Verizon is definitely biased AGAINST Windows Phone

I was seriously considering the new LG; however, despite that the screen looks a lot better than the spec would imply I could NOT get over the Verizon attitude. I was planning on an outright purchase so that I could hold out for a Windows 10 flagship and to be honest if I would change my contract to EDGE (from unlimited...which for me is extremely handcuffed as I cannot tether). I cannot deal with Android anymore as my phone has not had an update to fix the problems VZ shipped with the previous 2.

The rep at VZ asked why I was done with Android. I specifically mentioned the updates that VZ holds back on phones, the lack of support for updates and all. This guy actually asked me " where did you read that, we have nothing to do with the software updates." That's a half-truth. They DO have to approve the updates as we all know. He claims to have been in the business for 16 years. He even had the audacity to tell me that he'd never heard that Apple is the only manufacturer that updates the phone (yes, I know...they are technically approved by carriers and discounting Nexus). I mentioned that in theory Windows 10 will also put the updates in the hands of MSFT - to which he replied...sure...if you think Windows 10 is going to be on a phone.

So, not only is VZ biased...their reps are either extremely uninformed or intentionally telling half-truths. Now, not only am I questioning the LG, I'm thinking seriously about bailing from Verizon - their attitude is off the chart.
from unlimited...which for me is extremely handcuffed as I cannot tether

Just to point out something here, you can tether with Verizon's unlimited data, and I'm not talking about an Android workaround. Tethering officially costs though, but it's still totally unlimited. Someone on AndroidCentral reported using 5TB in one month.
Hmm, not sure how to get that working. Perhaps, what I really want is a mi-fi. However, it's all for naught the way my phone works now. It's so slow and weird acting I cannot trust it. It's old; but was one of the best phones I had until it was updated.

Thanks for pointing out my error though.
Not to be stupid; but doesn't that change the contract which will cause my unlimited to be eliminated?
Not to be stupid; but doesn't that change the contract which will cause my unlimited to be eliminated?

No, you can add tethering to unlimited data. It costs $30/month, but it's totally unlimited. It's actually not a bad deal if you need lots of data.
Your statement from above.
They will stock what sells.

Don't you think the opposite is true as well?
They will sell what they have in stock.

Novel idea to merchandise a product to sell it. I guess you don't go to Costco, Sam's Club, Target and other major retailers and see what and how they merchandise their stock. Put it in front of the customer and it has a chance to sell. Out of sight is out of mind,

I go to Costco, Sam's Club, Target and other major retailers and hardly find any WP on display.
I go to Costco, Sam's Club, Target and other major retailers and hardly find any WP on display.

Don't forget BJ's. I think the only WP I ever saw displayed at the BJ's near me was the Lumia 928. Haven't seen any since, and believe me, I would have gone looking for the Icon.
It is true. I went to few stores trying to see if I can purchase any Windows phone. They can order for me from the web site. That's all what I got. They do not want to sell them. There are androids on every possible wall, not even iphones. That what verizon may say about supporting windows is not worth a dime.
I've been in VZ stores and had many of the same experiences as those who have posted before me. The most amusing was when "The Wedding" TV spot was out. Apparently this really resonated with folks who came wandering into the VZ store looking for this phone with the great camera. The weary sales person bemoaned how he had to continually explain to people why they didn't want this phone and was so glad when they stopped running the spots. LOL! He didn't even realize that this was an ATT phone in the first place!
I doubt Verizon has a bias against any phone except the ones they can't sell. And they can't sell WP. Yeah ok, you bought one. Big deal. So did I. I have two. Icon and the HTC One M8 for Windows. I've never once seen anyone else carrying one. Why don't they sell? Well, easy. Google and Apple marketed the crap out of their phones. Mostly Samsung (which is why most VZW stores are Samsung-heavy.) Meanwhile WP sat on it's ****. Nokia pulled the plug. MS took FOREVER to get things rolling again. Late is never in tech, and they were late late late. So, why does VZW exist? To make money. What makes money? Selling phones. And plans with them of course. What phones sell? Umm, not Windows phones. VZW would sell their grandmother if they could make a buck off her. They don't give a rats behind about WP as WP. They care about WP as a revenue stream, and a revenue stream IN COMPETITION WITH ANDROID AND iOS. Compared to those, WP is non-contender. Does it have neat tech? Yup. Does it work well? Yup. Does anyone buy it? Nope. So why take up valuable shelf space with it. Dollars, pal. That's what VZW cares about. That's ALL it cares about. You will note the lack of BB on the shelves too. Is BB10 a great OS? Sure the heck is. Is anyone buying it? Nope. Just a few diehards like me. Again, there is no money in it. So bummer. We are stuck with these crappy Android and iOS phones. Too bad they're such good phones. Maybe if they were junky POSs then WP would have a shot. But they aren't and WP doesn't.
... When my wife said she was looking for a Lumia 920, the lady asked her why she wanted one of those. ....
Wow. That phrase must be a sales technique that is taught to the sales people. I've heard it too. Being a courteous person, I remember feeling put on the spot, to explain myself. I felt like they really had no idea, couldn't possibly imagine/ conceive of someone wanting a Windows Phone, and I had to explain why I wanted one, to them.

