Time zones are wrong!

Windows Central causes me to double post a lot. Just like it did now. Maybe time for a newer program. This one seems quite old!:wink: I use to delete the double posts, but I'm going to leave this one for the staff to fix!:smile: Good luck with your time zone problem.!
Here's a little read that I find interesting. If this link is unappropriated or offends, please delete. This is for the staff here on WC:smile:
https://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/84/building-a-forum-community/ Can we afford this one?? LMAO! Taken from this link!
Another popular choice, especially for large corporates that can afford the fee is vBulletin. This seems to the professional forum of choice for those with the moolah. I only played with this forum many years ago when they had a limited use free version (in fact it was the first forum I ever installed). It’s definitely a top forum with a great design, but you pay for it.
PS The 3.0 item in this link gave me a big laugh. I already knew about it, but still got a big grin!:grin:
Hi I seem to be the only one interested in your problem. While waiting, here's a long shot. Try longing in with a different browser and setting the time zone. This forum is a little weird some times. I have had problems here with one browser and not have that problem with another browser. If your using Firefox, you might try resetting it.
I know this sounds crazy, but worth a try!:wink:
This has been an off and on problem for some time now. I know tech addressed earlier but it seems to have cropped up again. I'll notify them now, thanks!
Just the same as I suggested in post #4. It's always worked for me.
Hi friend! That's exactly what I suggested, but you did a excellent job and with screen shots. Very nice! You have to save the time zone in two different places like you suggested. I tried to say that. Pictures are worth a thousand words some times. Nicely done @ RumoredNow. I'll see if I can get you a promotion!:wink: If post #4 don't work, then we have a problem Huston! :grin:
PS I tried in post #17:wink:
Yeah, I guess I'll say it a fourth time:

I went through the exercise shown on page one in a couple of posts, going to settings - general settings - passport; change/save - go back/save - passport - change/save - go back/save...... still not working. I'll be happy to try something else, but those instructions clearly don't work in all situations. Something else must be up.
Sorry That's all I got also. We are trying to help you and James has said they are working on this problem. If your last reply was meant for me, I'm sorry I offended you!
I will ask this one more time and hope this doesn't offend you. Have you tried a different browser or reset the one you're using?:wink: Post #26. I shot in the dark.

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