Touch Diamond and Touch Pro beta drivers


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Apr 5, 2001
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I was elated to find the updated drivers on yesteday.
I was unable to use my Redfly since switching from the Treo800w to the Sprint HTC Pro.

The only problem I've experienced thus far is inability to maintain a bluetooth connection betweenthe Redfly and the HTC Touch Pro. Did not have that problem with the Treo800. But cable is fine for now - just glad to be able to use the Redfly again.


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Oct 21, 2008
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OK, The Sprint Pro is back on the shelves, the 'FLY β driver is available. It's decision time!

Do I want the smaller lighter Diamond or do I want the fatter heavier Pro with a keyboard and removable memory card? I?ve had both a Mogul and a Touch, and I like the Touch better, mostly because of size, but also the adequate amount of RAM. I guess that is an indication of what is more important to me.

Ahhh! I guess I can procrastinate a little longer by asking you guys how well the Diamond/Pro β driver works. Is it as good as the Touch WM 6.1 β?

What about TouchFlo 3D? Do I need to disable that? Or does the driver do that when I plug it into the 'FLY? If it doesn't, it would seem to me that it should!


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Oct 28, 2008
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The driver turns off TouchFLO when it loads. This beta driver works pretty well given the caveats I posted on the beta page on our website. I will have a new build with a few performance tweaks up in less than a week. Then, we will attempt to share a new build every other week or so til it is where we want it. Ultimately we want to support TouchFLO turned on, but I don't have an ETA on that currently.

I did hope that posting the beta drivers would make some of you happy. But I know the way it works, everyone always wants more. ;-)

The cool thing is we want to give you all more and if you can stick with us (ie trust us) hopefully we will make it worth your while. :D


Director of Engineering
Celio Corp | REDFLY


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Nov 15, 2008
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using touch pro driver now

I was able to download the beta driver. I had to temporarily change the security settings in IE to get the download to work properly.
Many things are working nicely with the Touch Pro.
As mentioned in #4 "known issues", I get no dial pad or screen info on incoming calls.
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Aug 28, 2007
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I've had some major problems with the new driver on my ATT Fuze. I will post here (someone from Celio let me know if I should relay feedback through a different channel).

- after install and reboot, I got lots of red popup 'toasts' about DLLs not loading because they were not signed. It appears that the installer lowered my trust level very low and almost nothing would run without a prompt until I ran a CAB I have to disable security on CABs and DLLs (no prompt).
- After disconnecting from a Redfly session, TF3D does not alwaysturn back on, and it appears that my menus, email, and today screen are stuck in a different DPI mode. They are too small to use on the device now. Unless someone knows of a way to fix this, I smell a hard reset coming. I can turn on TF3d, but email and menues still require reading glasses on the phone.
- while on a phone call (using BT headset) and using email, clicking the mouse in the body of a new email kept changing me to the Phone app

UPDATE: Removing the Redfly software did not fix the odd DPI issue with Todday, Inbox mail list, and context menus.
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Oct 21, 2008
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The driver turns off TouchFLO when it loads. This beta driver works pretty well given the caveats I posted on the beta page on our website. I will have a new build with a few performance tweaks up in less than a week. Then, we will attempt to share a new build every other week or so til it is where we want it. Ultimately we want to support TouchFLO turned on, but I don't have an ETA on that currently.

I did hope that posting the beta drivers would make some of you happy. But I know the way it works, everyone always wants more. ;-)

The cool thing is we want to give you all more and if you can stick with us (ie trust us) hopefully we will make it worth your while. :D


Director of Engineering
Celio Corp | REDFLY

I'm happy, thanks Laurie! :)

I just need to decide which VGA touch to buy. :rolleyes:


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Nov 12, 2002
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Return of the 'Fly

It is good to have the Redfly back again as others have mentioned. I have experienced some similar issues with my Sprint Touch Pro, but wanted to raise a few others.

