This OS is in desperate need of a 2nd home screen.

Could always just tell them you are away if needed. I would rather do that than have my customer decide what I can and can not accomplish because I am away from my desktop at the moment.

Maybe so - "if needed". I just find it a useful tool to inform people I'm away from the computer (without entering into a discussion about it). Obviously, if it's something important, I'll state the case, but in general, I have customers, family, friends, who I know will contextualise my message once they read the signature. Just the same way I would if someone was replying to me 'in brief' on a forum.

I guess you could find it a bit of 'past time' if it was seen as trendy 'back in the day', but I never did.

There are lots of settings (more than iOS) that can be turned on or off in WP. A notification center could easily be one of those things. So if a toast pops up it mirrors that information into the notification center. If its turned off, it just doesn't get recorded into the center and no harm.

Personally, when I'm flat out and stressing, constant toast notifications as I'm mid-flow would most definitely shorten the phone's life expectancy. Maybe I've got a temper problem with gadgets, but my HD7 is the only phone that hasn't irritated the living crap out of me at the pinnacle time it shouldn't have. :D
Notifications can be turned off though. I would hope a notification center would have the same type of setting. Pretty sure all the OSs can disable notifications.
Yes you can turn off notifications in those other systems. The pushback against a notifications center makes no sense to me.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Notifications can be turned off though. I would hope a notification center would have the same type of setting. Pretty sure all the OSs can disable notifications.

I guess that would work. I wouldn't mind so much if I could turn it off. I guess I would just prefer it if WP came up with it's own idea... like it has done for most of it's UI. Something like a small symbol at top of the home screen (in line with the clock) could work - when you see it you turn the home screen page to landscape and it fades to your all of your tiles in a row with notifications (doing their live tile thing).

Toast works for Messenger on your PC/mac, but it's far too intrusive for me on a phone.

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