Verizon Users - Anyone Thought of Moving To HTC One M8?

This is a lateral move at best. Sure, if you're deciding between Icon and M8 and you don't own either, it makes sense. But to go from one contract to another for a phone that's equivalent seems extreme especially since when the Icon does get upgraded, all this complaining will go away. People are up in arms because we don't have an upgrade yet. When that comes, the Icon will be one of the 3 flagship phones again.
This is a lateral move at best. Sure, if you're deciding between Icon and M8 and you don't own either, it makes sense. But to go from one contract to another for a phone that's equivalent seems extreme especially since when the Icon does get upgraded, all this complaining will go away. People are up in arms because we don't have an upgrade yet. When that comes, the Icon will be one of the 3 flagship phones again.
It still is a flagshipn:P
Absolutely not. In my mind if it's not a Lumia it's not a Windows Phone. That really sucks for me. I've been with my 928 forever and now it's time to upgrade. I was excited about moving up to the Lumia Icon but alas, :crying: Verizon has pulled it from their line-up and replaced it with.... nothing. Their next Lumia flagship phone has been announced to drop nowhere in the near future. So now, I'm forced to go back to Android. Samsung Note 4 to be exact. I know, I know, it sucks to be me. Wah Wah, call my mommy baby. One good thing, I'm on the Edge plan which means I can upgrade in 10 months. IF MS comes out with a new flagship Lumia with the excellent low light camera, then maybe I'll bit the bullet and switch a bit earlier.

The Microsoft Marketing Mentality is ********. What kind of company virtually forces a loyal user away from their user base. Then again, maybe not so stupid. MS makes more money from me buying an Android phone than Google does... 'nough said. I wonder though, WWBGD? "What would Bill Gates do?"
I wonder though, WWBGD? "What would Bill Gates do?"

That reminds me of a joke I saw on Reddit recently:

Bill Gates: So why don't you tell me why Bing failed.

Board: We feel there was a public nescience towards Bing.

Bill Gates: Nescience? Let me Goog- oh, I see what you mean!
That reminds me of a joke I saw on Reddit recently:

Bill Gates: So why don't you tell me why Bing failed.

Board: We feel there was a public nescience towards Bing.

Bill Gates: Nescience? Let me Goog- oh, I see what you mean!

I personally think they should rename it to "Bang." That way you can say you "Banged" Catherine Zeta Jones. :-D
Absolutely not. In my mind if it's not a Lumia it's not a Windows Phone. That really sucks for me. I've been with my 928 forever and now it's time to upgrade. I was excited about moving up to the Lumia Icon but alas, :crying: Verizon has pulled it from their line-up and replaced it with.... nothing. Their next Lumia flagship phone has been announced to drop nowhere in the near future. So now, I'm forced to go back to Android. Samsung Note 4 to be exact. I know, I know, it sucks to be me. Wah Wah, call my mommy baby. One good thing, I'm on the Edge plan which means I can upgrade in 10 months. IF MS comes out with a new flagship Lumia with the excellent low light camera, then maybe I'll bit the bullet and switch a bit earlier.

The Microsoft Marketing Mentality is ********. What kind of company virtually forces a loyal user away from their user base. Then again, maybe not so stupid. MS makes more money from me buying an Android phone than Google does... 'nough said. I wonder though, WWBGD? "What would Bill Gates do?"

You can still find Icons at Verizon's brick and mortar stores, I saw one there just the other day. It's still a flagship and we will get 8.1.1/ Denim in the first part of 2015. Waiting for the next flagship may mean waiting for Windows 10 Mobile.
Aside from the Front Facing Speakers(subjective), IR blaster(Subjective), and SD card slot(I'll give them that) and the 801 processor(No matter how the M8 fans try to make out to be so better, it really isn't....).

