Tough Choice between Carrier & Lumia lol

The biggest part of using an mvno is knowing you will be your own IT on the job. Honestly, I hear it a lot from people on the main networks too, that support is lacking (especially off Android/iOS). On an mvno it is almost assured they won't solve your single user issues.

Reading in the forums helps tremendously for troubleshooting.

No tethering. Almost every mvno has a no tethering policy. If you use Internet Sharing now, be prepared to have that blocked on an mvno. Windows Phone does not provide any masking to show the tethered device as your phone. So no dice.

VVM. Most mvno carries do not support native Visual Voice Mail. I use YouMail on the PC Browser coupled with ISeeVM on the phone. I have portable VVM that follows my phone number (and that # is configurable with YouMail in case I ever change it).

Straight Talk had that rep for booting users with no warning if they exceeded certain data levels. I think that is relaxed a bit more now. The hard limits I'd heard of were so large that users really could not have "accidentally" reached them very easily. (I don't know your friend's story and it may be just as stated. He could have had a background agent working that he was unaware of) Most times a user got booted that I heard of it was for consecutive months and these users streamed all the time, tethered constantly or downloaded movies with their cellular data... And the 5GB/month they give now with BYOP makes it harder to go over. My wife and I are rarely on WiFi with our phones and we never go over the 5GB.

Funny you mention that dual SIM phone. I'm heavily considering going dual SIM...
I had a cell booster from T-Mobile and the signal boosting router because I really wanted to like and keep them(T-Mobile), but both didn't work. They did absolutely nothing but take up space.

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