Torn Between Android and WP7


New member
Jan 8, 2009
My first "Smartphone" was actually a Dell Axim PDA and then I moved on to the Cingular 5xxx series and finally an HTC Fuze...when my Fuze, which I loved, was getting a little too slow, I couldn't wait for WP7, so I went Android with the Samsung Captivate. I also have three Zune HD's in my family and we are crazy about them.

There are many things I like about the Android (File system access) and many things I don't (quirky, slow at times)...I REALLY want a WP7 and I can easily (no contract on Captivate) go down and get a Samsung Focus if I wanted to. Here's the battle I am fighting...

File System:
I love to be able to connect the phone via USB and access the file system for easy file transfers. From what I've read, I can't with WP7. And apps like Dropbox...if it comes out on WP7, how does that work? I tried it on an iPhone once and it was horrible.

Outlook Syncing:
Mind you I had to get a third party app (Companionlink) to do it, but I have 100% Outlook syncing with my Droid (Contacts, calendar, notes AND tasks). I heard WP7 can kind of sorta do it but through Google and even it doesn't have notes. I could easily move to OneNote however, I never wanted my contacts synced with Google. I heard CompanionLink does assist with this between Outlook and Google (minus notes)...may be worth a shot.

VPN and Remote Desktop:
While not a total dealbreaker, I really need VPN access with Remote Desktop. Comes in handy since I am on call 24/7 for a small Windows Shop. Beats having to try to find a wifi hotspot with my laptop...IF I have it with me.

Context Menus:
I love how Android will allow for apps to be included in context or other menus...for example, in my photo gallery, I can click on one, choose share and have multiple options on how to upload (Facebook, Dropbox, Twitter and even SkyDrive via Sorami.) Does WP7 have these options?

I am not big on needing every cool app that comes out. Most of the useful apps I need are already with WP7 (Netflix, DirecTV, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). But there has been a handful of nice apps that I don't think I could live without (Mozy, Dropbox, Google Maps turn by turn navigation.) If WP7 had these, I'd be moving to it in an instant.

Why I Want a WP7:
I totally love Metro. I love it on the Zune and I really would like it on my SmartPhone. I also like the idea of Live Tiles and with XBOX Live and the soon to come Kinect controls, it just sounds like an amazing device.

So I am going to lose a lot if I go to WP7 and not yet sure if it is worth giving up just for an elegant experience...and wondering if I should also wait for newer models, Mango and/or AT&T's HD7 model...

Tough decisions for sure...anyone else go from Droid to WP7? Anything you miss or workaround?


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
File System:
I love to be able to connect the phone via USB and access the file system for easy file transfers. From what I've read, I can't with WP7. And apps like Dropbox...if it comes out on WP7, how does that work? I tried it on an iPhone once and it was horrible.

Outlook Syncing:
Mind you I had to get a third party app (Companionlink) to do it, but I have 100% Outlook syncing with my Droid (Contacts, calendar, notes AND tasks). I heard WP7 can kind of sorta do it but through Google and even it doesn't have notes. I could easily move to OneNote however, I never wanted my contacts synced with Google. I heard CompanionLink does assist with this between Outlook and Google (minus notes)...may be worth a shot.

WP7's main form of online storage is via skydrive.

Windows Live SkyDrive - Online document storage and file sharing

It's free to sign-up and and you can setup most files to auto sync with WP7. Unfortunately I don't use either skydrive or Outlook syncing. I would like to use skydrive, but typically I can wait to get home and upload images to my computer. I do like using OneNote but again I've been lasy about setting up computer syncing.

Context Menus:
I love how Android will allow for apps to be included in context or other menus...for example, in my photo gallery, I can click on one, choose share and have multiple options on how to upload (Facebook, Dropbox, Twitter and even SkyDrive via Sorami.) Does WP7 have these options?

