Uh oh...all my email accounts were deleted


New member
Jul 14, 2011
My screen froze just a bit ago, now all my email accounts were deleted and my settings reset and I can't get my email back

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No. I was turning the volume down, and it froze at 20. So I pulled the battery. When it booted back up, all my email accounts were gone and the settings reset.

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And by can't get my email I mean when I try to sign into them again, it gives me an "unknown error". Gonna try another battery pull right now

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Still not working. Looks like I'll be resetting when i get home.

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Ah I wish that was what happened. My email accounts have disappeared completely. Like they were deleted. I tried to log in to them to get them back on the phone and it won't.

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Now that I'm home and on WiFi I'm gonna try one more time to add the emails back to my phone and if it works I'll let you know. If not, then, *gulp* resetting the phone :(
And this is what I got:

"Oops! We're having a problem that we can't solve at the moment. Try again later."
Reset the phone. Had to manually install the apps cause for some reason it wouldn't auto download from windowsphone.com like it usually does. Mentioned it to Ben the PC Guy on Twitter and he said he's gonna talk to htc himself about getting me another phone.
I wonder if this is a problem with syncing Google data? I have had many problems with Google syncing in the past. This was on multiple Android devices. It would get stuck syncing Contacts usually. This would end up killing my battery life as well.

In the end, I just stopped using Google for my Calendar, Email, and Contacts. I currently use a Hosted Exchange account for these items.
It deleted all of mine. My Army email, my gmail, and my hotmail were synced to the phone. And have been fine for over 2 weeks since I got the Titan.
Well, it seems likely that the data was corrupted and pulling your battery caused the data to be lost. I am just curious which account caused the corruption. I believe it is possible to remote wipe with EAS as well. Is your Army account on an exchange server? It could have been an issue there.

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No. I did auto settings on a pop account

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