I recently got a Surface RT, find it useful in ways my iPad is not - Office, file management, the ability to play different kinds of video files, a familiar OS, for example - so can certainly see a place for it in the tablet world.
Bear in mind too that it is more featured than a device like the Kindle Fire HD, which is only ?50 cheaper than RT currently. My boss bought one to actually use as a mobile work device and can't even sign into one of our office networks on it because it doesn't allow proxy servers - a Surface RT would be much more suited to his needs.
Nokia entering the RT arena is a great thing in my book. We can agree the hardware will be good but competitively priced - see what they've done with the Lumia 520. Like Windows Phone, Windows 8 is slightly lacking in apps, and I think they could adopt a similar strategy in Windows 8 to that which they've had in Windows Phone - striking deals and bringing companies' apps to Windows 8, which will benefit the Windows 8 eco system as a whole and not just Windows RT.
Windows RT has a lot of potential. It's not going to replace full Windows anytime soon (and isn't intended to right now) but Skydrive in 8.1 shows the potential of the OS having a Modern app that also integrates well with the Desktop, and I think Nokia could become a champion for encouraging developers to create this kind of app.