WP7 can auto sync pics to Facebook or Skydrive. I deleted my Facebook account so maybe someone else can confirm this, but I believe when you sync WP7 with your Facebook account it also drags in all your Facebook friends. Some people like this, some don't. And I think Twitter integration is coming later.

I am not big on needing every cool app that comes out. Most of the useful apps I need are already with WP7 (Netflix, DirecTV, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). But there has been a handful of nice apps that I don't think I could live without (Mozy, Dropbox, Google Maps turn by turn navigation.) If WP7 had these, I'd be moving to it in an instant.

Sprint offers voice based turn-by-turn on the Arrive, and AT&T offers it at the cost of 9.99 a month. Bing only gives you a set of directions and then you have to manually select the next street every time you turn.

I know that's not a lot of info but I hope it helps.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
No, that does help...I believe WP7 will be a rocking system...just not there yet for me...have to put up with the dog ugly but useful Android for a while longer it would seem. Unless I want to pull my sim out between the two phones and have the best of both worlds!


New member
Dec 1, 2009
wp7 does have some dropbox apps in addition to skydrive. u can't sync directly with outlook but u can with hotmail if u don't want to with Google. u can even setup hotmail to sync with outlook as well. there is also a reg hack that u can perform on ur PC to allow file system access on wp7. all in all u shouldn't really miss anything from Android, u will be on a much more stable,faster and original os that isn't built from stolen code. it also works wonderfully with Zune pass its only the right thing to do to go with wp7 if u have a Zune pass.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
wp7 does have some dropbox apps in addition to skydrive. u can't sync directly with outlook but u can with hotmail if u don't want to with Google. u can even setup hotmail to sync with outlook as well. there is also a reg hack that u can perform on ur PC to allow file system access on wp7. all in all u shouldn't really miss anything from Android, u will be on a much more stable,faster and original os that isn't built from stolen code. it also works wonderfully with Zune pass its only the right thing to do to go with wp7 if u have a Zune pass.

Hmmm...more enticing now...

Questions remaining...short term, wonder if I should get the SAMSUNG FOCUS or wait a few more weeks to see if and when AT&T will get the HD7. Or perhaps wait until the 2nd generation of phones come out.

Also, side note...which MicroSD cards can I use?
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New member
Dec 1, 2009
I suggest u wait for the HD7S as it comes with 16gb storage compared to the focus which only has 8. on the focus u can expand the storage but only with a SanDisk card and u may even violate ur warranty. there have also been some sideffects with replacing the storage on a focus. on board storage really isn't an issue in wp7 because of its dependence on the cloud and u can stream any songs with Zune that u don't have on the device.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
I also recommend waiting for the HD7S (assuming it's not months away). Large screen plus solid hardware; plus the HTC apps are better. But I will say that AT&T has been absolutely terrible at pushing out updates. It's been really frustrating watching other US and international carriers pushing out NoDo while ATT is still stuck in no-go.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I also recommend waiting for the HD7S (assuming it's not months away). Large screen plus solid hardware; plus the HTC apps are better. But I will say that AT&T has been absolutely terrible at pushing out updates. It's been really frustrating watching other US and international carriers pushing out NoDo while ATT is still stuck in no-go.

I know all about AT&T and their updates...I have the Captivate..just in the past month or so I finally got 2.2 (FroYo).


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Well, as sort of a test or prep to go to WP7, I tried the Outlook connector...oh my, it is horrible. I have to manually copy over contacts (and you have to be careful as the default is to MOVE contacts) and drag individual appointments to the hotmail calendar to "sync." This isn't true syncing...requires a manual copy...

I may look into CompanionLink for WP7 as it works quite well with Android...


New member
Jan 1, 2011
File System - don't use this, but like others have said, there is a hack for it.

Outlook syncing - no comment. i don't sync.

VPN & Remote Desktop - if you use LogMeIn, the website works pretty well on most mobile browsers.

