I beg to differ, webOS and heck, my Treo could pass for a smartphone. They do have applications (few I'll admit), they do have internet, etc.
Now an Asha or a RAZR V3, those are comparatively dumb.

Wi-Fi hotspot!

netbook or tablet? (in terms of form factor, not performance etc)

I was being extremely sarcastic. I miss webOS dearly and I use my T/X daily.
Fatclue, you almost wound me by putting that low level hack in the same sentence as Mr. Corleone. Expect a fairly large device planted under your vehicle soon. The Family was not pleased.

Portrait or landscape sliders?
I say stock apps, because I like companies to have official apps for our platform. I usually prefer stock apps, unless it's a Rudy Huyn case, like 6snap, 6tag, 6sec, etc.

Pancakes or waffles?
Halo. Never even seen Metriod played.

And I was slow again... had to edit. Geez.

Better read:

Espionage/Mystery novels or sci-fi/horror novels?
Tough one, I like both. But since it's one or the other....Espionage/Mystery.
Did you have something in mind for these two genre-crossovers?

Gadget colour:
Black or something else (from white, silver to all other colours).
Tough one, I like both. But since it's one or the other....Espionage/Mystery.
Did you have something in mind for these two genre-crossovers?
I just have kinda noticed that when people are talking about novels, they are starting to group those together.

I am a gadget something other then black guy now. Black is just to common.

So, what color is not common enough for a choice in Gadget fashion:

Green or Orange?
Orange. I think of those hideous lime-green N8s that Nokia dropped a few years ago.

Courvoisier or Remy Martin?
I can't remember that I've ever tried any cognac, but I only know Remy Martin by name.

Movie night or tv series night?
I like both! If it is a TV show I REALLY like, like Homeland, I will choose that. But as TV shows are like 1 hour each, and leave you in suspense till the next episode, I prefer movie nights.

Surface Accessories: Touch Cover 2 or Type Cover 2?
Type Cover 2 (I don't like not having a "click" sensation on a physical keyboard)...

Re: Type Cover 2: Purple or Black?

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