Upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile Now?

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Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
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Many people are wondering if they should upgrade their device to Windows 10 now. The thing is, I believe it is a great time to do so.

Microsoft just pushed out the first cumulative update to Windows 10 Mobile and proved to the world that they CAN and WILL push out the updates without carriers getting in the way.
Here is how Microsoft can push OS updates to Windows 10 Mobile without carriers now (and forever)

So, we see that they can do this. Are they pushing it out one device at a time? That's what they've always done in the past. But not this time. Not according to the tweet that Terry Myerson made. He stated to ALL phones running Windows 10.


So, I was thinking about that, and I wondered if it just meant the Lumia 950, 950XL, and the 550. There were a LOT of articles about these updates going out to just those phones, because those were the only phones officially running Windows 10. What about unofficial ones? Like my Lumia 640 and Lumia 635? What about my Father-in-Law's 520? What about the 930s. What about so many other models?

I happened to have a Lumia 635 that I was testing. It had been previously enrolled in the Insider program and was on build 10586.11. Once I reached that stage, the OS seemed pretty stable, and I gave it to my wife for testing after unenrolling from the program on that phone. (I didn't want her doing the OS upgrades until I knew she wouldn't react badly to it happening.) This means she should not be receiving updates any longer. At least she won't receive updates from the Insider program. The phone has been left in a drawer for the last few days, so I pulled it out this evening and powered it on, then checked for updates.

Sure enough, if found the update for 10586.29. That means if you enroll into the Insider program, update to 10586.29, then unenroll from the Insider program and uninstall the Insider app, you will be on the "in the market" version of Windows 10, and you will always get the updates as they come to all phones running Windows 10.

From the looks of things right now, it looks like Microsoft will be doing a "patch Tuesday" type release each month like they do for Desktop Windows 10, so Mobile will probably now be part of that. Windows as a Service, finally and fully realized. Regular updates. No carrier interference. The best part is, you don't even have to wait to do the upgrade, because Microsoft has provided a path that is pretty simple to follow.

Now, while in the very recent past I would have discouraged just anyone to jump into the Insider program, this time it is a little different. For one thing, this is the same version that is being pushed out to all the official releases and it is a version that is quite stable and ready for the market en masse. If you wait too long, there may be another Insider build and you'll have to wait for the market version to catch up again. It's also possible that the Insider version will stay ahead of the market version in the near future, so there may never be a better time to make the switch.

I've already made the jump and don't regret it one bit. I'll be retiring my wife's 8.1 Lumia 635 this weekend and giving her the one I just upgraded to W10M, afterwards I will upgrade her old one. If it's ready for me to give to my wife, I think it's probably ready for most people.

So, tell me, who's going to make that jump?


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I'm still going to wait. I am considering buying Lumia 550 to see how I feel about Win 10 Mobile (and also for other reasons, of course). Seeing that this seems to be the case, it has me wanting to try some apps that I use fairly regularly, which have Windows 10 versions.

I like having the comfort in being able to roll back, so I'll actually not update my 640 until I feel it out first.


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The problem here is that some phones may not be ready for this build. So jumping using the preview build is not the best idea unless you really want to test the OS.


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Jun 11, 2013
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I'd say its ready for fans, not for normal users, its still buggylandia even with the .29 build, things are improving every day, but also getting worse, today I had to restart my phone, glance stopped working for no apparent reason, battery life is not the same as 8.1, and believe me, those 950's are capable of twice the battery endurance they are experiencing now, if reviewers do a follow up maybe 6 months from now it will get back to 8.1 levels of battery life, there's people with great experiences and others with just a nightmare, I'm in the middle I guess, its about the same, just 30% buggier and more unreliable overall than 8.1, I sure as hell would like to avoid my wp loving followers getting it now, they will just be mad at me


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Aug 26, 2014
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The XX20 series seems to have more problems compared to the XX30, XX40 or XX50 series

That is something I'd have to agree with from the comments I've seen around. It seems the drivers aren't quite there to properly drive the 1020 and 1520 cameras from what I've heard. I'm not sure about the 1320. I've heard little complaints from 520 and 920 users, but I may have missed them.

Phones like the 640 perform quite well, however.


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Feb 15, 2014
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That is something I'd have to agree with from the comments I've seen around. It seems the drivers aren't quite there to properly drive the 1020 and 1520 cameras from what I've heard. I'm not sure about the 1320. I've heard little complaints from 520 and 920 users, but I may have missed them.

