Tips,Tricks & Tweaks

here's one called psshutxp it can be mapped to your long send button press to open it or where ever you want. what it does its like when you go on yor pc and hit shut down it gives you the option to restart,shutdown,hard reset,you can even schedule times for it to do these tasks and if you search it on google you can even reskin it how ever you like this one im adding looks like windows xp style its just a cab file easy install you can even set a password on it.

Now if you can tell me how to map it to my top power button everything will be just fine
Lock device .cab install allows for the device to auto lock when turned off. Works with WM 6.5 I have not tested with 6.1 I found it HERE
There may be an accessory thread someplace, but I missed it. So, I guess this fits here. Before getting my Tilt 2, I was using a Treo Pro.. And till I got Seidio's extended battery for it, I was using an Innocase & the Innocase holster from Seidio. If you like the Seidio holsters, this one works well for the Tilt 2. And the bottom cutout works well for the world famous (or infamous) HTC dongle. You can get the holster at Seidio or here for $30 or, if you know someone with a Treo Pro, you can buy the holster & case combo from Sprint for $40 & give them the case. But remember to get the Innocase holster, not the spring clip holster -- there is a difference in size.
There may be an accessory thread someplace, but I missed it. So, I guess this fits here. Before getting my Tilt 2, I was using a Treo Pro.. And till I got Seidio's extended battery for it, I was using an Innocase & the Innocase holster from Seidio. If you like the Seidio holsters, this one works well for the Tilt 2. And the bottom cutout works well for the world famous (or infamous) HTC dongle. You can get the holster at Seidio or here for $30 or, if you know someone with a Treo Pro, you can buy the holster & case combo from Sprint for $40 & give them the case. But remember to get the Innocase holster, not the spring clip holster -- there is a difference in size.

Nice idea I will have to stop by Sprint later and check this out.
first one is captsure,it will let you take a screen shot of anything on your phone so you can upload it or what ever you want.

2nd,is no curtain cab this will eliminate the dark shawdow behind your bottom scroller icons and the top one by your carrier logo as always install and soft reset.
3rd,is a cab that will get rid of the carrier logo on the upper right of the screen install and soft reset.

these have been tested and work on vzw tp2 i dont know about the rest but it should still work the same.

ps. if you want to see a screen shot of my home screen just go to the sticky home screen and you see what im talking about plus it shows you the crystal clear flip clock i have. enjoy!

Does anyone know if these cabs work on the tilt 2? Thought maybe i did something wrong not working for mine.
MS SkyMarket- Adds the Windows Market Place to your 6.0/6.1 device. (Install>soft reset.)

Conflipper NA Weather V3- Adds North American hometown cities to the database, so you can get local weather. (Turn off TF3D>install>soft reset>turn on TF3D.)

File Explorer Ext-
Gives you more folders for easier use and navigating. (Install>soft reset.)

At0mAng_Leo_Slider_1919- Slider bar icons from HTC Leo TF3D 2.5 manilla. (Install>soft reset.)

AtomAng Enhanced D3D Driver- Make programs run a lot smoother and snappier in TF3D. (Install>soft reset.)

After downloading the Weather Cab I now get a connection error. Any ideas why and can I reverse this without doing a hard reset? I did exactly what the cab instructions said. Help
i just found these on ppcgeeks now i know these work for sure on verizon but other tp2 models at your own risk. these are true flip clocks you can watch the time flip.

The first clock is the stock htc one ,white squares with black numbers.
2nd one is totaly clear so you can see your wall paper.

i will link the page for directions if further needed.

also i attached pics of both at the bottom.

1st step,install the eboelzner cab first it is a must to unlock your clock plus it in stalls the white clock weather you want the white one or the clear one you have to install this first it unlocks the clock, install and soft reset, do not uninstall if you want the clocks to stay.

step 2: if you want the clear clock install the crystal cab and soft reset like i said above you have to do step 1 first no matter what. soft reset between both cab installs.

note if you install the crystal clock and you do not like it just go to add/remove programs it will be in there just erase it and soft reset and it will go back to the white and black one if you want it back to original vzw erase both cabs and soft reset thats it.

link to site:

i will also add the circuit guts wallpaper for you to download its the same wallpaper they used to show the clear clock.:D

I'm getting a white box in between the first number and the second. Any ideas?
I uninstalled the clock, but still have some left over residue. Here's a screen shot

That is odd I have seen the white square in the upper left hand corner but never in the middle. I am running a custom ROM today it doesn't even have Touch Flow on it so I cant test for you. I will be flashing in a couple of days so if no one else responds I will try this and see what it does to my PPC screen. Good luck have you tried any of the other clock cab files to see if one of them would fix this at this point what do you have to loose.
That is odd I have seen the white square in the upper left hand corner but never in the middle. I am running a custom ROM today it doesn't even have Touch Flow on it so I cant test for you. I will be flashing in a couple of days so if no one else responds I will try this and see what it does to my PPC screen. Good luck have you tried any of the other clock cab files to see if one of them would fix this at this point what do you have to loose.

Thanks, but just got got it figured out. it was actually the all background cab that was messing it up! it's back to normal now. i may try each program separately to see if they are okay without the other.

Thanks again!
C07 Black Chrome Flip Clock- (Install> soft reset.)

WMWifiRouter Final Free Verison- Use your TP2 as a wi-fi hotspot. (Install>soft reset.)

HTC Wi-Fi Sharing- Use your TP2 as a wi-fi hotspot. (Install>soft reset.)

Lucarp78TS Sprint- Clear tab slider.

anyone else have problems with the wmwifirouter???
about every 3rd time i use it, my internet dies on my phone and i have to hard reset. not worth it.
anyone else have problems with the wmwifirouter???
about every 3rd time i use it, my internet dies on my phone and i have to hard reset. not worth it.

Have you tried HTC Wi-Fi Sharing instead? That's the one I'm using and have had no problems with it.
i am new to winmo, so I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong. when I try to install one of these cabs on my phone, it says it won't install because it is not signed with a trusted certificate. how can I turn off this "protection?" I'm on T-Mobile with the 6.5 winmo update. Is there a winmo "guide" somewhere I can read to teach me these things? Thanks.
i am new to winmo, so I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong. when I try to install one of these cabs on my phone, it says it won't install because it is not signed with a trusted certificate. how can I turn off this "protection?" I'm on T-Mobile with the 6.5 winmo update. Is there a winmo "guide" somewhere I can read to teach me these things? Thanks.

How odd, I only ever get a warning that an app doesn't have a certificate, but it's never blocked the installation. I can usually override when it asks me whther I'm sureI want to go ahead and install it.
i am new to winmo, so I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong. when I try to install one of these cabs on my phone, it says it won't install because it is not signed with a trusted certificate. how can I turn off this "protection?" I'm on T-Mobile with the 6.5 winmo update. Is there a winmo "guide" somewhere I can read to teach me these things? Thanks.

it's called RAPI, in the first post there is a link for the cab to do that.

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