Context Menus - wp7 does have this. i am afforded the option to upload to photobucket from within the photo app

Apps - this is the main reason i haven't kept my wp7 as my primary. i love it to death, but google nav is awesome and i like it more than AT&T's Navigator. plus it's free. but....! the apps that both android and wp7 have in common, i like 10Xs more on wp7. they look awesome and i honestly don't like using those apps on my android unless it's the navigation. lol. i've been spoiled by wp7. a few that i like on wp7 more: Photobucket, IMDb, ESPN ScoreCenter, the default email client, Foursquare and Flixter.

Metro UI is fiyahhhh! when i first saw it, i didn't think i would care for it much, but after using it in person with the awesome screen that the Focus has, i actually like it more than iOS, WebOS, Android and BB OS... all devices i currently have.

i'm not saying to pick wp7 over android or android over wp7, but just remember there are a lot of wordarounds/solutions to things the device doesn't do, stock. i have my device unbranded, unlocked and i'm able to sideload apps (TVShows app being one I love) and have also used a Registry Editor to allow for instant resuming of apps.

the choice is yours... either way, there are great devices for either platform.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
File System - don't use this, but like others have said, there is a hack for it.

Outlook syncing - no comment. i don't sync.

VPN & Remote Desktop - if you use LogMeIn, the website works pretty well on most mobile browsers.

Context Menus - wp7 does have this. i am afforded the option to upload to photobucket from within the photo app

Apps - this is the main reason i haven't kept my wp7 as my primary. i love it to death, but google nav is awesome and i like it more than AT&T's Navigator. plus it's free. but....! the apps that both android and wp7 have in common, i like 10Xs more on wp7. they look awesome and i honestly don't like using those apps on my android unless it's the navigation. lol. i've been spoiled by wp7. a few that i like on wp7 more: Photobucket, IMDb, ESPN ScoreCenter, the default email client, Foursquare and Flixter.

Metro UI is fiyahhhh! when i first saw it, i didn't think i would care for it much, but after using it in person with the awesome screen that the Focus has, i actually like it more than iOS, WebOS, Android and BB OS... all devices i currently have.

i'm not saying to pick wp7 over android or android over wp7, but just remember there are a lot of wordarounds/solutions to things the device doesn't do, stock. i have my device unbranded, unlocked and i'm able to sideload apps (TVShows app being one I love) and have also used a Registry Editor to allow for instant resuming of apps.

the choice is yours... either way, there are great devices for either platform.

Another great reply...I remember my BING app on my WP6.5 had turn by turn...wonder when it will be on BING for WP7?


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Another great reply...I remember my BING app on my WP6.5 had turn by turn...wonder when it will be on BING for WP7?
maybe never... maybe soon... maybe a ways from now. i haven't heard anything official about it, only speculation and rumors.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
My first "Smartphone" was actually a Dell Axim PDA and then I moved on to the Cingular 5xxx series and finally an HTC Fuze...when my Fuze, which I loved, was getting a little too slow, I couldn't wait for WP7, so I went Android with the Samsung Captivate. I also have three Zune HD's in my family and we are crazy about them.
Similarly, I went from Fuze to the LG eXpo to the Captivate. I turn the Captivate on from time to time but really have little interest in using it outside of testing hot new apps and using it as a sleep aid (Lightning Bug is awesome).

File System:
I love to be able to connect the phone via USB and access the file system for easy file transfers. From what I've read, I can't with WP7. And apps like Dropbox...if it comes out on WP7, how does that work? I tried it on an iPhone once and it was horrible.
This is possible via a reg hack on your PC, but it's only possible to do on the machine you sync your phone with. For some reason, I thought this would be a bigger problem than it is. I simply keep a flash drive in my car for the few times I need it. I'm using BoxFiles for Dropbox, which is great for cloud storage, less great for cloud-based music streaming. Music plays in what looks like the Zune player, but it won't play in the background. BoxFiles also doesn't like passwords with non-alphanumeric passwords, which I was using. Not a huge issue as I use LastPass and just made a strong alphanumeric password.

