UPDATE Your Lumia Icon

Just updated. Thanks. Definitely improved my wireless connection.

Sent from my Nokia Icon using Tapatalk
Updating, fingers crossed, my Wi-Fi has been terrible. Praying. Legs crossed... rabbits foot in pocket, anything else I'm missing to make this fix all my Icon problems?!? Well, all 1 of them anyway.... he he
My wifi range still sucks ****. Holding out hope its an 8.1 issue. Standing in my garage with icon in 1 hand and HTC 8x in the other. About 30 ft from router. HTC has 2/3 signal and my icon doesn't even find a signal. 😒
I only had a few minutes to test out the wifi before leaving for work, but it seems it shows more bars, but in a one website test, it still couldn't load the site, despite showing full bars in my bedroom. My 925 had no issues with this.

Obviously not a real test, I'll try more tonight, but I'm not hopeful, haha.
been checking almost every day(there was a update last week), Checked today and showed a update that needs Wi-Fi to update. I guess it could be a dream that it's Cyan but, downloading it now...
Any news?

Nah, not Cyan, I would bet this is the firmware update that fixes Wi-Fi as others have said. Verizon had a update to fix that and the only way to get it WAS to roll back to 8.0, take the update and upgrade to the DP, I would bet they just made it available for everyone in prepping for Cyan.

Anyone notice that by the LTE "bars" there will be a little arrow that pops up time to time, It's like it's pointing to the corner of the phone, Not sure if this a refresh (checking LTE/3G signal, etc) or GPS, anyone know what it is ?
Yeah, I actually didn't realize my wifi was screwed up until the firmware was installed. I just thought my ISP sucked.

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