That is a lot of "asides" you list there.... The front facing speakers are better sounding than the speakers on the Icon. The Icon doesn't have an IR blaster or an SD card slot, so these must be improvements over the Icon, wouldn't you say? Are you a microprocessor engineer now? The 801 must certainly be at least "somewhat" of an upgrade from the 800, don't you think?

I left the Icon for the M8 and am enjoying it as much, if not better, then the Icon.
The only aspect of the phone that is not up to par with the Icon would be the camera.
I am not a pro photographer and could never take great pictures consistently on the Icon or any other phone.
The camera on the M8 works fine for me, and it certainly has its positive attributes as well.
My icon has been having battery heating issues lately, so I took it in today to order a replacement. I knew there were several upgrades available on my families account, and I had been thinking for days about whether or not to switch to the m8. Here is what I thought. Good things about m8: new phone, 8.1 comes on it, good specs. Good things about icon: wireless charging, great camera, gets Lumia updates, also good specs. Now the pros and cons was partially what made me decide to keep my icon (which is what I did). It was mostly wireless charging and Lumia updates. But I was also happy with my icon and didn't mind keeping the same model and saved our upgrades for my family.
...told him that there is no way that I would downgrade my Icon for that phones. That was several months ago and it was weeks before the Icon was pulled. After I told him that I would not downgrade to a lesser phone, he told me that they have been hearing that alot. He also told me that the HTC was not gaining a foot hold because customers were still taking the Icon instead. The camera and wireless charging was two of the main reasons that customers were stating as the reasons why.
Ever since the Icon was pulled, I have been wondering if that's part of the reason for the Icon bring disconnected. The hardware was so close and in some cases better than the HTC, so drop the Icon and keep the 928 that was several years older, so customers looking for a Windows phone would pick the "better" HTC...

Hmm... Interesting. I have the 8X still and I'd have the Icon of it were still available through Verizon. I'm fully intending to wait until next fall but I never thought of it as maybe a contractually obliged thing where MS takes the time to develop their true flagship and gives other players a chance to try out the market.

I feel bad for not getting the M8 considering they will likely say it failed and they will stop making Windows devices, but it is still a nice way to get people to look at the OS knowing the hardware is on par.

Btw I was at Target shopping the other night and saw that TMobile was the only carrier on display with a Windows phone. It adjusted to be a 5xx Nokia for prepaid.

AT&T had the M8, just not for Windows.
Absolutely not. In my mind if it's not a Lumia it's not a Windows Phone.

I feel the same way. Anything not Lumia is not a Windows Phone to me...It's just 'one of the others" as I refer to them :P
I always get my friends and family on Windows phone and thankfully with all the low end stuff Microsoft is throwing out, I really have no need to suggest them much of anything else.

However I did suggest my friend the Blue HD phone that he got...He wanted something cheap but with a front facing camera. But he winded up returning it and managed to scoop a Lumia 920 offline from Amazon off contract.

The only downside is steering family and friends who want a high end Windows Phone to the Lumia 1520. I have more difficulty but I did manage to steer my friend towards the Samsung Ativ SE over the M8 thankfully.
That is a lot of "asides" you list there.... The front facing speakers are better sounding than the speakers on the Icon. The Icon doesn't have an IR blaster or an SD card slot, so these must be improvements over the Icon, wouldn't you say? Are you a microprocessor engineer now? The 801 must certainly be at least "somewhat" of an upgrade from the 800, don't you think?

I left the Icon for the M8 and am enjoying it as much, if not better, then the Icon.
The only aspect of the phone that is not up to par with the Icon would be the camera.
I am not a pro photographer and could never take great pictures consistently on the Icon or any other phone.
The camera on the M8 works fine for me, and it certainly has its positive attributes as well.

Again those do not make it an overall phone as you M8 owners try to make it out to be. Ever since the M8's release and the unfortunate discontinuation of the Icon, which I do believe is because of the M8 and it is unfortunate that owners who want a Windows phone have to settle for Less with the M8...though thankfully the Samsung ATIV Se is still an option(It's why I remind people of it) and unlike the BS that people spew against the Icon, the Samsung ATIV Se has nearly the same exact specs and Pros of the M8 :) Save the overrated speakers.