VPN and Remote Desktop:
While not a total dealbreaker, I really need VPN access with Remote Desktop. Comes in handy since I am on call 24/7 for a small Windows Shop. Beats having to try to find a wifi hotspot with my laptop...IF I have it with me.
I can't check now, but I'm pretty sure all the remote desktop apps in the marketplace use VNC, although I seem to remember one support RDP in a future update. Whether or not you can connect via a VPN with any of these I'm not sure.

Context Menus:
I love how Android will allow for apps to be included in context or other menus...for example, in my photo gallery, I can click on one, choose share and have multiple options on how to upload (Facebook, Dropbox, Twitter and even SkyDrive via Sorami.) Does WP7 have these options?
Yes, although currently it doesn't seem to be as robust as Android. If you install an app like Photobucket or Flickr, you can browse photos via the Pictures Hub and share them using one of those services. Skydrive sharing is of course built in, and Facebook is as well (or is after you install the Facebook app). But I haven't found a way to share the same way to Twitter -- perhaps I need the official app.

I am not big on needing every cool app that comes out. Most of the useful apps I need are already with WP7 (Netflix, DirecTV, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). But there has been a handful of nice apps that I don't think I could live without (Mozy, Dropbox, Google Maps turn by turn navigation.) If WP7 had these, I'd be moving to it in an instant.
No Moxy client as best I know. There's no voice navigation apps yet. A to B gets mentioned, and it's free and works decently, but honestly it's a step above a Bing or Google Maps. I can't wait for Bing Navigation to come to WP7 as Bing's maps are better than Google's in my uses.

And contrary to what a previous poster stated, you can use pretty much any microSD card in your phone, but Sandisk cards seem to be the most reliable in use. I'm using a 4GB Kingston (likely a Class 2) I pulled out of my eXpo on a whim and it's been working for a couple of weeks with no issues. In order to switch cards you have to hard reset your device because microSD cards and internal memory aren't treated as discrete drives but one file store, much like Windows Home Server. The catch is that some cards have been shown to make the device less reliable, with lag and reboots more common. What compounds the issue is that even cards of the same model have occasionally performed differently.There are "certified" cards you can get, but I'll gladly settle for a good brand that I can get cheaply and take my chances. The card was likely never meant to be user-replaceable, it just happened that certain phones like the Focus have the slot easily available.

I'd wait for the HD7S. Not only will it give you something that should compare well to the Focus, but hopefully it'll come with the Nodo update applied. I think it's likely that you'll be carrying a WP7 phone with a SIM in it and your Captivate as a tiny tablet for backup. For a while, that's what I did until I just got tired of carrying the Captivate which I wasn't using. I upgraded my Captivate to Froyo (finally) and played around with it a bit, then went back to my Focus. There's still a lot of hard limitations with WP7, but I find they're things I can live without for the time being, although the lack of multitasking is getting trying with all the streaming music I'd like to listen to.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
I also recommend waiting for the HD7S (assuming it's not months away). Large screen plus solid hardware; plus the HTC apps are better. But I will say that AT&T has been absolutely terrible at pushing out updates. It's been really frustrating watching other US and international carriers pushing out NoDo while ATT is still stuck in no-go.

Hold up.....I'm fairly certain you can't void your warranty. For one..if you're really paranoid, it now appears that they are starting to sell "certified" Micro SD cars...and if you go to the XDA dev's website, there's a list of specific cards that will work.

I nabbed a Kingston 16 GB card that's work pretty flawlessly as far I can tell.

That...and you can get the Focus and if the HD7S comes out in 30 days, you can swap. Also...the Focus is super cheap right now , the HD7S will most assuredly be $200.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I'l give my two cents here as I am an Android user that purchased a WP7 phone to see if I could make the switch. I love Microsoft products. I love my Xbox 360, my original Zune, my Zune HD, Windows 7, I loved my Samsung Blackjack, etc. I am a Microsoft ******.

