UK ONLY QUESTION: Micro-sim To Normal Sim With O2


New member
Dec 20, 2011
I have a simplicity iphone contract on o2 with a microsim and have just won a htc radar in a competition, and love the phone but obviously i cant put my sim in, i have tried a adapter, but it wouldnt fit in properly, so i was thinking, if i go on the o2 website, and swap to a standard sim, which i have several spare o2 sims to do so, if i do swap, and then decide to go back to my iphone, and get o2 to swap me back to a micro sim will they? how many swaps over are you allowed? i mean swapping to and from standard sim to microsim

thanks :)
Not sure why it wouldn't work with an adapter. I have a microsim from an iPhone that I used in my HTC Mozart before I got my Lumia. It was a little bit of a snug fit, but did go in.

Something you might want to try if thickness is an issue is either try another SIM adapter that doesn't add bulk, or to get another microsim (you can usually ask for one in O2 shops for free - say you're on O2 and you've just bought an iPhone 4 or a Lumia 800 elsewhere so you just need the SIM) and very carefully push out the microsim from the card and KEEP THE CARD. Now pop your current microsim in to the empty frame - hey presto, it's a normal-sized SIM no thicker than a regular one. And for safety, you can always put some sellotape on the back to hold it in place as this adds virtually no thickness.

The risk in asking O2 for a regular SIM is that they'll know you're not using your iPhone anymore and may want to switch you away from the iPhone Simplicity tariff. And that will cost you as their other tariffs aren't as good.

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