No I wouldn't say the speakers are an improvement. While nice to have, it is not something that I forsee a lot of people in the mainstream really buying a phone for. It's one of those "Oh, I have that feature.. That's pretty cool."

An amazing Camera which in this day an age of Snapchat, Instagram, tumblr and Youtube/Vine is prevalent and a much more used features. Having speakers on the front honestly make the phone look worse to me and I really hope Microsoft does not do this. I want them on the back.

an SD card slot, I have on my Lumia 1520 and you know why it only matters to me? Because Unfortunately, Att gimped the Lumia 1520 with 16 GB so I NEED the SD card slot if I want to have apps and music and photos and videos on my phone.

But for the Lumia 930/Icon...No it lacking it and the M8 having it does not make it a lesser phone or the M8 better. Again, it's one of those features where it's nice to have but not a killer feature.

When the Majority of iPhones that are sold are I believe 16 GB or the 32 GB models...that should tell you that not everyone cares about an SD card :)

Furthermore, about the's 801 vs 800....not 805 vs 800. You people do love to hold that against it and really it is irrelevant. I could see if the icon had 400 or even 200 and we were comparing. The differences are trivial.

That's nice if you think the M8 is better than the Icon. Most people don't. I certainly don't. It's a lesser device from a Lesser OEM and it is not a phone that the masses want :)

And with the Denim update plus Hey Cortana, unless M8 gets Hey Cortana....which hopefully Microsoft wont, the Lumia 930/Icon will once again be the de facto standard and flagship alongside the Samsung Ativ Se. Two phones with very little compromises :)
Hmm... Interesting. I have the 8X still and I'd have the Icon of it were still available through Verizon. I'm fully intending to wait until next fall but I never thought of it as maybe a contractually obliged thing where MS takes the time to develop their true flagship and gives other players a chance to try out the market.

I feel bad for not getting the M8 considering they will likely say it failed and they will stop making Windows devices, but it is still a nice way to get people to look at the OS knowing the hardware is on par.

Btw I was at Target shopping the other night and saw that TMobile was the only carrier on display with a Windows phone. It adjusted to be a 5xx Nokia for prepaid.

AT&T had the M8, just not for Windows.

Why feel bad? You shouldn't feel bad not getting a phone if you don't want it. I am a bit annoyed if Microsoft did purposely delayed any release of a flagship simply because

A. Nokia alone wouldn't have done that
B. The majority should not be punished to appease a very small minority

My icon has been having battery heating issues lately, so I took it in today to order a replacement. I knew there were several upgrades available on my families account, and I had been thinking for days about whether or not to switch to the m8. Here is what I thought. Good things about m8: new phone, 8.1 comes on it, good specs. Good things about icon: wireless charging, great camera, gets Lumia updates, also good specs. Now the pros and cons was partially what made me decide to keep my icon (which is what I did). It was mostly wireless charging and Lumia updates. But I was also happy with my icon and didn't mind keeping the same model and saved our upgrades for my family.

Well with Denim.....those good points about the M8 are no longer irrelevant. Aside from the specs :D

But yeah Lumia Camera, Wireless charging and the Support of Microsoft is what make Lumias the ONLY buy for Windows phone for most of us.
I feel the same way. Anything not Lumia is not a Windows Phone to me...It's just 'one of the others" as I refer to them :P
I always get my friends and family on Windows phone and thankfully with all the low end stuff Microsoft is throwing out, I really have no need to suggest them much of anything else.

However I did suggest my friend the Blue HD phone that he got...He wanted something cheap but with a front facing camera. But he winded up returning it and managed to scoop a Lumia 920 offline from Amazon off contract.

