Ugh - @WinPhoneSupport: "We'd suggest restoring your backup ..."


New member
Jul 1, 2011
Some of you have noticed some problems with non-working live tiles of apps pinned at the home screen, possibly unable to connect to messaging (Live Messenger, Facebook chat) or other general problems.

I contacted @WinPhoneSupport (as well as many, many other people) to report two problems (the first two mentioned above) and I was advised to pull my battery for at least two minutes and restart to see what happens but both my problems persist. I left my battery out overnight but my problems weren't fixed.

Now I was advised to restore my backup and reinstall Mango :mad:

This is very disappointing because if new users get into the WP7 bandwagon and are presented with this/and other problem, the might made them just walk away from WP7. I mean, this is a really bad user experience considering that the iPhone "just works".

Don't get me wrong, I love WP7, otherwise I wouldn't had considered being part of the first generation but the fact that I have to do workarounds, pull this, pull that; I guess what I'm trying to say I hope this doesn't become a factor for people to avoid WP7, specially because of being a WINDOWS Phone, if you know what I mean.

So, anyone who had ran into these problems and reinstalled Mango, did it fix your problem(s)?
Got advised to do the same thing just today to fix twitter updates failing for a group I created. As there is no way to backup data like games saves and SMS I'm just going to stick with it as is and go fully with rowi when they update for Mango. Wouldnt be a problem if we could backup our data but this is just another thing MS thinks is less important than the horde of iphone game ports they've been foisting on us.

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the apps in question, where you can? I find 3rd party apps are actually pretty good at updating their live tiles, especially after a reinstall. Wont help with builtin stuff, I know however for MSN I had to delete and readd my friend when we were testing it out before it would work. Maybe something to try if you can.
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the apps in question, where you can? I find 3rd party apps are actually pretty good at updating their live tiles, especially after a reinstall. Wont help with builtin stuff, I know however for MSN I had to delete and readd my friend when we were testing it out before it would work. Maybe something to try if you can.

Well, I could certainly reinstall FourSquare and AccuWeather, which are the apps I'm having problems with their live tiles but I'm also experiencing problems when trying to connect to messaging (Live Messenger + Facebook Chat). I thought at first it might be some MSFT server problem but it doesn't seem like it. So I guess I'll have to resintall Mango :dry:(
What problems exactly are you getting? Not being seen as online? Thats the issue I had with Messenger and had to delete and readd my friend who was helping me test. Could try that with someone if thats your problem.
I have trouble connecting to messaging sometimes. Seems to happen more often on WiFi

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express
Your messenger and face book chat are through your Windows live account if you cant chat there you cant chat on your phone have you tried chatting from your windows live account on you PC?
So basically every time I go to Messaging, I swipe to the Online pivot, tap on screen, choose Online, wait for "checking who's online" and then I get the "Can't connect to see who's online" message - Yep, I'm using it with WiFi (I ran out of data)

@Big D5 - I just checked my Live account and I could signed in to Messenger without a problem at all.

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