Titan Problems

What color is the dead pixel? Black = dead pixel, Any other color = stuck pixel, which you maybe able to fix.

It's black. Ben the PC guy told me to call HTC. I did, they said that it's "not a fully supported device. We may or may not be able to repair it, so we will escalate a case and in 2 weeks you will receive a call back". Ben the PC Guy said he's gonna see what he can do as well.
Titan impressions: Well first thing is I am experiencing an issue with connecting to my wireless n router if I am not broadcasting the SSID. If I broadcast it works fine.
Second, I can’t seem to figure out how to set a vibrate only notification for text and im messages and leave the other notifications to be ringtones.
Lastly, I am now noticing that my pop e-mail account does not leave a copy of messages on the server, so if I delete it off my phone the message is deleted from the server as well. I usually leave all my mail on the server and then let Outlook pull the mail down when I check mail from my desktop.
If anyone knows if I am missing something for these let me know.
Otherwise the phone is awesome
Update again! Well I had no luck getting the exchange, so I decided to try HTC's RMA. As it turns out, HTC's repair center is not too far from my house. UNFORTUNATELY, they do NOT accept local drop off, so I had to PAY to have a package delivered just a few miles away from my house.


but it gets better, I mailed the phone off on Monday last week, and on Tuesday the United States Postal Service LOST MY PHONE!!!





I got nothing, just wth?
Considering what you've been through, and that you win the phone during a MS sponsored event, I'd holler back at Ben. Or possibly post your story over at the Windows Team Blog and see if anyone there can help you out.

Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express
Considering what you've been through, and that you win the phone during a MS sponsored event, I'd holler back at Ben. Or possibly post your story over at the Windows Team Blog and see if anyone there can help you out.
I don't have Ben's contact info, you know where I can get it?
update! It seems the post office found my phone finally, I got the email from HTC today saying they received my phone. :lol:

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