The font issues are strange, but have been reported previously- if my phone is untethered, then it is a very very small DPI font- barely readable. But when it IS connected, the Redfly displays a giant font and menu bars. Someone referred to it as the Fischer Price look...that takes away a lot of screen real estate, unfortunately. I tried switching themes to no avail- wondering if there is a good tweak utility to adjust the display?

I only have my 700W to compare, but the display/menu refresh seems slower, even though the Touch Pro is orders of magnitude more powerful. I also feel like the fonts are not very smooth, perhaps since everything is so big? I checked the "Enable Cleartype Support" but that didn't appear to do anything.

Another question I had is the display of motion video? I have read the disclaimers about how different phones will be more supportable than others...considering that HTC makes a special dongle for video out, is that something that we'll eventually need to buy? Is the Touch Pro / Redfly going to be a good candidate to show off the video streaming capabilities?

Please take all the questions in stride, and know that I am really excited about the idea of leaving my laptop at home most of the time. User forums tend to focus on mostly negative/constructive feedback, but I want you to know that this has the potential to be revolutionary for me.

Full steam ahead! (and please look at my questions above!)


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Aug 22, 2000
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Hi all,

I've been playing with my sprint touch pro and redfly drivers for a bit... here are my findings so far:

-BT connection is hard to maintain (but very cool when it works)
-When BT connection dies, touch flo doesn't come back. Haven't tried to get it back yet... I've been rebooting.
-Fonts are huge, but fonts on the touch pro are tiny. This is painful when touch flo 3d doesn't start
-It is very slow, but I know that will change

Overall, I'm happy I can show the proof of concept, and I'm looking forward to seeing the improvements. I have also installed the live mesh client, so I'm looking forward to having documents edited on the redfly shared between my work mac, linux desktop and laptops... That's a dream :)


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Oct 28, 2008
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Sorry if I came across a bit defensive in my previous post - it's my/our job to make you guys happy--not look for strokes. :eek:


What you are describing is not normal and we need to investigate what you are seeing with your Fuze. The only thing we do of a "security" nature is to install our cert and there should be nothing we do directly that would cause apps to behave the way you describe. However, we did have one customer on a completely different phone and build have a somewhat similar issue a while ago.

What we discovered ultimately is that there was another root cause to the signing errors he was getting from apps installed on his phone, but he never saw this behavior until he installed the REDFLY driver. Fundamentally we do a soft reset of the phone to load our video driver and the user in question had never done that before. So when the phone came back up after our install he got many errors as the apps reloaded and checked their own security settings. They were already "bad" before we came along but that was "hidden" until the phone was reset - so it seemed like our install had caused the problem.

We have a diagnostic app that can go through these settings, enumerate them to an output file so we can review what is going one, as well as put them "back" to what they should be if you haven't already fixed them. But I would like to speak with you about whether what I described is possibly your scenario (how much do you tweak your phone and do you ever reset it?) and what we can do about trying to duplicate your environment to figure this out in the event that our install somehow caused this (as unlikely as I think that is). Please email me directly if you are willing to help us look into this a little deeper.

Director of Engineering
Celio Corp | REDFLY


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Aug 28, 2007
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I've had some major problems with the new driver on my ATT Fuze. I will post here (someone from Celio let me know if I should relay feedback through a different channel).

- after install and reboot, I got lots of red popup 'toasts' about DLLs not loading because they were not signed. It appears that the installer lowered my trust level very low and almost nothing would run without a prompt until I ran a CAB I have to disable security on CABs and DLLs (no prompt).
- After disconnecting from a Redfly session, TF3D does not alwaysturn back on, and it appears that my menus, email, and today screen are stuck in a different DPI mode. They are too small to use on the device now. Unless someone knows of a way to fix this, I smell a hard reset coming. I can turn on TF3d, but email and menues still require reading glasses on the phone.
- while on a phone call (using BT headset) and using email, clicking the mouse in the body of a new email kept changing me to the Phone app

UPDATE: Removing the Redfly software did not fix the odd DPI issue with Todday, Inbox mail list, and context menus.

