Tip: Zune Smart DJ


New member
Dec 6, 2010
If you're like me you'll use the Smart DJ feature every now and then. I noticed that it'll use your local music as much as possible, sometimes giving you selections that really aren't the best matches.

I found a way to get Smart DJ music only from Marketplace. If you delete the artist that you want to Smart DJ from your phone completely, then go to Marketplace, look the artist up and click the Smart DJ button then all your music selections will come from Marketplace. This usually gives you a better music selection and makes Smart DJ more like Pandora.
good tip, Gamma. of course, i don't want to delete my artist...

I think that the reason you get so many on-phone selections is simply to save on data connection - so for every 3 or so on-phone tracks you get a marketplace track. Makes sense on a mobile device.
Yea they probably did it to preserve battery life and to limit data use. If you're looking for something new it's a good trick. You can always do it for artists not on your phone too.
O/T but I love Smart DJ. Just started using it today and it is a nice feature

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