for Satya aswell, if there is one. He is the main responsible for the entire mess.

I would of had, dam 140 letter limit but, as Bill Gates started Microsoft and is involved with everything still, He should be the one know more than Satya....
I also have had one minor issue on my 950 the eq breaking for 2 days... I have never known such a bunch of drama queens., it's like the guy who beats his wife whilst telling her he loves her. What's it all about? If you don't like the product move really is that simple a solution, this leads me to believe that most of the whiner's have no intention of buying a high end phone whether it be win10, ios or android.they want a $30 phone inclusive of all Microsoft software for free...
It's worth requesting in Windows Feedback if that's important to you.

WIndows feedback is a JOKE. Same with Xbox feedback. With all the bugs that are still in Windows 10 and Windows 10 mobile... it's a joke.... it really is.

Tons of bugs and feature requests with THOUSANDS of votes...bugs ARE STILL in Windows 10....(5-6 that I have been watching), then Xbox 360 games ? Maybe 2-3 games out of the top requested games came available for the xbox one. If Microsoft could not get the liceences or approval by the vendors, why did they even have the program ?

Sure feedback has done some things, Microsoft cherry picked what they wanted and didn't bother with the rest... I think it was more of a PR thing...
We're in a new era of software, where the Internet has allowed developers to release code in near-beta and patch later. It's not just Microsoft, everyone does it now. No, that doesn't make it okay that everyone does it, but they all do it. It's just the reality of the time we live in. Every desktop OS, mobile OS, and most software/apps are released with bugs and patched as time goes on. The past 12-13 months saw two major PC game titles released with so many flaws they prompted formal apologies from the companies and either refunds or free gifts (Assassin's Creed Unity / Ubisoft, and Batman: Arkham Knight / Warner Bros). Both major consoles (XBO and PS4) had large "Day 1" patches, meaning you were welcomed to your new purchase with a patch. OSX, Windows, and Linux have constant patches, service packs, minor updates, major updates on a regular basis to fix bugs and add new features (which usually have bugs requiring further updates). Major anti-virus companies release updates that destroy computers. I could go on and on... It's the era we live in.

Calling Windows a SaaS is a marketing tactic. Remember that - everything that comes out of a company's mouth for public consumption is marketing. Microsoft is changing how Windows is being released to something similar to Apple. Instead of Windows 7, then a few years later, Windows 8, then a few years later Windows 10 - they are releasing 10, then 10.1, then 10.2, then 10.3, etc. Instead of calling them service packs, they're calling them code-name releases. Windows 10.0 was Threshold. 10.1 will be Redstone, etc. And each code release may have minor updates as well, such as Threshold 2. And Microsoft doesn't charge for those updates, just like Apple doesn't charge for OSX code-name updates.

Now to Windows 10 Mobile. There is a reason it hasn't been released yet to phones, MS doesn't feel it's ready. The reason we have the 950 and 950XL is for the fans (or FANBOYS as you lovingly call them). It has always been said by Microsoft that the 950 series was for diehards - MS's way of thanking them for sticking with the platform. It was never meant to be a mainstream phone designed to bring people to the platform. It's not being advertised, and not really being pushed by carriers. It's for the fans. People who, in all likelihood, were in the Insiders preview and had Windows 10 Mobile running on their daily driver or backup phone for some time. People who were prepared for bugs and testing, and used to giving feedback.

If it's just for the fans, then why did they pick a carrier in the US to adopt it? They could have just sold it online and unlocked only. I don't have a definitive answer for that, only a speculation. They needed to test the idea of forcing updates to the phone without carrier involvement. They went with the company that started the revolution with Apple. If it succeeds, they have an "in" with other carriers when future mainstream phones are released.

Yes it sucks that Windows 10 Mobile has issues. And yes it sucks that you had to pay $500 for a phone with issues. But that was always going to be the case. The 950 hardware was a gift to fans. High-end specs with access to the latest builds of Windows 10 Mobile.

I think where Microsoft is heading is an excellent vision. I'm frustrated with bugs, but I also knew what I was getting into. I also see that Windows 10 is being updated faster than I've ever seen an OS updated in the past. It seems that when I have a major frustration it's solved within a few months. I hated Groove when it was first released, but now it works 10x better for me and I enjoy it daily as my music player in the car. I was frustrated that I couldn't set custom ringtones and text tones for contacts, but a few months later ringtones was fixed, and a month or so after that text tones were fixed. Battery life was a problem in the beginning, but has gotten better for me with each update.

I know that people need a place to vent their frustrations, and these forums are excellent. There are people here who genuinely want to help others with their experience. And there are people who genuinely want to ruin other people's enjoyment - and rage against the machine. It's okay - we work together.
This thread started off useful but over the course of several pages has spiralled into a thread bashing other people's experiences of their devices. Closed.
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