Hi everyone. I really need some help. My son has a Lumia 900 on a GoPhone plan. Everything has worked great. So yesterday I bought him a Lumia 520(big drop off I know) for his birthday and to take it back to college with him. I must have a brain fart because I cant for the life of me get his xbox live account on the new phone. I have several questions 1. I have tried to download the Authenicator app to the 520 it asks for his password and when he puts it in is says wrong password. I got a special code for the authenticator page , put it in the phone and it said it was wrong also.:angry: 2. Do I need to get the authenticator code to his 900 and the go back to 520?
Surely it cant be this difficult. ATT GoPhone Support was useless, they gave me a number to Microsoft and they said to go to Nokia.com. which I couldn't find any support except to schedule a call/appt. tomorrow. Three in the family have 900's and I have a Focus S and are ready to get on the bandwagon for window phone 8, but this is crazy. Thank you for any help.
Surely it cant be this difficult. ATT GoPhone Support was useless, they gave me a number to Microsoft and they said to go to Nokia.com. which I couldn't find any support except to schedule a call/appt. tomorrow. Three in the family have 900's and I have a Focus S and are ready to get on the bandwagon for window phone 8, but this is crazy. Thank you for any help.