Having said that, there is no way I can leave Android behind. It does absolutely everything I need it to do for work and personal use. I want to use WP7 so bad but I just can't. I NEED multitasking. I go in and out of apps and need to copy/paste between them frequently. Android's notification bar is second to none. It is so nice having a dropdown with all of my notifications right there. Push notifications for any app. Flash. I can go on and on. In my opinion an HTC Sense device is the best Android device if you need it for work and personal use. I have a Droid Incredible. Sense handles my Exchange account perfectly. The email is laid out well, I see all HTML email, my calendar and contacts sync perfectly, etc.When I tried WP7 for a few days it was a huge step back. I was more functional with my Blackberry unfortunately.

If WP7 ever gets all of it's shortcomings figured out I may take a look again but in my opinion it was inexcusable to release it without some of these important features. It seems like if you currently have an iPhone, Android, or even a Blackberry switching to WP7 right now would be moving backwards. If you're coming from a feature phone then it would be an upgrade. Yes the Xbox Live stuff is awesome, but I need a multitasking phone for what I do. I'm sure a lot of people don't need a phone for what I do and for them maybe WP7 is just what they need. Just wanted to give my opinion since I tried to make the switch.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Why do people have to have multitasking. Its only a few seconds. I've been using a Captivate for a week or so, and I have to say, my Focus is a better phone. Android is slow, and clunky. It does a lot, but doesn't do a good job at most of the things it does.
Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Why do people have to have multitasking. Its only a few seconds. I've been using a Captivate for a week or so, and I have to say, my Focus is a better phone. Android is slow, and clunky. It does a lot, but doesn't do a good job at most of the things it does.
Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express

It's not always the "multitasking" but the fast app switching that I miss. Being able to hold down the home button to jump back to something is really nice.

It doesn't work as well on Windows Phone, you either have to go home and find the app again, or hit the back button, which isn't always very elegant if you performed more than one operation in your current app.

Even if Microsoft just completely killed apps once you left the page as it does, but let you hold the back button down to quickly access it again would have been nice. Especially with the browser and other native apps since it uses multi-tasking there anyways.


Wow. They totally could have done that with 1.0. Then expanded it to true multitasking functionality.

Why didn't somebody ask me?


New member
Feb 21, 2011
No, that does help...I believe WP7 will be a rocking system...just not there yet for me...have to put up with the dog ugly but useful Android for a while longer it would seem. Unless I want to pull my sim out between the two phones and have the best of both worlds!

You could use "Android Tether" and keep your focus connected all the time. But in all honesty , i would wait a little longer for some more kickass phones to come out and the platform to mature.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I had a BlackBerry that had multitasking on it. I'm not defending WP7 or anything, but it's not really super useful. I liked having an app open at a time on the BlackBerry because things ran smoothing. It did come in handing you wanted to look something up after reading something on FB/Twitter, but I'm able to do that now with the home/back buttons. I'd have music in the background on the BlackBerry, but I can do that now with Zune. Of course I'm not a power user so that could be why I don't miss it.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Concerning GPS turn-by-turn directions. Silver Navigator has been updated to include voice guided directions. It has a free trial with a 6 mile route limit, but the full version is only $3. I haven't tested the voice directions myself yet, but it's definitely worth looking into for less than 1/3 of the price that AT&T will charge you monthly.

And I just want to say that I have been really happy with my choice to get the LG Quantum. It may not have the AMOLED screen of the Focus, but it has 16GB of storage pre-installed, and you can edit the registry without having to even hook it up to a PC (meaning you can debrand it, enable tethering, developer unlock it, etc without having to install any hacking software on your PC or needing to use Chevron). And the LG Apps aren't too shabby (DLNA, Panorama shot, and Scan Search are my favorites).

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