Two Minor Annoying Bugs After Fall Update


New member
Oct 23, 2013
Ok, so i did clean install of the new fall update and everything went smoothly. However, I noticed two small annoyances that I'm not sure are bugs do to the new update or just a fault of my own. First, I noticed a slight flicker when booting up during the splash screen/boot logo section (the boot logo appears then a quick flicker or a switch to a blank screen happens, however you want to put it). Before the update, the boot logo would appear only once as normal and then it would quickly move on to the login screen. Its very minimal and slight, but it bugs and annoys the crap out of me. Secondly, I noticed that I now have to click twice on the search box in order to make the cursor appear and type in a search (again small and minor, but i use that search box a lot and I can't stand the extra step :angry:). Before, I could just click it once and start typing, but now if I just click once inside the search box it brings up cortana and then I have to click again. So yeah thats it, nothing big, but I figured I would mention it to see if anyone else recognized the same bugs and maybe had a fix for it. Thanks.
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The upgrade has a high chance of corrupting your graphics driver, as well as storage driver and other. I highly recommend reinstalling all drivers after upgrading.

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