The only downside is steering family and friends who want a high end Windows Phone to the Lumia 1520. I have more difficulty but I did manage to steer my friend towards the Samsung Ativ SE over the M8 thankfully.

Again those do not make it an overall phone as you M8 owners try to make it out to be. Ever since the M8's release and the unfortunate discontinuation of the Icon, which I do believe is because of the M8 and it is unfortunate that owners who want a Windows phone have to settle for Less with the M8...though thankfully the Samsung ATIV Se is still an option(It's why I remind people of it) and unlike the BS that people spew against the Icon, the Samsung ATIV Se has nearly the same exact specs and Pros of the M8 :) Save the overrated speakers.

No I wouldn't say the speakers are an improvement. While nice to have, it is not something that I forsee a lot of people in the mainstream really buying a phone for. It's one of those "Oh, I have that feature.. That's pretty cool."

An amazing Camera which in this day an age of Snapchat, Instagram, tumblr and Youtube/Vine is prevalent and a much more used features. Having speakers on the front honestly make the phone look worse to me and I really hope Microsoft does not do this. I want them on the back.

an SD card slot, I have on my Lumia 1520 and you know why it only matters to me? Because Unfortunately, Att gimped the Lumia 1520 with 16 GB so I NEED the SD card slot if I want to have apps and music and photos and videos on my phone.

But for the Lumia 930/Icon...No it lacking it and the M8 having it does not make it a lesser phone or the M8 better. Again, it's one of those features where it's nice to have but not a killer feature.

When the Majority of iPhones that are sold are I believe 16 GB or the 32 GB models...that should tell you that not everyone cares about an SD card :)

Furthermore, about the's 801 vs 800....not 805 vs 800. You people do love to hold that against it and really it is irrelevant. I could see if the icon had 400 or even 200 and we were comparing. The differences are trivial.

That's nice if you think the M8 is better than the Icon. Most people don't. I certainly don't. It's a lesser device from a Lesser OEM and it is not a phone that the masses want :)

And with the Denim update plus Hey Cortana, unless M8 gets Hey Cortana....which hopefully Microsoft wont, the Lumia 930/Icon will once again be the de facto standard and flagship alongside the Samsung Ativ Se. Two phones with very little compromises :)

Good comments...I am actually now a little hopeful that my ICON will have a lot more life left to it with Denim coming "early 2015" though I wish they said what "early" meant...I actually have a Brand New ICON sitting on the shelf here and I plan on not doing Dev. Preview on it and loading the pure Denim on it when it comes out and it will be by daily driver. But that said, if Dev. Preview for Windows 10 for phone comes out, may be tempted to put it on there.
The only downside is steering family and friends who want a high end Windows Phone to the Lumia 1520. I have more difficulty but I did manage to steer my friend towards the Samsung Ativ SE over the M8 thankfully.

Again those do not make it an overall phone as you M8 owners try to make it out to be. Ever since the M8's release and the unfortunate discontinuation of the Icon, which I do believe is because of the M8 and it is unfortunate that owners who want a Windows phone have to settle for Less with the M8...though thankfully the Samsung ATIV Se is still an option(It's why I remind people of it) and unlike the BS that people spew against the Icon, the Samsung ATIV Se has nearly the same exact specs and Pros of the M8 :) Save the overrated speakers.

No I wouldn't say the speakers are an improvement. While nice to have, it is not something that I forsee a lot of people in the mainstream really buying a phone for. It's one of those "Oh, I have that feature.. That's pretty cool."

An amazing Camera which in this day an age of Snapchat, Instagram, tumblr and Youtube/Vine is prevalent and a much more used features. Having speakers on the front honestly make the phone look worse to me and I really hope Microsoft does not do this. I want them on the back.

an SD card slot, I have on my Lumia 1520 and you know why it only matters to me? Because Unfortunately, Att gimped the Lumia 1520 with 16 GB so I NEED the SD card slot if I want to have apps and music and photos and videos on my phone.

