USB Cable Connectivity Issues

Your Lumia 1020 should come up as 909 and run as a bootable FAT32 drive ( at least in my case ). The driver might or might not install. Windows 7 + Lumia 1020 goes together like peas in a pod.
Another factor is the Lumia 1020 CABLE IS SPECIFIC. Microsoft ( whoever ) uses an official proprietor cable and sometimes the most expensive cables work while the cheapest cables work..
The Lumia 1020 port might not function correctly at all. Like most phones it breaks or wares overtime so sometimes the cable is not making the correct connections for it to link. This is said even worst about the camera grip ( which loses life fast ) and even the camera itself. Also another fact is
A. You can use an application to move files across faster then the USB cable could ever.
B. You also have wireless battery chargers and one possible to restore battery life to your device ( if your willing to take that chance ).
Again the USB 2.0 port is fragile, slow, and very picky about cables.
Why is this happening to me all the time? I have to hold my charger while charging. Do I have to root redmi note 4 device? My USB port is creating the problem in charging and due to this COVID -19, I am not able to go out. Please suggest me how to overcome this problem at home.
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