Tiled floor (since I don't know what you mean with "rugged"; just found those rugged mats for cars).

Cross-plattform gaming: yes or no?
It is nice, so more people are in, but we would rage against each other, so I'm against cross-platform gaming.

Baseball or Tennis?

WP8 games:
Casual games (like Cut the Rope, Angry Birds,...) or ports (like Final Fantasy, GTA SA)?
I like the old Office Tile more, that's the only reason I choose Mango :-P

Different mobile OS:
Pure/vanilla/stock Android (call it what you want) or manufacturer UI (Sense, TouchWiz, ...)
Motorola's is close to stock, but very slightly different, so I'm going with Moto's UI.

Worst Game for new consoles: NBA Live 14 or something else (state it)?
NBA Live 14 (I don't even get the point of those sports games)

Games from the PS2/XBox/NGC generation or XBox Live Arcade games?
Dang it Pnguin, I have nothing to choose....

Edited: Like it, buddy... nice recovery!!

Movie that has you excited this year:

Godzilla (check out the trailer if you haven't!!) or Guardians of the Galaxy?
Last edited:
Mary Ann (but honestly, I'm not that young, it just was never on TV in my country)

Comfort food or exotic cuisine?
Well, I like both. Depends on the mood. But mostly (because where I live, ales aren't that common) I drink Lager.

Watching movies/surfing in bed:
Tablet or note/netbook?

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