They won't catch me off guard next time.

I need a new Windows 10 flagship phone!

Best Wishes
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I doubt Verizon has a bias against any phone except the ones they can't sell. And they can't sell WP. Yeah ok, you bought one. Big deal. So did I. I have two. Icon and the HTC One M8 for Windows. I've never once seen anyone else carrying one. Why don't they sell? Well, easy. Google and Apple marketed the crap out of their phones. Mostly Samsung (which is why most VZW stores are Samsung-heavy.) Meanwhile WP sat on it's ****. Nokia pulled the plug. MS took FOREVER to get things rolling again. Late is never in tech, and they were late late late. So, why does VZW exist? To make money. What makes money? Selling phones. And plans with them of course. What phones sell? Umm, not Windows phones. VZW would sell their grandmother if they could make a buck off her. They don't give a rats behind about WP as WP. They care about WP as a revenue stream, and a revenue stream IN COMPETITION WITH ANDROID AND iOS. Compared to those, WP is non-contender. Does it have neat tech? Yup. Does it work well? Yup. Does anyone buy it? Nope. So why take up valuable shelf space with it. Dollars, pal. That's what VZW cares about. That's ALL it cares about. You will note the lack of BB on the shelves too. Is BB10 a great OS? Sure the heck is. Is anyone buying it? Nope. Just a few diehards like me. Again, there is no money in it. So bummer. We are stuck with these crappy Android and iOS phones. Too bad they're such good phones. Maybe if they were junky POSs then WP would have a shot. But they aren't and WP doesn't.

Agree 100%. Verizon doesn't have a personal vendetta against Windows Phone. I think this goes for all carriers. Sprint just now started offering the Lumia 635...I highly doubt it is being pushed at their stores (then again, that would require actual customers to be in the store). From personal experience, T-Mobile is hit or miss. I think I detailed in the T-Mobile section of the site where one sales person pretty much tried every trick in the book, including the "oh, my system isn't allowing that" to keep me from trading in my iPhone for a Lumia. That was the one who guaranteed 100% that I was going to "hate Windows phone anyway". I calmly explained I'd been using it for months at work and love it.

You can't really blame them though. Apple and Android sell. That is what they are going to push.
Agree 100%. Verizon doesn't have a personal vendetta against Windows Phone. I think this goes for all carriers. Sprint just now started offering the Lumia 635...I highly doubt it is being pushed at their stores (then again, that would require actual customers to be in the store). From personal experience, T-Mobile is hit or miss. I think I detailed in the T-Mobile section of the site where one sales person pretty much tried every trick in the book, including the "oh, my system isn't allowing that" to keep me from trading in my iPhone for a Lumia. That was the one who guaranteed 100% that I was going to "hate Windows phone anyway". I calmly explained I'd been using it for months at work and love it.

You can't really blame them though. Apple and Android sell. That is what they are going to push.

Microsoft did market the Lumia 635 alot during the holidays. All other phones get no marketing. iPhones and Galaxy phones get free marketing by the carriers then Apple and Samsung pour billions into them.

Didn't verizon plan to sold L735 soon? If they hate wp why bother.

It may happend due the devices is way too old. And may no longer being produced.

Like any company I think as long as they make money from it there is no reason to hate it

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