But for the Lumia 930/Icon...No it lacking it and the M8 having it does not make it a lesser phone or the M8 better. Again, it's one of those features where it's nice to have but not a killer feature.

When the Majority of iPhones that are sold are I believe 16 GB or the 32 GB models...that should tell you that not everyone cares about an SD card :)

Furthermore, about the's 801 vs 800....not 805 vs 800. You people do love to hold that against it and really it is irrelevant. I could see if the icon had 400 or even 200 and we were comparing. The differences are trivial.

That's nice if you think the M8 is better than the Icon. Most people don't. I certainly don't. It's a lesser device from a Lesser OEM and it is not a phone that the masses want :)

And with the Denim update plus Hey Cortana, unless M8 gets Hey Cortana....which hopefully Microsoft wont, the Lumia 930/Icon will once again be the de facto standard and flagship alongside the Samsung Ativ Se. Two phones with very little compromises :)

I am a former Icon owner, so can attest to the finer points of that phone, as outlined in my earlier post and other posts in this forum. Most of what you spew here is opinion, not fact. Just because you don't like the speakers on the front does not make them less than great speakers. You will not find another phone that has such great sound without headphones or use of an external speaker. Just because you don't believe there is a difference between the processors does not make it so. If there was a phone that came in two models, had exactly the same features, but one had an SD slot, which would most people choose?

I realize that I am posting this in the Icon forum so there is bound to be some push back. What I am really trying to say is that I believe it is o.k. to choose and like a phone without demeaning another. The M8 is not an inferior Windows phone. More companies than Lumia/Microsoft make Windows phones. I wish that you would stop with the M8 hate.
I never said that the speakers on the front make them less than great speakers. I can admit that they are in some ways better than the Lumia speakers and yet I don't think that it makes it a better phone than the Icon because it has Front spekaers, an IR blaster, SD card and a marginally better processor that offers little to no difference in performance in the 1520(Which I have) and the 930/icon.

The point I am trying to make is that if we take them at face values...M8 owners want to try and make this phone out to be the FLAGSHIP because it launches with 8.1.1 and has those above features. Well the Icon/930 now has or will have 8.1.1 and it's already superb features it has over the M8 with Black(or Cyan for the 930) will be enhanced even greater. Namely the Camera first and foremost.

At face Value, both phones are equal and on par with each other and it is laughable when an M8 owner tries to dismiss the Icon/930 and make the M8 the sole Flagship of 2014 when in reality it isn't and then get defensive when you point out that phone's shortcomings. Or dismiss the 1520 because it is "too big"...Yet it still likely has sold/will sell more than the M8 will on 3 carriers to Att being the only one selling the 1520.

And when you put in the Lumia Apps and Microsoft support That alone propels the Icon/Lumia devices above the M8. That is not an opinion. that's a fact.....Choosing an OEM that you know will support the device for a longer time, brings exclusive features(Hey Cortana) from the start(the M8 may get it eventually...I hope not) and exclusive apps vs the OEM who has a horrible track record and up until recently started showing signs of being marginally better than they were the previous three years.

There is no "hate" it's called being critical. I am aware that more than Lumia/Microsoft make Windows phone. But I am also aware that it is obvious most people don't want those phones. There's a reason that Samsung and HTC high end phones never actually sell well. Because nobody wants them except a small minority. That's not hate. That's being realistic.

I also don't support any OEM who can't be asked to bring a unique design or at least give it a unique name to avoid confusion for their phones and instead release android rehashes(except i'll excuse it in the low end market). And then when they bring the Android rehash, the phone STILL is 2nd to the Android model. If I read correctly, the M8 windows actually still lacks certain things the Android version lacks making it inferior to its sister phone.

Again that's me being realistic and I'm sorry if you take it as hate.

