turns on, but no screen after changing broken screen. 1020


New member
Jan 8, 2014
i bought a lumia 1020 3-4 months ago. After 5 days the screen broke while it was laying still. Just a small crack and a piece of glas was laying on top the screen. tokk it to the dealer, but they refuse to change it, cause they ment i have damaged it.
I have been fixing screens myself on several nokia phones before. i ordered i brand new screen with digitizer and changed it. Now the phone turns on, but the screen is all black, exept the 3 buttons on the bottom.
I have tried soft reset and hard reset, nothing works.
The phone works perfectly exept it doesnt show nothing. i can turn it on and off, set the screen lock and unlock it. Its like a blind mans phone.

Anyone have a suggestion for my problem?

i have done it 3 times. everything is perfect!. the screen function, but shows nothing..
Can it be that a new screen need to be "programed" into a new phone?
it could be that the new screen is also damaged. I believe you can return the screen if it does not work within a few days.
Try returning and getting a new screen.

Edit: Or may be while changing the screen u might hav damaged some connector pin or cable.
but the old one doesnt show anything either, it only has a small crack. when i first disambly i pulled of the battery before i pulled of the screen, then the cam. i waited almost a month and a half before i received the new screen. so the phone was witout the screen for that time.
Just a thought but it could have damaged something else in the phone with the battery being connected? That is the reason I didn't attempt to fit mine myself.

I haven't had much luck with my screen lately as I broke one too :( But I sent it off to Nokia for repair and hopefully I should hear from them soon!
the battery has been disconnected all the time. the first thing i disamble, and last thing i connect when changing screen.. realy starting to hate lumia`s!!!!
Thats the instruction i followed when i changed the screen. did exactly like this guy. its like my phone doesnt recognise the new screen. and neither the old one
I have the same problem. probably we have damaged the display connector. now I am left with a non functioning phone, a good screen and a broken one. Did you figure anything out?

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