Phones like the 640 perform quite well, however.
I am a bit confused now. Is there an official release for all phones or just the 3 x50s? My 1020 shows nothing in updates!!

P.S about that jump I don't mind doing it as long as I know there is a way to go back to my old 8.1 flashed rom from HK VAR to AU VAR. Is there? or do I have to go back to HK and then AU?
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Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
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I am a bit confused now. Is there an official release for all phones or just the 3 x50s? My 1020 shows nothing in updates!!

P.S about that jump I don't mind doing it as long as I know there is a way to go back to my old 8.1 flashed rom from HK VAR to AU VAR. Is there? or do I have to go back to HK and then AU?

The only phones so far that have the official Windows 10 Mobile are the 950/950XL/550. Other phones can get there by using the Insider Preview.

I am not really qualified as to the path to take to get to your desired ROM should you need to roll back.


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Feb 15, 2014
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The only phones so far that have the official Windows 10 Mobile are the 950/950XL/550. Other phones can get there by using the Insider Preview.

I am not really qualified as to the path to take to get to your desired ROM should you need to roll back.
And I thought I was loosing it when I saw strong words like world wide and all phones. :D.

I uses to have a way to get back to AU Var but that method is now closed. And ihavent really checked if there are other ways to go back to AU direct. The last time I rolled back it went to HK var and it was a PITA to get back to go back to AU var. Looks like I will have to find out if there is a way before trying to jump in :D

Rupert Holmes

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I have both a 1020 with 8.1 and 950XL with .29. I still use the 1020 as my primary, while I wait for 10 to become usable to me. That may not happen as I am still waiting for wake on double tap.
Wish I could get the XL to run 8.1.


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Mar 19, 2013
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I'd say it's borderline, I upgraded my 1020 and so far it has been mainly frustrating. There is nothing that I have yet found that works better than WP8.1, except for perhaps some rendering in the browser. Generally everything is slower. Keyboard is noticeably slower. Apps launch more slowly.

There are a lot of weird scrolling artefacts in all apps, especially Edge. There are a lot of glitches with on screen keyboard, and swipe. Different apps seem to have different keyboard issues - in Edge, you can't delete a word that you swiped, you can only backspace by individual characters. In Store, you can't use swipe at all.

The photos app is much worse, slower and buggy. The email client (Outlook) is very poor and has numerous bugs. The messaging app is very slow to launch. Battery drain is about twice as fast as it was (can't get through a full day now).

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

They've only had forever to get it right, it's not like some of these are complex apps.


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There is nothing that I have yet found that works better than WP8.1, except for perhaps some rendering in the browser. Generally everything is slower. Keyboard is noticeably slower. Apps launch more slowly.

Actually my experience is exactly the opposite. Edge really sucks at this point, I wish MS enabled IE for sometime or gave us an IE mode if the browser doesn't render pages correctly. Outside of that, it runs fast on my 830 and 640 and I am sure it will run better on my soon to be new daily driver, the 1520.

Either way, I can't speak on the 1020 but for the 925 I just sold, 10586.29 was a solid build. Everything worked as expected including apps. I can't say there weren't any bugs but I never experienced them.


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Current build is working smooth on my m8. The only issue that I have is that the HTC photo editing app crashes and won't work. Other than that I'd say go for it.

I agree. After this latest build I'm pretty happy with WP10 on my M8. Glad I made the move.


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Oct 10, 2014
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Quick question: do I have to actively unenroll from the insider program after performing the update from 8.1 to 10? Like, will the phone still have an insider app available by default that I have to launch, unenroll from the program, then uninstall?

My last experiments with Windows 10 Mobile went belly up pretty fast since it was horribly slow, buggy and unusable. That was six months ago though, and to be honest I expected Windows 10 Mobile to be have been officially released by the end of 2015. Boy was I wrong :winktongue:
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Oct 10, 2014
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Nevermind, I figured it out myself. Updated to the latest 10586.29, then launched the Insider app and left the program. Problem solved

Julian Williams2

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May 7, 2014
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I've taken the plunge and am in the middle of upgrading my Lumia 830 to Windows 10 mobile version .29 Will report back on any issues but from what I've read, update .29 seems to be the release folk are most encouragingly talking about. Currently at "Almost done...and it will be worth it". Hope so.


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Oct 10, 2014
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I just did that with my 830. You'll be surprised how fast Windows 10 Mobile runs on the 830, much better than previous builds and, subjectively, even better than 8.1 Update 2.
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