Agreed! And thats why WP7 can thrive without Verizon. Sprint is releasing the HTC Pro 7 tomorrow. If Verizon wants to ride the MotoAndroid to the bottom of the sea, then so be it. Microsoft is positioning itself to make a huge surge in the mobile smartphone market. That started with WP7 and GSM networks. Look at the ecosystem that they are setting up. Look at the new features and integration that is coming to WP7. I think the sleeping giant has awaken. Some of may doubt it because its not happening as fast as you would like. Your looking for a Blitzkrieg. Its not going to happen like that. Microsoft is massing the troops and moving everything into place. A steady buildup of new features and data centric integration. Thats one of there strong points. There are so many areas that microsoft has were they can integrate WP7. What does the compititon have as far as integration? Nothing! Thats why their platforms are basically application launcher.
Oh, and its not the Kool-aid, though it is sweet ;-)....Its the potential I see in this new and very fresh Metro UI.
LTE is has been deemed the next global standard (and LTE is actually a closer evolution to CDMA than GSM) and Verizon will have the first US nationwide LTE network.
The United States is Microsoft's market, the market where Zune is the most successful (if not simply the most available) Xbox and Xbox live are most successful.
If you think Microsoft doesn't even need a presence on a network with access to what soon will be 100 million people who have access to RIM, iPhone, WebOS, and Android, then you're crazy.
Seriously, this thing needs all of the help it can get. It's virtually non existent in public opinion.
By the way, up until perhaps 2 months from now, there isn't even real GSM in the entire middle of the country. From rural Texas all the way up to Montana and North Dakota (where I live) you can't buy T-Mobile or AT&T. There's roaming support...but they won't sell you a device and you get now 3G.
Look at what Verizon did for basically birthed it into this world.....without Verizon....Android wouldn't be anywhere near where it was.