This is an interesting read "guy dumps iPhone for windows phone

I agree, this is super interesting. I really appreciate that his viewpoint and experience was straightforward. I love that he is proof that people can and do switch. It sounds like the switch just worked out better for him.
I agree, this is super interesting. I really appreciate that his viewpoint and experience was straightforward. I love that he is proof that people can and do switch. It sounds like the switch just worked out better for him.
Yeah but the comments on that piece were bashing him like hell. People there are so damn ignorant
I had a somewhat similar experience to the author in the sense that I bought the Apple hype. I had used Windows phones but became frustrated by lack of apps, so when I accidentally broke my Lumia 1520 I spent $950 on an IPhone 6 Plus. I figured if I wanted the best apps I should get my first iPhone. The Verge had recently run an article saying iPhone was the best phone, period. All my iPhone using friends told me I would love it.

I didn't love it.

After six weeks I realized I made a big expensive mistake and traded it online.
I have to say I'm kind of surprised though by the model that he switched for. I sort of understand any uproar that people had. I mean... don't get me wrong, I own a 635 (black - At&t). I also own a 5S and my wife had a 5 (which is essentially the same as the 5C). I don't think if I had to chose between the two i'd ever chose the 635. I mean the screen is not very good comparatively, and the iPhone (again, in this comparison specifically) would have been much faster, as the 635 has pretty aged internals. I think he pretty much explains the whole thing though when he says he isn't really a smartphone guy and probably wouldn't even use one if it were not for work. He doesn't sound like someone who really uses a phone for much of anything other than well.... a phone, and maybe some light email/etc. In that case the 635 probably would do just fine and like he said, for a fraction of the price. I would consider his experience somewhat non-typical.
Just wanted to share my personal story about switching to Windows, as I am quite new to the environment. I jumped around the mid range of Android Smartphones, had a nexus 5, an iPhone 4 for quite a few years until last year when I decided it was time to invest in an iPhone 6 Plus. I never really had any brand loyalty to this point, since ios and android both do the same exact things just in a slightly different fashion. After spending a few months with my iPhone the honeymoon phase quickly wore off, and I was left with an expensive, and in my opinion drab smartphone. There was nothing that really excited me about it, although it did work fine when I needed it to. The only problem was that it didn't do anything more than my nexus did, and that was quite a bit cheaper. So I decided to switch operating systems since I had zero desire to upgrade to the 6s plus, or keep my 6 plus since the value would begin to drop. I kept on looking at the new nexus 6p, but in the end I really wanted something different, so I picked up the Lumia 640 XL and slapped Windows 10 on it, and I must say, I'm really enjoying my experience so far. It's still a bit buggy, as to be expected, but I really like the tiles, and its a somewhat new experience with UI which I like. Its kind of refreshing. As for apps, I really have only found a few apps that aren't on WP, mainly snapchat and banking apps, but i'll get over it. And for the outdated apps that haven't been updated in a couple years, they are still pretty usable and I can get by on them. It will be really nice to see the universal apps come, as well as the OS being buttoned up, but overall my experience has been a very positive one and i'm glad I made the switch.

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