[Updated 19th July 13] Apps with beautiful large tiles (double-wide ONLY)

After checking some more of my apps I found these:

Custom tile maker - you can pin a double wide tile that rotates through a selected photo album. I use it just have a text header for a group of apps.
Fantasia Painter - Normally the tile would just have the fantasia tile artwork. If you customize any of your pics, and save them, they will rotate on the tile as well. Nice touch.
Note+ - You can pin a note in all three sizes. The only downside is that it shows the note on the backside of the tile instead of efficiently using the front side.
Skype - Shows a tile count and a preview of the message along with who sent it.
Package tracker - The double wide tile is the best choice because it displays the update counter, the package name, last scan, and timestamp all on the front side of the tile.
Brit + co - this app has recipes, DIY projects, furniture, tecnology and other lifestyle articles, and today it got an update which included a double wide tile!
Re: Apps with beautiful large tiles (double-wide ONLY)

Those don't show anything beside their logo in their Double-Wide Tiles :
• Baconit .
Not so! Pin from within the app. It's one of the nicest of all.
Re: Apps with beautiful large tiles (double-wide ONLY)

Sorry for double posting but I just had to share this. In your face HTC hub ;)

Sorry but I tried this app and the live tile updates like twice every hour so it's pretty useless.
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Re: Apps with beautiful large tiles (double-wide ONLY)

Box.com has a really cute double-wide tile! :orly:
Re: Apps with beautiful large tiles (double-wide ONLY)

Keep it coming guys! 55 new apps discovered so far, that can beautify phones. Anything left out?
Re: Apps with beautiful large tiles (double-wide ONLY)

Engadget just updated their app and its got a gorgeous double wide tile with latest news update counter. The app interface is also more in line with the website and is super smooth. They really knocked it out of the park.
Re: Apps with beautiful large tiles (double-wide ONLY)

If you have a developer unlocked device, TimeMe is perfect! The dev, Arnold Vink, provides a xap for unlocked devices that updates every minute.
Re: Apps with beautiful large tiles (double-wide ONLY)

I love Chronos. It's at the top of my screen. If you find the right picture, it looks fantastic. wp_ss_20130320_0001.jpg

Amazing Weather HD is at the bottom.
Re: Apps with beautiful large tiles (double-wide ONLY)

The Quote tile looks quite nice too ;-) (but the lockscreen images are better)
Re: Apps with beautiful large tiles (double-wide ONLY)

Pandora. One of the greatest double-wide tiles out there.

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