Very sad day

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Aug 10, 2007
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Let me say that I have been a WP user ever since the Samsung focus, what is that? 3 years? I have had the focus, focus2, Lumia 900, Lumia 920, Lumia 1020. I am a techie and always like to have the best device and felt that WP was special. I loved the UI, loved getting new updates that added many new features the past few years, and loved my Lumia 920 and 1020. I'm happy to see many apps coming out every day and I have been begging other developers to do the same. As we all know, the phones are great, but the app situation is not. All the niche apps never come out for WP, I have a sonos system at home and have been begging them for an app that never came. My cable tv provider has an app for ios and android, but not WP and that day will never come. Same for Sirius/XM satellite 📡 radio I emailed them, and nothing is planned. Flipboard is coming after it was advertised that it was coming to WP over a year still hasnt updated their app so we can change profiles.I love my device, love the UI and how it works, I love the camera, like to be different, but at what cost??? Why should I suffer and be behind the curve when I am always ahead of it tech speaking. Why should I not get apps that will improve my life? Just because I am loyal to WP? I decided that although I am really really sad, I cant do it anymore. I fold. I am jumping ship to Android, to galaxy s5, which I hate the looks, hate the quality. Wanted the HTC one, but coming from 1020, camera is bad. Went with galaxy for the camera over the HTC, and for the first time I am getting a new device and not excited about it, but I am going to finally able to download the apps that I want without feeling left out every time. I will be really sad, but I can't take the compromise anymore.

Ashish Gupta888

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Mar 12, 2014
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Its indeed very sad that WP still lacks many apps as compared to Android and iOS. You got all good reasons to leave this ecosystem. Have fun with your new device and hope to see you back :)

Andrew Elliott

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Jan 6, 2013
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It is sad. I know what you mean. I have a mobile POS system for my practice and it only links to andriod and ios and they wont go wp so I have a dumbass iPad I have to lag around everywhere to do a job an iphone could do, in addition a new heart rate monitor I was about to get with Bluetooth.etc links perfectly with everything via their app... Which according to customer support will not be done,on WP. I fear I will fall into the same trap as you, although I am not there yet. But I can respect where you are coming from. Sad day indeed


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Aug 10, 2007
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I've been commited, patient and can honestly say that I love the UI and its not lacking any features that I need. Just the apps I need and want. Dont know how that can change, but I can't wait forever.


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Jul 2, 2014
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I'm totally with you. Unfortunately I'm stuck in a contract and can't change, but I would've totally switched due to the lack of apps. At first I thought that it was fine that WP didn't have certain apps and that I'll just work around it, but now it's just getting annoying not to have the same things that Android or IOS has.


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Jul 26, 2013
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You could get the LG G3. It's an excellent phone if you must go to android.

I have had all 3 OSs and I like Windows Phone the best. My ranking would be 1. WP, 2. iOS, 3. Android and 4. Blackberry.


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Oct 5, 2013
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bb10 is actually a great option if you dont want the usual Android and ios.

They can run Android apps and you can basically download the Android app store client and download it like any other native app.

With the upcoming 10.3 update, their compatibitibility will be even better.
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