Upgrade vs. Fresh Install of Windows 10


New member
Aug 23, 2016
Would it be best to upgrade current devices to Windows 10 or the install fresh images.

Can anyone list any pitfalls or unforeseen consequences?
In the case of all 4 of my PC's/laptops/tablets I tried to upgrade first and in all 4 cases I can tell you that I ended up doing a fresh install in the end because everything runs better that way. All 4 of the upgrades did work, but a fresh install is always advised when it is possible to do so.
I think that fresh install is better. If you upgrade, there is windows.old folder in C that takes up space. If you want to go back to your previous version, upgrade. If you will be staying with Windows10 do a fresh install.
Is there a functional difference if you upgrade on an SSD PC? I mean I can understand the advantages of a fresh install on an HDD equipped device, but would an SSD not negate it?

Mark (I've got both)
Is there a functional difference if you upgrade on an SSD PC? I mean I can understand the advantages of a fresh install on an HDD equipped device, but would an SSD not negate it?

This is actually a valid thought. The speed of an SSD masks some issues that would otherwise compromise performance. So yes, an SSD can negate the advantages of a clean install. It won't necessarily help with glitchs, driver issues, or whatever other problems people are having with upgrades, but it may hide performance problems. It depends on what the problems are, if any.

At work we do quite a few upgrades to Windows 10. Normally, a clean reinstall is not necessary. My advice would be to do an upgrade and see how it turns out. If you have issues, do a clean install.
I have a laptop with an SSD for the OS and programs, and an HDD for everything else. Originally I did the upgrade from Win 7 to 10 (I believe that was mandatory). It worked, but I had lots of problems with my system. When I would press the power button to turn it on it would begin the start up process and then power off. No Googling and recommendations worked to resolve the issue.

I did a clean install and all was well. I never had any issues after the clean install. I also did an upgrade with the AU and ran into the same start up issue again along with other issues.

I bit the bullet and did a clean install and again all was well. I won't waste my time again doing an upgrade. I will only do and suggest clean installs. It may take a bit more effort at first, but in the long run you will be saving yourself time and headaches by just doing a clean install right away first.
I also ran into sluggishness and freezes since the anniversary update. My tablet is now a snail. Going to do a clean install as well.
I highly recommend you do the fresh install. It should work wonders for your sluggish laptop. Be sure to run HD Tune on your hdd too before you do the fresh install if you have a mechanical hard drive. It could be that you have bad sectors on your drive.
I upgraded computers with both SSD or HDD and agree that the clean install is more about getting the best drivers and settings without much hassle. It cleans up the registry for the new OS too. Things don't hang as often or crash nearly as much (or ever, in some cases).

Just make sure you have all the codes, discs, or downloads for all your programs before you do it.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
A SSD will be faster than a HD anyway you do it. The only was it isn't faster is if something in Windows is slowing it down. But if the problem was something in Windows it would affect both SSD and HD. SSD is just way faster.

Your decision is if you want to take the time to re-install your applications. Clean install requires re-installs and upgrade doesn't (most of the time)
Applying a major OS update to an installed environment is a crapshoot. The most trouble-free way to implement a major upgrade is a clean install. It's a pain in the a@@ to reinstall all your applications. But it usually prevents lots of headaches down the road. . .
If you do not have your windows key or program keys for your frequently used software, then you will probably want to upgrade and see how it effects performance. If you run into lots of issues then the fresh install should take care of most of your issues unless you are having a software compatibility issue or hardware issues. My experience thus far has been great after having done a fresh install.
If you do not have your windows key or program keys for your frequently used software, then you will probably want to upgrade and see how it effects performance. If you run into lots of issues then the fresh install should take care of most of your issues unless you are having a software compatibility issue or hardware issues. My experience thus far has been great after having done a fresh install.
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