I am a former Icon owner, so can attest to the finer points of that phone, as outlined in my earlier post and other posts in this forum. Most of what you spew here is opinion, not fact. Just because you don't like the speakers on the front does not make them less than great speakers. You will not find another phone that has such great sound without headphones or use of an external speaker. Just because you don't believe there is a difference between the processors does not make it so. If there was a phone that came in two models, had exactly the same features, but one had an SD slot, which would most people choose?

I realize that I am posting this in the Icon forum so there is bound to be some push back. What I am really trying to say is that I believe it is o.k. to choose and like a phone without demeaning another. The M8 is not an inferior Windows phone. More companies than Lumia/Microsoft make Windows phones. I wish that you would stop with the M8 hate.
The point I am trying to make is that if we take them at face values...M8 owners want to try and make this phone out to be the FLAGSHIP because it launches with 8.1.1 and has those above features. Well the Icon/930 now has or will have 8.1.1 and it's already superb features it has over the M8 with Black(or Cyan for the 930) will be enhanced even greater. Namely the Camera first and foremost.

I don't see M8 owners trying to do that. I see you trying to cram down users throats that it is an inferior windows phone, which is not true.
At face Value, both phones are equal and on par with each other and it is laughable when an M8 owner tries to dismiss the Icon/930 and make the M8 the sole Flagship of 2014 when in reality it isn't and then get defensive when you point out that phone's shortcomings.

I agree with you that the phones are equal with the exception of the Icon's camera, which is better. I disagree again that owners are trying to make the M8 the sole Flagship of 2014.
And when you put in the Lumia Apps and Microsoft support That alone propels the Icon/Lumia devices above the M8. That is not an opinion. that's a fact.....Choosing an OEM that you know will support the device for a longer time, brings exclusive features(Hey Cortana) from the start(the M8 may get it eventually...I hope not) and exclusive apps vs the OEM who has a horrible track record and up until recently started showing signs of being marginally better than they were the previous three years.

It propels the Lumia/Icon devices in your opinion. I rarely used apps on my Icon that were Nokia/Lumia specific. This will also likely be the case with my M8.
Not sure why you would hope that "Hey Cortana" feature stays exclusive to the Lumia high end phones, but to each their own, I guess...

One of my first windows phones was the HTC Star Trek. It was a great phone. My next was another HTC windows phone (I don't remember the name now but it was also a clam shell windows phone). I've never had any bad experiences with HTC and am hoping that with the purchase of my M8 that it is the renewal of another long relationship.

I would highly recommend both the Lumia Icon and the HTC One M8 for Windows.
I don't see M8 owners trying to do that. I see you trying to cram down users throats that it is an inferior windows phone, which is not true.

I agree with you that the phones are equal with the exception of the Icon's camera, which is better. I disagree again that owners are trying to make the M8 the sole Flagship of 2014.

Of course you don't. It's the Icon forum so they wouldn't say it here. Usually on the Articles or the posts where they downgrade or downplay the Icon since it was on black....with no sign of cyan or denim....guess they lost that argument..

I am not trying to cram anything down anyone's throat. But I do want to make sure Lumias are recognized for their qualities and make sure that people that want windows phone make sure they get the best with little compromises :) Which is Lumia.
Well essentially what it comes down to is front facing speakers and SD storage versus wireless charging and camera quality. As well as HTC versus Nokia brand rep if you want to include that as well.

I can't imagine having another phone without wireless charging, personally. It better be a pretty damn nice phone for me to give that feature up after having nearly 2 years experience with it with a 928 and now Icon.
But I do want to make sure Lumias are recognized for their qualities and make sure that people that want windows phone make sure they get the best with little compromises :) Which is Lumia.

I disagree that because a phone is a Lumia it is "the best with little compromises." There are a lot of Lumia's that I wouldn't even consider for myself. I also think that if someone is looking for a Windows phone they should look at all that are available to them and compare features, then pick the one that they think is a good fit for their needs.

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