Unlocked Idol 4s

Before, I was using a LG neon (android) from work and I could never used WiFi calling from T-Mobile until I put the Sim car into my passport. Then T-Mobile congratulated me on my first WiFi calling ever...Lol
Before, I was using a LG neon (android) from work and I could never used WiFi calling from T-Mobile until I put the Sim car into my passport. Then T-Mobile congratulated me on my first WiFi calling ever...Lol
The latest 10.3.3 build for the Passport FINALLY enabled WiFi calling on T-Mobile.
Now T-Mobile is discounting the idol 4s. I don't understand why this phone isn't being sold unlocked. There are just no w10 phones to buy anymore. This is so frustrating.
Now T-Mobile is discounting the idol 4s. I don't understand why this phone isn't being sold unlocked. There are just no w10 phones to buy anymore. This is so frustrating.
Sad, they're discounting it but have done nothing to support it and then they will discontinue it and say no one had any interest in it. If Alcatel doesn't sell it unlocked and outside the U.S., it will be a failure. And that's too bad because it's the best Windows phone I've ever owned. It's virtually trouble free.
Now T-Mobile is discounting the idol 4s. I don't understand why this phone isn't being sold unlocked. There are just no w10 phones to buy anymore. This is so frustrating.
Wait what? Where did you hear this? It's only been like 2 months.
It figures. We finally get the best device ever put out for win 10 and T-Mobile discontinues it.

I know when I had it for a couple of weeks it was the least troublesome windows phone I ever used on win 10 and the fastest. I was thinking of switching back to it, because other than the camera this device makes up for it in so many ways.

In the meantime my 950 has been performing great and am still satisfied with it. Can't really ask for more.
Sad, they're discounting it but have done nothing to support it and then they will discontinue it and say no one had any interest in it. If Alcatel doesn't sell it unlocked and outside the U.S., it will be a failure. And that's too bad because it's the best Windows phone I've ever owned. It's virtually trouble free.

Start messaging them asking for the unlocked version. I just commented on their FB.
It's really a small price cut.

Was $469.99, now $432. Doesn't look like a panic and dump to me...
I agree. After I went to the site and saw what it was, I felt better. I even surmised that the reduction in price may be because it's web only and they don't have to use retail people to sell it. That may have nothing to do with it, but it was just a thought. I really do love this phone and would like to see Alcatel do well with it. It's a quality device.
Kinda the same thing Verizon did with the icon and that didn't even make it a year when they pulled it off their shelves.
Kinda the same thing Verizon did with the icon and that didn't even make it a year when they pulled it off their shelves.
I remember that. The icon was my first taste of WP8. Then soon after it dissapeared. Later if you were lucky you could only find the black model as a certified refurbished buy from their site.
Thank goodness! This phone deserves to be unlocked. It's really a great device overall. I've been using it daily now for 2 months with no regrets at all. I haven't stayed with a device this long as a daily since the Lumia 925. :smile:
OK, unlocked Idol 4s vs. Elite x3 (say used).
Which would you get?
I'll stay with the Idol. From what I've read, the camera on the x3 is inferior to even the Alcatel, the CPU's the same and the display is only slightly smaller. I've had the B&O speakers on other HP devices and they don't measure up to the Idol's setup.

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