Vector Watch shares their view on building apps for the MS ecosystem


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Dec 19, 2015
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I love my vector watch, got it just before christmas and was able to go swimming in Thailand without the need to re-charge during the entire two weeks.

However I have, like everyone else been struggling with the support of Window Phone(s). Vector is one of the few watchmakers who actually support Windows phones. Well, Vector Watch does not really support Windows Phones at their software is about 6 months behind the iOS and Android releases. They does not even support the upgrade of Vector firmware to anything above 1.0 (The current release is at 1.4) and the app is still at 1.0 - not supporting ANY custom watchfaces or apps since the 1.0 release (6 months ago)

So I have been asking myself WHY could this be the case. Sure WP is at one-digits marketshare but you are the ONLY one supporting the platform? So I've asked the Vector FB page that question:

"Your Vector Watch is getting ever more personal and integrated, catering to your everyday goals and needs" - Well not really if your using Windows Phone 10 - Can't update the watch, no updates available to the app.. being a WP10 user it currently not the best thing in the world...

Vector replied:
Dear Anders, please note that we are among the few companies that even had the audacity of tackling with the Windows Mobile OS. Furthermore, please note that due to Microsoft's app approval policy, we have been stuck with uploading a Beta version via direct link. In the meantime, we have been forced to send what versions we have issued via our beta channels, however they have faced issues with installing dependencies such as Microsoft .NET and VCLibs. Moreover, we appreciate the boundless patience that our Windows community has show toward the Vector Watch brand and we would like to repay their commitment by any means possible!

We would also like to take the opportunity to formally apologize to our Windows Mobile user base for the fact that the Windows app has been lagging behind its iOS and Android counterparts, rest assured that we're doing everything humanly possible in order to release the v1.1 Windows Mobile app!
For me it seems that Windows Store and Windows Mobile with "universal" apps is not as seamless as Microsoft describes, nor does it seems that they take their business seriously as their developers cant get their software out. Perhaps MS is just focusing on their "band" and just ignores developers like Vector?

What do you think?

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