2nd UPDATE: I realized that the odd DPI issue (in other words, small text in email, menus) was due to adjusted text size in Start | Settings | System | Screen | Text Size. It looks like the Redfly Installer adjusted this to Smallest. The default on the Fuze is one notch to the left of Largest.

Request: Celio developers, please make sure that this is adjusted as you made it to Smallest when the Redfly is connected and that it reverts to the previous setting when disconnected.


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Apr 6, 2007
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I also have the font issues, the phone pad no show, and the BT connection problems mentioned in earlier posts.

Another thing I observed is my phone's performance. It seems to have slowed down a bit even on its own.

Really like the cleartype support now available under the advanced setting tap.


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Sep 26, 2008
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Also getting the small menu font but it doesn't bother me much

The Redfly will randomly disconnect from blue tooth with an "Invalid Sequence" error message on my Sprint branded Touch Pro


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Nov 18, 2008
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Things look pretty good on my end. Aside from the known, I noticed that TouchFlow (TF) did not come back on after disconnecting from BT (works when disconnecting USB). One question: It seems that when the Fly turns off TF at connect, it turns on certain Today features (date, mail, etc.) that are disabled when TF is on. These are then turned off when TF is re-enabled (I think TF does that by itself?). Is it possible to modify the list of features to automatically turn others on? Currently, others can be enabled after connection, but this has to be done every time.

Thanks and keep up the great work!

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Nov 5, 2008
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Hmmmm... a bit of a waste of time. It makes the Today screen fonts smaller (but not the title bar or menu bar fonts), but since the icons don't get smaller, you don't get any more information on the screen.

Nothing works better than before.

My menu fonts are now the wrong weight (they don't match the menu bar). I've set them back by hand. (Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\gwe\menu\popfnt... set Wt to 800).

Resco File Explorer has become very confused about column widths... this is the main problem. I've had to re-install Resco to fix this.

I can't use this if it messes up file explorer. I need to switch back to the old drivers, but they don't seem to be available.


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Feb 26, 2008
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alltel Touch Pro

I am assuming the Alltel Touch Pro will work with the Sprint beta the same as the Sprint version based on the fact the keyboard layout is the same. The Verizon version has a different keyboard with five rows of ten keys while the pictures I've seen of Sprint and Alltel appear to have the same 5 rows of 12 keys.

I don't like TouchFlo and don't plan to use it at all if I upgrade prefering to use SPB Pocket Plus as my Today Screen launcher add in since it adds some other nice features to WM 6.1. If I leave Touch Flo off at all times will I likely escape the font change issues that others are experiencing that happen when the Redfly driver turns TF off and then back on again or are they still going to be an issue?

The Redfly works perfectly with my Alltel 6800 and I'm just a little iffy about upgrading to something that hurts my Redfly experience. But the 64 meg limit on the 6800 limits me to using Opera Mini when browsing so the Touch Pro with tons of memory is tempting to let me use PIE, Opera or Netfront. Cuz


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Feb 26, 2008
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Guess I'll find out now

I was just toying with the Touch Pro, didn't really want to spend a fortune with a year left on my 6800 contract to buy it out but since our company uses a lot of phones Alltel decided to throw me a bone and they are sending me a TouchPro as a free upgrade to the PPC 6800. That's good customer service for sure so I am glad there is progress going on with the driver for the Redfly. The TouchPro looks sweet but only if it will work well with the Redfly.


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Nov 18, 2008
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Issue with WiFi

This may be a known issue, but I have found that when I am connected to WiFi I can only connect to the internet through Opera once (if I am lucky) and then no more--this is ON THE PHONE W/O REDFLY (it is a known problem when connected to the RedFly--I know). A soft reset may let me connect once B4 a new reset. PIE works fine. If I remove the driver, the phone connects fine through Opera.


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Nov 18, 2008
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Not just WiFi

OK, my bad. :eek: This is not just a problem with WiFi. I have the problem all around. The driver does not play nice with Opera; whether connected to the redfly or not. This is regardless of WiFi or radio connection.

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