USB Stick Sizes & Redfly


New member
Oct 12, 2008
Just wondering if there's a capacity limit beyond which a driver is required & Redfly couldn't use the USB drive? Figured I'd ask before I invested in something my Treo Pro/Redfly combo wouldn't recognize.


I do not know if a limit exists, but I can vouch for 8gb and 16gb. Be prepared for some SLOW response and load times - altho still a useful ability.

My assumption would be as the phone is the reader, it is the phones limit that would matter here, but I am far from sure.
I do not know if a limit exists, but I can vouch for 8gb and 16gb. Be prepared for some SLOW response and load times - altho still a useful ability.

My assumption would be as the phone is the reader, it is the phones limit that would matter here, but I am far from sure.

If your assumption is right, would it be the same size limit as an internal memory card? My Treo Pro is supposed to handle up to a 32 gig microsd card. And would the size of an internal card limit the size of a USB stick? In other words, would having an 8 gig microsd card in my phone limit the USB stick usable to 24 gig or less? Maybe someone else here has more info than you and I do. I'm curious because I've seen USB sticks/drives up to 64 gig -- plenty big to fit huge amounts of music or video.
my q9c reconizes all the files on my 1 terebyte external hard drive....there is no limit for connected memory....just internal
yeah i would think it would. Winmo would recognize it as a USB device and so there would be no limit. In this regard, Winmo is similar to XP/vista...however it wont recognize USB hubs...
yeah i would think it would. Winmo would recognize it as a USB device and so there would be no limit. In this regard, Winmo is similar to XP/vista...however it wont recognize USB hubs...

Interesting what you say about hubs. I've seen other posts indicating they had several devices connected through a USB hub. So, like hard drives, that may depend on brand/model.
yeah, i spoke to a support guy about hubs and he said that it will recognize the first device but not all...depends on the drivers i guess...
I have a generic caddy for 2.5 inch laptop drives, in which I've tried 60, 80, 120 Mb drives. I also have a SimpleTech 320 Gb drive. None work with the RedFly :-(
Sorry I couldn't jump in sooner, but we have been very busy getting ready for CTIA and our big launch tomorrow.

One important caveat about recognizing drives with the REDFLY is that they have to be formatted FAT32, not NTFS (yes it seems strange to me that Microsoft would not support this in Windows Mobile, but...). Being an aspect of the OS, there is little we can do to change that unless we decided to create our own proprietary implementation, and storage is not a primary avenue for us to grow. We really have not done extensive testing in this area, but we have reports from customers about success with some pretty large drives.


Director of Engineering
Celio Corp | REDFLY

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